MUME NEWS 1830: Bears
posted by Frór
2002-03-18 06:17:02
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Bears have undergone the following changes:

  - They can no longer wear items "on head" or "on body".

  - They gained some mobility and OB.

  - Beornings can try to metamorph even during a fight. Items that are not
    compatible with bear shape are removed automatically (unless they are

  - It is now easier for Bears to tell Dúnadan, Rohir and Eriadorian Men apart
    from Black Númenóreans.
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Ertai2002-03-18 09:09:39
total crap;):P
e2002-03-18 09:36:04
fuck u ertai
Ertai2002-03-18 13:56:51
Bears are NOT crab... changes...that on body and on head.....
Ertai2002-03-18 13:57:02
Yogi2002-03-18 14:04:54
I am neither crab nor crap. I am bear, hear me roar!!!
Smartass2002-03-18 16:24:51
Blow my whistle babe!
Thalantyr2002-03-18 17:48:55
What ob they gained ?
sepharoth2002-03-18 18:17:55
sepharoth2002-03-18 18:18:39
how long can bears stay in the bear form
30 min2002-03-18 18:41:15
Yogi2002-03-18 18:49:59
Me and Boo Boo been bears for nye on 75 years or so now, so I guess it can go on damn near forever.
Yogi2002-03-18 18:51:33
Although, techinically speaking, Boo Boo is more half-bear and half dwarf. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Kemmler2002-03-18 20:33:31
Remove the PB minuses on beornings damnit!
Sandor2002-03-18 20:52:13
Get a clue, Kemmler. If you want to get rid of the pb-penalty and the metamorph ability - tell testbot eriadorian. If you made your beorning after the change, you brought it on yourself. As a sidenote: bears got 5 extra ob. As long as they stay near the carrock, beornings can be bears for as long as they like.
Kemmler2002-03-18 21:14:05
Thanks for the clue..
Kitto2002-03-18 23:16:25
Think about it. Bears don't have PB because they have little disregard for personal safety. Just as in The Hobbit, where Beorn charged orcs to get Thorin, he didn't care about the number of orcs that were there. Therefore, PB splitting wasn't an issue. They just go berserk.
Mulgrim2002-03-19 02:36:04
Bear bash should be changed to ... a bear hug that does same thing as bash ... mostly for role play effect ... would be kewl.
Yogi2002-03-19 03:19:10
Forget that crap Mulgrim, I ain't huggin' no orcs. Ain't gonna do it, no way, end of discussion.
booboo2002-03-19 04:33:12
let me get this straight... cant wear helm or cloak... and give bears a couple more moves and 5 percent OB... actually 4percent since most bears been wearing horned helmet... so now their move regen sucks withought fgc all for a few moves and 4 percent OB?
i dont get it, if you want to improve bear make them eff vs orcs like trolls are eff vs hobbits. then you would see actual fear on the part of the orcs like it should be... after all billion of orcs wouldnt go near beorn's land in the books, and he was just 1.
*a Thinking Ind2002-03-19 07:30:44
Good Lord most of you people are pathetic
Eletherion2002-03-19 11:41:41
sucky change , i'm level 47 bear with ob 120 rofl
Grimbor2002-03-19 15:55:43
*nod* I am level 26 with 120 ob near the carrock. Thanks for the update Eletherion. There's absolutely no reason for me to try and level my bear up. RETIRE HO!
Mulgrim2002-03-19 20:26:14
Are you sure it's the cloak we cant wear anymore or maybe just bodyarmour? I'm thinking they took away breastplate/helmet [ie abs] and gave more ob, more moves ... am I right or wrong anyone? I have not bothered testing it.
Kitto2002-03-20 01:15:47
Yes bears still need some improving if they are to become a force in MUME. Bears can wear cloaks, and belts, and that's it.
Unknown2002-03-21 02:38:58
Mulgrim's right. Bears can still wear ABOUT body, just not ON body (cloaks, furst, etc still wearable.)Also belts and neck shit.
Unknown2002-03-21 02:46:35
Bears going berserk? Why bother? No +ob and no pb at all...
Raspy2002-03-21 18:39:35
Da Bears
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