BN Having a Bad Day
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2002-07-06 18:01:38
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Today I just lost a few levels, thinking my day could not get any worse, this ha
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Unknown2002-07-06 19:09:54
I loved every single line of this log. Did you guys?
*the Point*2002-07-06 19:17:33
I am lost! Where am I?
...2002-07-06 21:07:04
There is no fucking point. Must there be a point to all these logs.
Ok here is my point,
I have lost a few levels, I pray and end up in a room with agg mob which kills me and I posted it up here to add a bit of humour to my otherwise shitty day.
Unknown2002-07-06 22:09:49
Why didn't you have a light?
Toen2002-07-06 22:24:43
if you cant live with dieing go play puke, when your a BN you will die ALOT
So far I have died 10 times and not een played a week.
To Unknown2002-07-06 22:25:17
Because he had ust prayed to come back to Middle Earth and he musted be naked. No equipment, no lantern, no nothing.
Mazza2002-07-06 22:55:04
No reason to pray back without lantern etc... it's all there for you to pick up [reveal], either when you have ripped or on pop (and most always a torch anyway).
Sin2002-07-07 14:29:14
comf newbies.. Lantern, bow, torches(almost every time), arrow and other stuff is available in crypt..
Octay2002-07-07 16:15:51
Dont pray since Hidden isle without full hps/mana/moves and without lantern never. Remember to light lantern before you pray.
Ah, be ready for die die die and die. KEEP GOING!
(You can reveal lantern, belt, shortsword, butcher knife and arrows at the east room from Hidden Isle)
...2002-07-07 17:24:45
Nah I try to reveal but there aint nothing there. Thought I may as well just pray and hope to land somewhere near dt or something to get eq. But as you see, I had absolutely no idea where I landed hehe...
Hexa2002-07-07 20:20:54
whois ...: noone by that name around? how can that be??? :O
Odium2002-07-07 21:59:58
I am no bn expert, but reveal torch if no lantern. If neither, sleep full hps and try to reveal again... I prayed into locked Warrens tower once -- luckily it popped within a couple mins to let me out >)
Unknown2002-07-07 23:01:34
BN is hard, but if you know what you're doing you won't die in situations like this one. Get a light. If there isn't one, wait for it to pop. You also want hps before praying, and shroud yourself if you can.
Sin2002-07-08 00:19:50
If no torch or lantern and if you wont wait for one, do wait till day until you pray atleast.. chance is you will land in the open
Yants2002-07-08 13:04:51
Hey! Im featured in this log! =) i must be one helluva important cunt...
ohkul2002-07-09 05:29:16
oh yeah Yants is the fuckin man!
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