Stabber's worst nightmare
posted by Hobby
2002-04-19 08:11:23
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only a few k to level so decide to take on witch. All is going well and she's wo
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Hobby2002-04-19 08:13:16
It's a risk you take I suppose. Oh well.
Hobby you goon2002-04-19 08:17:27
Haha, slow link kills!
FUCK YOU2002-04-19 08:44:43
An Estonian2002-04-19 08:57:44
me thinks hobby is no estonian because we estonians bestest players and we no die! estonia bestest country!
Hobby2002-04-19 09:13:59
'FUCK YOU', write under your own name pussy.
Hobby's cousin2002-04-19 09:37:07
Duh, me no talk here anymore, me go shag some texas cows.
Hobby2002-04-19 09:51:30
Again: If you can't write anything sensible under your own characters name, don't plague mume with your stupidity.
Sharmak2002-04-19 10:07:13
An estonian should be bansited from here :P And some1 should chek if he is from estonia??
Syyvikstia2002-04-19 10:44:43
God this anonymous posting crap is what makes elvenrunes so much more enjoyable.. comf on the dead hobby
Syyvikstia2002-04-19 10:44:53
Syyvikstia2002-04-19 10:46:01
BTW learn to speak english you goons.. if your trying to make fun of someone, at least use correct english? shows how uneducated you are
Unknown2002-04-19 11:27:35
Yah, sux ass badly.
Valkyrie2002-04-19 12:12:48
2 minute global freeze, i mobripped in there, no reimburse
haven't been there in 12 levels now
An Estonian2002-04-19 14:34:25
me estonian think you need to become estonian. you become estonian mean you have fast link. everypersons know estonia have fastest link because we bestest country!
An another Esto2002-04-19 15:04:59
maybe..good link that's true!and about country...I LOVE IT:)
An Estonian2002-04-19 15:14:50
every estonian loves estonia! me estonia think second world country mean bestest country world. estonia strongest army. estonia bestest computer games. estonia money used all over world. everypersons know estonia bestest. also everypersons know estonians spoke english goodly.
*a historian*2002-04-19 15:40:22
doing some research i have found out that estonia is a country which has been conquered numerous times. estonia seems to have a grand total of 28 isp's which is shocking to say the least. i dont understand how in the world such a poor ass country can afford computers let along internet access. i guess if you are conquered enough times then the people in charge of the country will feel pity and toss some coins over to the peasants. guess the peasants saved enough coins to afford a computer. given enough time and support by superior countries (the list is quite long since most countries are superior) then estonia will break free of its second world status. keep it up guys! maybe another 150-200 years and you can have tvs in most homes :)
*an economist*2002-04-19 16:23:00
estonia has one of the world's weakest economy. i would rank it down there with somalia and fiji. if estonia was somehow wiped off the earth the world economy would not suffer one bit. there are some people who think that the world economy would improve because they wouldnt have to worry about the cash hole known as estonia.
*a military adv2002-04-19 16:31:00
after careful deliberation over estonia it is my humble opinion that this country is truly a weak nation. they have a saying in estonia. surrender at all cost. their military or lack thereof is using outdated technology. sticks and stones were ok back in 400bc but it isnt effective nowdays. seems that nobody wants to take over estonia because it is such a troubled country with its uneducated citizens and all.
Tec2002-04-19 17:51:08
Am i the only one that enjoys reading *an Estonians* comments? i think they are rather funny... haha, *a historian* lol.... Me speak english goodly, i think i might just put that in my whois....
Pasha2002-04-20 00:13:06
why do you hate estonia?
Fredde2002-04-20 12:17:24
My bets are that an estonian or some gay teen american.
Fredde2002-04-20 12:17:52
an estonian IS some blablabl
YO MAINTAINERS!2002-04-20 12:37:40
*FROWNS*2002-04-20 19:09:29
I'm not estonian, but i think that *a historian* is a poor lame retarded racist teen. For sure he made all that up, i don't think he is able to use a search engine. Prolly the only 2 sites he knows are and Let alone going to a library...
*NODS*2002-04-20 19:10:17
*nod FROWNS*
An Estonian2002-04-22 14:34:39
me estonian think historian, military advisor, economist very badly persons. they say estonia badly country but estonia bestest! i show estonia bestest all the time.
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