Boring logg, dont post more of this crap!, absolutely no skill involved also...
2002-02-01 16:15:04
Any word on whether or not port 23 will ever come back? I tried changing to 4242 on Powtty but I seemed to be firewalled. I imagine a ton of college folks are xp'ing the same crap.............
Any word from the folks at Mume on wtf happened??
2002-02-01 16:37:10
your own fault, trying to bash
2002-02-01 17:10:35
Rofl, a wee bit of bash spamming, eh ? :-) and about the port, am behind NAT & Firewall (two actually) and 4242 work's fine ...
2002-02-01 17:45:40
dude, you would have survived if you wouldnt have spammed so much and if you would have had a cure spell ; )
2002-02-02 00:05:41
Of cos burn are faster than bash... and quick bolts too.
I dont get why this *grim man* was eating bashes