Kill stealers!
posted by Glaref
2002-05-07 22:04:57
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Belemoth dies.
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Emanthyr2002-05-07 22:05:38
Sáin narrates 'he just walks in , steals kill, spam loots , they spam e'
uhhh2002-05-07 22:11:02
ok well u missed the part about banal using all his mana on belemoth
and the orcs beating the crap out of him so when he was icy and wounded he went n a few to get some more mana
2 dispels to kill max setted spellsave crap belemoth?
who do you think did all the work to get him that low... sain's group
but whatever, at least give some credit to the other group
No-one2002-05-07 22:37:07
Elvenrunes is better because you have colours and ratings and no garbage logs and comments.
Khazir to No-on2002-05-07 23:19:44
How about you stay the fuck away from this site with your garbage comments? ER is a site run by arrogant people for other arrogant people. You're honouring a website that condones censorship, and wouldn't even allow you making that remark under threath of deleting your account. What's even more funny is that even with the arrogant attitude displayed by a part of MUMErs, the vast majority still read any and all logs posted. This site would be a lot better if people like you AND them just stuck to ER. So would you please?
Yanwe2002-05-08 00:00:01
Are you fucking kidding Khazir? You call them arrogant just for using
accounts and passwords? That website was created on the premise of having
a site free of unknowns and logs titled '10 orcs die' and then having
2 pages of racial slurs. If you think that Elvenrunes was created for
people to be better than others, you are truly ignorant.
Thoren2002-05-08 00:46:58
Well aint one dispel and a slash incap kind of walking in stealing kill and leaving? I am sure that was not a 400hps dispel and slash. belemoth is warrior right? :) The how point of the things was refussing to split equip with sain and his group
*a female*2002-05-08 00:52:37
Even though Sain hates me cause I'm female...his group should been on eq loot imo which is worth nothing :P
Khazir2002-05-08 01:07:14
Actually that wasn't the reason I called them arrogant, Yanwe. But let's just leave it at that, shall we?
Glaref2002-05-08 01:36:47
Thoren chek the log again
Iluvator2002-05-08 02:25:28
Yeap, your right Glaref...he missed one harm. So, if he was healthy...400 hits...little low, but still. -40 for 360, that means a 200 harm and 160 dispel. Yeah, sure you did all the damage.
Manaja2002-05-08 02:56:05
I always thought kill stealing is when you hit someone that is already incapped.

Yeah sure they did damage belemoth but the tricky part isn't damaging someone, the tricky part is damaging someone to death.

Thoren2002-05-08 03:18:18
I did check log. As you call on ancient powers, *Morsh the Orc* twists in great pain.
and dispel at incap dont count either.
Thoren2002-05-08 03:19:47
And i didnt say they shouldnt have helped but i do think that loot should have been split evenly and not traded latter by ppl that couldnt even use it.
Unknown2002-05-08 07:59:07
There were 2 harms a dispel and a poison slashm you illiterate fucks
To Unknown2002-05-08 08:25:25
One harm went to Morsh you moron
Rask2002-05-08 08:44:59
let me guess sain claimed something he couldnt use so he could trade it later...
*Giggle*2002-05-08 12:24:50
Never let Sain claim loot he didn't earn or loot whatsoever, he poisons narrate chanel with his trade-offers for days!
Unknown2002-05-08 21:02:29
Khazir was probably referring to the Tulkas log that they deleted.
faint2002-05-09 09:19:19
i dont get it
Fankil2002-05-09 14:42:21
Jeah, much of a log when you show half of it. The three whities was fighting the orcs before you came.
GLaref2002-05-10 02:30:24
They told us that we stole the kill
Deimus2002-05-10 10:16:12
Sain is a silly whiner, good job glaref group.
Tulkas2002-05-11 02:09:48
Par par.
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