Bragollach the funny BN
posted by Klik
2002-03-07 06:02:16
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NOTE!!!!!!2002-03-07 06:16:57
Note for future, a dead darkie is a good darkie.
bragollach2002-03-07 06:48:26
Well, if I see higher level targets that want to enter somewhere blockable
to xp, I kill them, but as it was, I used the best way I knew to kill you.
Some 10 lowbies killed today in a couple of hours of playtime
And some 10 different players chasing me around bree/fornost during that time
plus who knows how many rangers
Unknown2002-03-07 08:40:18
Horrible way to play I say. There is no excuse for those deaths of innocent newbies Bragollach. You should be demoted for that!
Thrur2002-03-07 10:15:58
You will die eventually.*pfft*
Err2002-03-07 10:47:54
Are you actually bragging over beeing able to kill 10 lowbies in hours of playing time?.. fun. :)
Sin2002-03-07 12:03:55
I believe Bragollach ment "Where's the big targets?" and while waiting for more challenging fights he enjoyed freeing Arda from some small debris..
Oscarmeyer2002-03-07 14:38:20
I often find myself forced to kill newbies to prevent them from screwing up the tracks of my other targets.
Unknown2002-03-07 15:31:54
Ehrm anyone come up with a good reason as to *why* newbies/lowbies (of any side) should be spared?
Nerf2002-03-07 16:02:59
Yeah, 1st unknown shut the hell up
Nanakia/Nanakai2002-03-07 16:31:47
yea newbies/lowbies of both sides should be spared so that they can give you a more interesting fight later when they stronger/smarter and they will praise you!!
Isuldir2002-03-07 17:57:31
You should at least not loot their corpse.
One in ten2002-03-07 21:08:32
Whooa ! Deja vu . I never knew his name though, I never HEARD THE RANGERS EARLIER.
Doh ! *bonk self*
WANTS U DEAD2002-03-07 23:33:10
Unkown2002-03-07 23:36:03
Bragollach you're a clueless moron. If you spared the newbies then you wouldn't have to whine that there aren't big targets, or maybe you are just saying that you want bigger targets, when in truth, you'd rather kill newbies because you're a coward.
Think2002-03-08 00:44:06
So newbies wont give good fights when they are higher if they get killed as lowbies? Damn didn't know that.
Bragollach2002-03-08 03:48:06
To that last unkown, as you spell it, first, put your name to an accusation of
cowardice if you want it to have any meaning. Second, I regularly block
myself in with multiple hero or legend level players, and sometimes I die in the
process. Sparing newbies would not increase the number of new targets.
As a newbie learning on an elf mage, I loved darkie raids, especially solo
darkies. I think newbies today are too soft because the ranger def has been
increased. Whoever you are, I'd like to see your puke caster block himself in
with me, I might win even if you had a staff, but I sure wouldn't mind finding
out who would win. Assuming you didn't call backup that is.
tramd2002-03-08 19:50:11
i think unkown needs to shut up its war anything gos if you cant handle it find a new game
where people place nice
doh!2002-03-09 00:49:28
always spam away when u see opposition... unless u got shining or shit like that
Unknown because2002-03-09 01:43:39
The only accusation I made was that you were a clueless moron, or did you not realize it was a hypothetical statement clearly shown by the "maybe"?

I did not say newbies will never give good fights later on. But many will quit when overkilled at level 3, because it is just not fun to have to spend 2 hours to get back to where you were as a low-level. For a Legend it's nothing, just sit in Rivendell spam-narrate you need eq and you'll get something eventually.
I don't play mages, I play warriors. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have to re-eq from scratch because some *dreadfull orc* decided it was a good idea to stab your linkless warrior and then loot it all? Not to mention that losing a level at level 9 REALLY hurts compared to level fifty-something. So the more newbies you kill, the longer it takes for worthy targets to come out and play.

Tramd, maybe you need to shut up and find a new game where people jerks nice.
I play MUME because it's MULTI-USER MIDDLE-EARTH, not multi-user frag-a-thon-jerks-r-us.
Ujo2002-03-09 08:23:38
If you know anything about mume you can get yourself setted as solo warrior easy enough. Ofcourse you can't get maxsetted unless you have nice friends but set where you can fight is easy enough to get.
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