cute bug...too bad it'll be removed... :( maybe its only made impossible from them to enter from tbad to prevent raiding that way? =)
2002-07-05 21:36:56
ROTLFMAO!!! that was funny...
2002-07-05 22:19:45
Interesting... Possibly next bree raid starts with a trojan coach.
2002-07-06 01:18:31
You all feared us when we went to fornost 6 bns in the coach!
2002-07-06 02:57:05
I don't think that it's a bug...
2002-07-06 17:14:27
holy shit that was the funniest thing i have seen in all my life of playing mume a bn and a puke talking in a coach without haveing to yell at each other
Some guy
2002-07-08 22:24:17
I think I've seen the same thing in the Bree jail during a raid...