Some Zaugurz fun
posted by Griznark
2002-05-06 17:55:22
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lehto2002-05-06 18:23:56
oh please
Fredde2002-05-06 18:42:40
and i thought zorc race was for really experienced players. i must have missed something.
Pasha2002-05-06 18:51:29
the log speaks for itself???
orden2002-05-06 19:05:28
My teacher just asked me why i was snoring in class.
He also asked why i was playing that f***ing game.
he is a hippocrite in class ;)
Unknown2002-05-06 19:44:55
Delete the fucking log
Bornack2002-05-06 20:21:28
erm, is it just me? or can anyone figgure out the purpose of the log ?
orden2002-05-06 21:15:20
I was pondering the many *cough* possibilities of this, and came to two conclusions 1:This log blows 2:Torcs vs Zorcs in a warrior-style fight will prevail (almost) everytime !
*o-yeah, every1 knows that allready :/
GORETONGUE2002-05-08 09:03:16
5 stars
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