The way BN's PK those days
posted by Unknown
2002-02-24 02:09:25
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Horny for kill? you got it ... just that ow wasnt that mobrip?
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Unknown2002-02-24 02:38:33
Well... Bn's kill pukes.. the urge is so hard to resist so any way a puke dies is one pukes less. Bn's are vicious, backtrapping _evil_ people.. Take that of dont fight them..
Hate2002-02-24 02:43:36
I tell u and i wont tell u again. I though eat 2 quakes is enough to
get pkkill and not mobdead, so i blocked. I havent any reason to mobdie
a puke cos i dont get xp and i dont get trophy, and i burn every fucking good
stuff i meet on my way.
Hate2002-02-24 02:45:56
And im sure that you rock, that you are the best pkkiller ever, and you
can kill a legend puke with clue with my depression and my 91 max mana, and you dont need to block
shady to kill legends cos you have the most great balls on the univers and part of Spain but I CANT ok?.
Im not so good.
Porien2002-02-24 03:04:14
The best this you can do is mobrip all your chars to level one. nice you made first step.
Lomek2002-02-24 03:06:24
Atleast i avenged your death!
Astar2002-02-24 03:12:27
Ares, you are one of the few players in MUME who deserves such death. Not because of your playstyle, but because of your permanent whining and spamyelling complete bullshit. 99% of darkies that were online when you died, were veryvery happy that you mobdied. Sad, but true.
Hate2002-02-24 03:12:35
Eh.. forgot that part, cos i didnt saw you on trophy i though u managed to kill them so i was spamming south to jump on you, so i got stabbed :P
If you didnt mobdie fucker, i woulda lived!
David2002-02-24 03:21:16
cant say i feel sorry for you..
Deimus2002-02-24 03:35:38
you deserve this
Fredde2002-02-24 03:48:53
hjahaahahah this logs is to good to be true! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH to bad you wasent saurons listed and went to lvl 1 =/
Unknown2002-02-24 06:50:11
What can i say? p(Oguga) just sucks. Especially in PK.
Rogon2002-02-24 09:08:01
Looks like a bug to get mobdeath there.
faint2002-02-24 10:18:21
errr, i must agree with david, why wouldne he block there?
tho i know i woulda reentered after last quake and tried from inside but....
Unknown2002-02-24 10:28:18
Well it's nice to have birthday tho!
Gwendolyn2002-02-24 11:18:53
Well, i remember a certain player whining for reimb because he was blocked in by Gimilzor with cavebear... Did he get reimb? cant remember... but IF he got, Oguga deserves one too, no matter if popular player or not.
Manatark2002-02-24 12:20:38
Now why did I think that this was fixed? My bn did the same thing to Gothmog's puke and he got mobdeath just because I had been unable to get one single hp off him before he came after hurt me and quaked at demons. Cunning coding! You are in pk mode only when you take dmg.
humala2002-02-24 12:35:22
"the way bns pk", wasn't it _you_ who walked in there or did i miss something? don't blame others being lame or whatever if you fuck up yourself.
lehto2002-02-24 12:52:05
this is not a bug.
Jätte2002-02-24 13:38:29
I payed Hate with 1 ruby to get your scalp! It was a nice kill! Please mobrip more of yer chars!
Ramangth2002-02-24 15:19:23
Gee, I feel so sorry for your stored-spell overkilling lame ass. I shed a tear.
Ramangth2002-02-24 15:19:38
Stored-sleep rather. I shed another.
Rogon2002-02-24 15:39:09
I agree with ramangth, sure looked like a brutal overkill attempt to me too.
Rotmos2002-02-24 15:42:49
You deserved it :/
Cagim2002-02-24 16:17:50
I enoyed this log!
Unknown2002-02-24 19:05:55
Doesn't everyone here just love Oguga ?
Wiseguy2002-02-24 19:12:02
You entered you died next time dont take a risk if you havent taken any dam from enemy. -fountain of wisdom!
Mortis2002-02-24 20:40:19
Oguga deserved this.
Well2002-02-24 23:41:50
I'd pull the same move anytime, and would have years ago too. Wouldn't have thought you'd mobrip today though. Comforts on that.
Unknown2002-02-25 08:33:41
20wil? 9per? wtf?
Dera2002-02-25 18:29:52
I don't think he deserved it. And if it was YOU instead of him dying there, wouldn't you be the one whining now? And i won't believe you if you said to yourself and others after this that 'you were stupid to go there and you suck'.
Shitty death tho aye :(
Unknown2002-02-26 09:31:08
Piss off hate. I have played normally (not spamloot , dont burn corpses, dont make mobdeaths, sometimes dont kill - just rpg) but if i meet u next time then your corpse will burned and i do best to make u think about mume ethics.
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