Standard .au day
posted by Erkzup
2002-07-01 13:48:39
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Temegl2002-07-01 13:49:58
Doesn't seem so obvious as I read it, but sigh, ask even now dragoth, I always ask soemone about link :P fnu.
Shadrach2002-07-01 14:14:38
Well DONT play without 10ms link damn newbie!
Temegl2002-07-01 14:21:53
Btw this was with about 2000ms average :P with 12.5% pl also :P
rhand2002-07-01 15:38:33
Sorry erkzup...when ye dead we figured it...we left eq...tragikomix saw yer shadow and dragoth and his group was around so we thought they would loot...they didnt :P
Rza2002-07-01 16:02:39
2000ms?! how thew fuck do you get so fast?! fuck you cunt come play at my joint
Rza2002-07-01 16:03:29
and rhand, you can fuck yourself, killing is poor lagged aussies like that, what the fuck are you doing1
Omega2002-07-02 03:43:39
Just an average whine log....
Gamli2002-07-02 06:23:43
Seethe's version of this same log was better
Unknown2002-07-03 01:09:29
Frostie2002-07-04 09:56:22
Even tho i would like to bitch at pTemegl cause its always fun to do, but rza is right, killing poor aussies with a link that you could run around us twice before we even knew you entered room isnt fair:P title fits in well aswell, standard *.au day, they should bring the mume server to australia for a day!
Unknown2002-07-04 20:00:11
That's a good idea Frostie but i have a little better one! I say we move the Mume server to Australia for a month and then to the US for a month and so forth. *Drool* i would kill for a 200ms or lower ping
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