look what will happen if you have a problem.
i have been playing, and realized that i dont hear tells to me.
//We tried it with driagrin but i could not hear anything.
//I tried to narr, but no answer.
Driagrin (d) says 'try "pray I have a problem: blah-blah"'
* W C>pray i have probl, i dont hear tells to me
You send your prayer to the Ainur.
//long time no answer
//i was sure some Ainu would nor answer me by tell when i can not hear them.
* W C>pray is it posible to fix my probl?
You send your prayer to the Ainur.
* W C>
The voice of Yants whispers to you 'i already answerd that'
//I was wrong he answered me by tell before
* W C>pray i said i don't hear tells
You send your prayer to the Ainur.
// and then!!!
* W C>
Yants took away your ability to tell!
* W C>. Yants took away your ability to tell!
[say Yants took away your ability to tell!]
//then we tryed
* W C>
Driagrin (d) says 'try tell to me'
* W C>t driagrin aaaaabbb
You can't tell!
* W C>pray thanks wery wery much, my probl is solved, thanks ,bow
You send your prayer to the Ainur.
//he was so kind that i had to thank him
//and one more time