No Wolfpack Nightmares for Horse
posted by Khakis
2002-05-19 23:15:57
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Just thought it was funny... spare the horse from witnessing the carnage...
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Arnoc2002-05-19 23:41:56
ummmm yaaa
Shadrach2002-05-20 00:29:34
I dread the follow up on this, blinded squirrels, hedgehogs bla bla.
Khakis2002-05-20 00:58:44
Obviously Sildur had some strange bindings... How on Arda someone could blind their horse instead of 21 more important targets is interesting. I know people do strange things in pk spam, but did not know it happens in mob spam also >)
Sin2002-05-20 02:25:45
Easy.. They prolly heard of wolf pack and wanted to blind 'pack leader' so he chose to blind 'pack'.. Poor horse had nothing to do with it :)
Silmin2002-05-20 03:07:54
3 new citizens actually... Shire doesnt allow evil souls to become citizens sadly... Going to take awhile to become a citizen of shire for me.
Khakis2002-05-20 03:55:54
I don't think backstabbing the Secretary helped your cause any *LOL* ...
Rayden2002-05-20 10:06:15
oh well.. i think Sildur wanted to blind PACK leader, well.. unfortunately wolves dont have a keyword 'pack'. anyway, i think me, Khakis and Sildur deserved the citizenship, and i think it was the waste of fur to give it to Silmin. I wonder why he didn't get Elberethed :/
Sakumm2002-05-20 14:22:10
yeah, i could use this fur instead :P
Edvard2002-05-21 03:05:09
Could have been a cool log if u RP'ed it, removed all silly non rp stuff, and wrote it in a cool way...... this just sucked
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