You are a male Mountain Troll.
You are 34 years, 5 months, and 5 days old.
You have played 22 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Darksoul the Troll Warrior (level 10).
You are eight feet eleven and weigh sixty-two stone and seven pounds.
Perception: vision 20, hearing -15, smell -15. Alertness: normal.
You are totally corrupted by the Evilness of Morgoth!
Your equipment weighs seventy-seven pounds. A tad uncomfortable, but no
Your base abilities are: Str:24 Int:8 Wis:4 Dex:9 Con:21 Wil:17 Per:8.
Offensive Bonus: 103%, Dodging Bonus: 7%, Parrying Bonus: 7%.
Your armour provides an average protection of 33%.
You have 285/285 hit and 103/103 movement points.
Your mood is berserk.
You will fight to the death.
You have scored 345,961 experience points and you have 763 travel points.
You are not known for any acts of war.
You need 159,039 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 15 silver pennies and 4 copper pennies.
You are speaking Morbeth.