no pk, someone who should leave mume
posted by Perran
2002-06-29 06:14:30
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sad but true. flame away
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another char2002-06-29 07:37:58
btw...he's also Tangoman
Unknown2002-06-29 07:59:44
Let it go, just ignore him!
BULL2002-06-29 08:43:09
How you ignore someone who only doesn't spam(whine) but also screws your fun via looting ownside corpse and samesiding?? DUDE, this guy is either 10 years old or mentally ill or both and his new isp should get banned aswell *pffft* I mean cmon guy got actually chance to prove himself from good point with new isp (no bad records whatsoever) but he still acts like tinky winky with his expwhine.
Zigilhim2002-06-29 10:11:50
uhh so tangoman ios longo!....after his spam clever advices on narrate i thought he reminded me someone;) and yeah just ignore this dick will be easier for all of us..dont how about u but i dont realy want anoth "The End." post on from him(thou first one was fun:))
Beleghir2002-06-29 10:54:20
hell, I've played for 3, yes 3 fucking years, and I got my first hero like 3 months ago, and I haven't been bitchin' or whinin'. I've also met this mumer that has been playing for like 4 years and he hasn't even gotten to hero lvl yet. p(Longo) needs to stop his gay ass bitchin'!
Thrur2002-06-29 11:11:05
*nod* Beleghir I know guy who has been playing like from 96 (he stoped like year ago as I know) and his max lvl was 12 - still he was having fun. damn whiners are only to be ignored.
Pope2002-06-29 16:44:34

If you cant find your bash key, just type 'bash' ;P
Bloodthirsty2002-06-29 18:08:12
I don't want to ignore him - I want to kill him!
Unknown2002-06-29 19:45:20
What's sad if he keeps this up...he's going to end up getting bansited again, which is going to end up kicking other good players off another isp. :(
Korf2002-06-29 21:53:26
since '96 and highest is level 12? jesus, and i thought i sucked at MUME...
Ertai (whining2002-06-29 22:45:59
MUME is because of fun...and if U need more levels U get-->some ppl love to be on 12 and thats much fun..and more fun U want more levels ppl get new options and so on..(I made char....played until bored..but name was cool:D*LOL @ me* then I didn't play with that char.waited made same named char..had some fun...Im doing it 4time now)
but fcking whiners......I wanna go for exp-----> please I wanna go with U to exp...fcking hate that..not that I hate..but if someone don't wanna go..that's his VETO-right..damn....btw....many people love to exp solo..(like me:D)
and fcking Tangoman:) I thought who was that.....I typed for fun( and cause Im psycho too*LOL*) sing: All what I need is LOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE...and shining set.....
then he told me to shut up:D
then Humala typed something also in sing channels....again that guy replied: shut up...
I hate U and so on..
and all who used singing he whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and whined etc---> fcking fool cannot be.....I wanna met that guy IRL...btw he even narrated that he going to beat someone up:D.
fcking dog...dogs are smarter..damn if he makes warriors etc--->even mages...PUT INT MINIMUM THEN Ur ROLEPLAY IS THE BEST!..P.S. make orc...then its more fun...ah...Ur not experienced player...

Btw...good night...and I hope that he's going to play some other we can talk..what Ur playing....MUME...and U?...Stonia...hmm....we got so much fun every session...but we got Longo!....who's Longo? U DONT KNOW LONGO?!he is about same fameous like Norsu the Greenskin:D
goodie nighty...
sorry to waste Ur space...and made such a lowbie-minde comment..start was good..finishing bad...
showed *A Whining Boy* style...
Ertai2002-06-29 22:47:23
Btw U should leave or someone else...Didn't get the point....sorry:(
Not Estonian2002-06-30 20:39:00
Not Estonian Ei2002-06-30 20:43:47
Last Estonian2002-06-30 20:44:45
Cabal2002-06-30 21:53:40
I've been playing for less than a year now. I got my first Hero whitie about
3 months ago and about 18 of the 21 levels I got by myself. I can make the
first 12 levels of whitie very fast, about a day or two. I can also make a
shit load of gold; it takes time but I can make much more than I would ever need.
I realize most experienced players would not find this impressive, and I'm not
writing this to impress anyone. I am simply stating all of this to try and
convince (and encourage) people that are having a hard time playing MUME that
this is not some kind of impossible game. It is VERY possible and fun if
you just relax and take the time to learn. Getting a high level whitie is
all about area knowledge - and nothing else. Link doesn't matter because
you don't need to PK to get Hero or Legend. Actually I'd have to say area
knowledge is about 90% of what you need, the other 10% being attitude with
other people. Every once in a while you will need help from other people.
If your attitude sucks, people will be less likely to help you.
This is where Longo/Tangoman/Baldrick/etc has failed. He doesn't take the
time to learn areas and he has one of the poorest attitudes on MUME.
BTW, I'm sure I could have gotten my hero much faster but I am a full time
engineering student and I work part time. I also took a break from MUME
for about 3 months. I guestimate that I could of had my hero in about 4 months.
I think that's a realistic time for anyone that has is brand new to MUME
and takes the time to learn areas and develop good relationships with other

Just my $0.02
Surt2002-07-01 22:10:11
Personally i dislike chars whining for others to help them xp. I reached hero today, after a month of playing mume, and i did xp a lot of the time alone. My other chars (lvl 15 mage, a level 13 scout, a level 12 cleric) prefer also xping alone. The point to find a group, if you have no labfriends, is: Roleplay. And: always be friendly to other chars - the lowbie who asks you to help him leveling may be a lowbie char, but you never know who is the player. But he will remember your name, if he is playing his legend.
Maal2002-07-02 10:29:04
Took you almost 3 years to get your first Hero? rofl
Gak2002-07-04 18:44:39
Bree ppl !!!! that says enough
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