The untimely death of Mortis.
posted by Syyvikstia
2002-03-30 04:03:53
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Me and group exping a little bit in eregion/greenway when we spot a grim. He put
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grunge2002-03-30 04:49:07
i must be retarded but why didn't you loot the brd and bhsb? or did you loot the wrong corpse or? or?
Syyvikstia2002-03-30 05:04:33
Hard to see but there were two bns.. the bn we were fighting (oscarmeyer) for a while had the brd.. he fled, and started fighting leran. Mortis was there when we went west and he was the one who ripped. Wish it were oscar :-/..
Syyvikstia2002-03-30 05:10:16
Actually scratch that.. there was only one bn at a time but when we went west there was a different bn than before. odd stuff... im a little confused about that myself
Hate2002-03-30 05:53:42
Oh god, u sucked. Hero puke should kill a bn solo!
Ethar2002-03-30 07:10:48
i bet you dont get targeted by name much. second of all awful log
Ethar2002-03-30 07:14:51
actually ill apologize- i didnt really read the log :P congrats on the kill as long as it was fun for you it just wasn't very entertaining :p but carry on i guess...
Mortis2002-03-30 07:55:37
I knew exactly your levels.
Tingul2002-03-30 08:07:44
We weren't out to pk. We were just xping and playing around. Half the people in our group have never done much pk. I see why it's pointless to post, but no need to flame over us killing him for attacking us.
Uber2002-03-30 09:45:36
My guess is with bn luck, that lightly pierce dropped armour (i'm assuming most bn thieves also use armour spell) then the bolt +fireball happened insta after that with no los:/
Mortis2002-03-30 10:45:46
I am not thief, I am mage. Uber is right, i got from hurt to dead in like 1 sec.
Tingul2002-03-30 15:46:49
I got los like 3 times before that actually =-p 4th times a charm?
Oscarmeyer2002-03-30 19:14:30
First, I was the bn in tbad, not Mortis (he was wanted). Second, you didn't really track very hard, since I went out north gate and you went out south :P Mortis didn't think you were newbies: I had told him every one of your names, and the visible levels some of you had.

The only reason you didn't die was Leran's quickbolts. They did a range of 50-65 hp dam on the 3 or so bolts he landed in our brief scuffle. Then later I tried to fight him solo (he level 21 mage), and he hit me with another 70 hp bolt (I had depression thanks to backfire). Also, it's not that I'm no good with a bow, it's just hard to spam shoot while fighting a piercer and 2 quickbolters with any hope of getting more than 1-2 arrows in. The reason Mortis was in room and not me is that since I was in an open area I prespam a few dirs after I type flee...this compensates a little for my slow link. Unfortunately for Mortis, I fled right into his room :P
Imrovel2002-03-30 19:38:04
Danmit, I just rented from that group about like 10 minutes before this happened, I wish I was still there to get the exp :(
Syyvikstia2002-03-31 07:02:16
I dont see why people complain about my name. When I created this char, about 5 people congradulated me within 10 minutes on a great name. What is so hard about it? Easy to pronounce, easy to type... if you cant type it take some typing lessons
Syyvikstia2002-03-31 07:07:59
In response to Oscarmeyer.. nods, the whole situation was kinda confusing, because I didn't see your name until I got the mortis kill, and beforehand I thought that there was only one bn around.. and.. when we went out the south gate we were just going to cutthroat, not really pking. And yeah.. most of the log was you and then the last part was mortis.. gets kinda confusing when you don't have wps or can't see names.
Oscarmeyer2002-04-02 01:00:45
Well, actually the thought had crossed my mind after I saw Mortis had died that maybe you didn't realize we were 2 bns. Too bad you all were clueful enough to keep searching afterwards :(
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