Dip does Sophie from behind
posted by Dip
2002-03-19 13:15:53
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Dip does Sophie from behind
* W C>m
           Map of Nearby Zones
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* W C>
You see some smoke southeast. <====== Hmm, someone burning something
                                      I had better check this out

* W C>wl
weather local
It's a warm day, the sky looks like rain, and the temperature here is warm.
You can feel a strong wind coming from the north.

* W C>zone
You carefully look around you.
You see some smoke southeast.

* W C>sn
Ok, you'll try to move silently for a while. <===== Without track one has to be extra carefull =)

* W S C>v
Players in your zone
Dip                  - High Plains

<===== Ok, not a zorc burning things then... lets see if whoever it is
       is stabable *smirk*

* W S C>pweapon
You stop using a broadsword.
You awkwardly wield a nasty orkish fang, looking very evil-minded.

* W S C>e
Green Fields
Exits: east, south, west.

* W S C>e
Lower Slopes of the Misty Mountains
Exits: east, west.

* W S C>e
Lower Slopes of the Misty Mountains
Exits: east, south, west.

* W S C>e
Lower Slopes of the Misty Mountains
Exits: south, west.
You suddenly notice a Dunlending trapper.

* W S C>s
Green Fields
Exits: north, east, south, west.

* W S C>zone
You carefully look around you.
You see some smoke southeast.

* W S C>s
Trail beside a Small Stream
Exits: north, east, south, west.

* W S C>e
Ruins near the Emergence of an Underground Stream
Exits: north, east, west.

* W S C>zone
You carefully look around you.
You see some smoke southeast.

* W S C>e
A Hill with some Ruins
Exits: north, east, west.

* W S C>zone
You carefully look around you.
You see some smoke southeast.

* W S C>e
Fields on the Lower Misty Mountains
Exits: north, west.

* W S C>zone
You carefully look around you.
You see some smoke south.

<===== Ok, the enemy is in the black horn shortbow area
       so he (if he's solo) is probably hurt abit!

* W S C>oo undergroth
* W S C>oo undergrowth
* W S C>zone
You carefully look around you.
You see some smoke south.

* W S C>open undergrowth

* W S C>s
Moving up the slope is really hard.
Path on the Slope of the Misty Mountains
A small bow, made of a dark wood, lies here.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
Exits: (north), east, up.

* W S C>close undergrowth

* W S C>e
Moving up the slope is really hard.
Path in the Misty Mountains
Exits: south, west.

* W S C>s
Moving up the slope is really hard.
In the Misty Mountains
Exits: north, [east].

* W S C>n
Path in the Misty Mountains
Exits: south, west.

* W S C>w
Path on the Slope of the Misty Mountains
A small bow, made of a dark wood, lies here.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
Exits: [north], east, up.

* W S C>u
High in the Mountains
A rock lizard is here, motionless as it observes you.
Exits: south, down.

* W S C>s
In the Mountain Heights
A small campfire burns here, its low flames giving off only a little light.
A rock lizard is here, motionless as it observes you.
*a grim Woman* is SLEEPING here. <============== Muuuuuuuuuuuuuhahaahaha
Exits: north, down.

* W S C>n
High in the Mountains
A rock lizard is here, motionless as it observes you.
Exits: south, down.

* W S C>tt woman
* W S C>s

In the Mountain Heights
A small campfire burns here, its low flames giving off only a little light.
A rock lizard is here, motionless as it observes you.
*a grim Woman* is SLEEPING here.
Exits: north, down.

* W S C>
You attempt to hide yourself.

backstab woman

* W S C>
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

*a grim Woman* makes a strange sound, as you place a nasty orkish fang in her
*a grim Woman* is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

* W S C *a grim Woman*:Awful>
You pierce *a grim Woman*'s head extremely hard and shatter it.
You feel more experienced.
Congratulations! This is the first time you've killed it!
You gained some renown in this battle!
Your blood freezes as you hear *Sophia the Black Numenorean*'s death cry.
*Sophia the Black Numenorean* has drawn her last breath! R.I.P.

* W S C>ec
corpse (here) :
a pile of coins
a quiver
a lantern
a plain leather belt
a nasty orkish fang (brand new)
a keyring
a forest green cloak (worn out)
a black metal shield (worn out)
a pair of soft leather sleeves (brand new)
a thin pair of leather gloves (used)
a pair of smooth, black boots
a brown pair of pants (used)
a green hood (brand new)
a plain shirt (used)
a lembas wafer
a lembas wafer
a small bottle
a flask of orkish draught
a flask of orkish draught

* W S C>nar sophia dies


Well, nice to find sleeping hurt bns as a level 17 zorc 
without track when you are out xping =))) Of course it didn't
hurt that he had boots and draughts also which i lacked.

On my way from that kill i passed 6 other enemies, which saw
me, but for some reason didn't hunt me. Must have been something
other big thing going on we zorcs wasn't part of.

You can all look forward to alot of kills and deaths
by this little orc in the future... AFTER he finds the time to
get track!
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Téar2002-03-19 13:47:32
comf sophia...spela svajne!
Ethne2002-03-19 15:18:29
dip dies! *nod self*
Steele2002-03-19 15:49:18
Reason they didn't hunt you is because of the consistent behaviour of these pesky zorc thieves. Not that there's anything wrong with your insta looping hiding behaviour but from the aggressor's end it's just not fun chasing the likes of yas :)
nilon2002-03-19 16:14:43
faint2002-03-19 17:10:25
ok first of all, it is sophiA A .... E not the first to write wrong.
and second the draughts was from your zorc friend aroudn eoghha that i killed on the way down here.. and third i was bad armourless and i had tracked liek 5 places on way tru at corpses and crossings but no tracks so , nice luck you had finding me but no skill at all so why post log?
nilon2002-03-19 17:31:29
blubber mouth2002-03-19 18:45:01
you are just jelous that he killed your sorry ass sophiA
Bagab2002-03-19 18:48:32
Sophia not to bright, i did the same thing to her ngate of tbad with the guards there....
faint2002-03-19 19:36:43
ok blubber talking about what? what am i jelous about?
ofcourse id rather kill him then get killed but all i said was that it was pure lluck and no skill, well some area knowlige maybe..

and bagab did what to me n gate tbad?
musta been ages ago or smt
blubber mouth2002-03-19 23:15:16
just face it, you are DUMB!!!!!
pinion2002-03-20 00:25:50
must admit the log showed no skill whatsoever, but the title just rocks!
Nak2002-03-20 11:55:11
Omg, I died twice to portaltrap during my time at DT, I must be pretty dumb too!
Khad2002-03-20 19:43:21
You also said "why post log". I think the answer is pretty clear. It's fun to get a good kill due to luck. That's a compliment, Faint, you're a good kill. :)
faint2002-03-20 21:18:33
hmm, well thanx khad, BUT! he wrote log like it was something to be proud of, not to laugh about, and i dont think it was ironoc written either so i dont see how it makes any sence lhad, sorry=P anyway, i am glad to make some people happy with my dyingskills =)
Dip2002-03-24 13:16:54
Laugh, you think I'm EVER serious while I play mume? =))) Well, the best kills are when people get mad at you for killing them. You made it all worth my while posting the long by getting all excited!
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