Then after this I stab Morphine to bad, pierce him to awful...and he bloodlacks before I can find him :( 2 decent kills (morphine was with Lowyn and Kelso), and 0 xp for them :(
2002-03-09 08:06:32
2002-03-09 08:20:54
If you gain wps, then it's not mobdeath I believe.
2002-03-09 10:37:56
i didnt mobdie, wouln't care if i did. When i come to tharbad i come to die and have some fun in the process.
2002-03-09 14:27:30
Well, I doubt you had fun when you came later and we horribly overkilled you :(
Or does a group of 5 where 3 are level 15 or lower count as overkill?