Shimmer-Nienor tag team + results!
posted by Antar
2002-07-10 07:55:20
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###  Antar has been in Morgul Vale for at least fifteen days now, awaiting Nienor  ###
###  to hand down a punishment for this...					   ###
###										   ###
###  Antar died in moria to Dinner, Shimmer, three other trolls, and some orc      ###
###  who's name started with a G.  And I lost full set too!  Scary, ain't it?      ###
###  A day or so later, after some re-eq (I think more than day, since I had some  ###
###  good eq), I die as Antar, and get Mandos sleep. (Sucks ass)  I end up on      ###
###  I recieve a message via ICQ/AIM/MSN (who knows which) of Shimmer's pray,      ###
###  asking to be retired.  I ask the kind hearted ainur-friend who show'd me the  ###
###  pray to ask if she still had Antar's shining.  She says okay, then asks, and  ###
###  quickly replied to Shimmer "Don't answer that, I told him you're on."  And    ###
###  thus Shimmer whines and Antar gets valed.  A day or so after Antar is valed   ###
###  Eärendil interviews me asking me what happened, and I tell him this!          ###
###  Fast foward to the night of July 9th, 2002 (for me at least).                 ###

Nienor steps out of the shadows.

* W C>view war
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>smile nienor
You smile at her.

* W C>
Nienor ponders life, the universe, and everything.

* W C>say Howdy.

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>
Nienor says 'not rented out your eq yet?'

* W C>eq
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>shake
You shake your head.

* W C>say That what you waiting for?

* W C>offer
A steward tells you 'It will cost you 8 gold coins and 62 copper pennies per
You have enough money for 2 days, 8 hours.

* W C>say I got two days and eight hours left.

* W C>
Nienor says 'would've saved me the trouble of purging it, yes.'

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>
Nienor says 'so, got anything to say in your defense?'

* W C>
Nienor says 'you know why you're here, I imagine? Dain talked to you.'

* W C>say I was given information I didn't ask for.

* W C>nod
You nod solemnly.

* W C>
Nienor says 'oh really.'

* W C>say Yes.

* W C>
Nienor says '
You didnt ask Adara to get you that info'

* W C>say I didn't ask Adara to show me Shimmer's pray.

* W C>say Which is how it started

* W C>
Nienor says '
You didnt ask Adara if Shimmer had your eq?'

* W C>say Of course I did.  But I wasn't logged in the game at the time.

* W C>say Or if I was.
Nienor says 'are you absolutely sure?'

* W C>say It was as Ardent

* W C>say No.

* W C>say I know I had Mandos sleep as Antar.

* W C>
Nienor says 'you were logged on as Ardent.'

* W C>say Ahh

* W C>say Okay

* W C>say I was on as Ardent then

* W C>say In Unqalome

* W C>say Was three weeks ago, forgive me.

* W C>
Nienor says 'so anyway, whats your excuse?'

* W C>say For what?  Asking her to see if she had my eq?

* W C>
Nienor says '
You just cant play without getting info you're not entitled to?'

* W C>
Aelgon tells you 'whats up?'

* W C>t aelgon Busy

* W C>
Nienor is boggled by the concept.

* W C>
Aelgon tells you 'alllll right'

* W C>say Uhm, I was never told whether or not she had it btw.

* W C>say At least until Joponen said he was getting it from Shimmer.

* W C>say Which was today.

* W C>say Or yesterday, whenveer I played Shriek

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>
Nienor says 'So you admit you asked for cross-race info.'

* W C>say I admit I asked a question without the intention of getting an answer.

* W C>
Nienor says 'Why the hell do you always do this kind of things?'

* W C>
Nienor says 'we haven't demoted you enough?'

* W C>
Nienor says 'We havent promised you demotion if you didnt ask a V+?'

* W C>say I didn't ask a V+...

* W C>
Nienor is boggled by the concept.

* W C>
Nienor says 'Did you think that what you were doing was legal?'

* W C>
Nienor says 'Likely not, you just thought that you were going to get away with

* W C>say I didn't think at all.  I was in Unqalome and had no intention of chasing down Shimmer

* W C>say Not at all.  To me it wasn't cross-race information

* W C>say Especially since she was retired.

* W C>say When I whois'd her she was at least.

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim  (Idle)
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

7 players on.

* W C>
Nienor says 'forgive me if I have my doubts about this after the Shriek/Uber

* W C>nod nienor
You nod in agreement with her.

* W C>say understandable.

* W C>say That was fucked up indeed.

* W C>
Nienor ponders life, the universe, and everything.

* W C>say And I gave the cross-race information there.

* W C>say Saying to target him

* W C>say Cause I got him full set as Lief (I think that's what I said)

* W C>
Nienor says 'the right thing would probably be just to delete you'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>

* W C>say That would give me a clean trophy, and get me off a lot of pk-trophies...

* W C>
You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

* W C>
Nienor says 'sec thinking'

* W C>nod
You nod solemnly.

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim  (Idle)
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

7 players on.

* W C>whois ammi
Ammi Majus, the Bishop's Flower is a level twenty-nine Dwarven Healer.
Last login 2 days and 0 hours ago from *.com.

Is it so small a thing
To have enjoy'd the sun,
To have lived light in the spring,
To have loved, to have thought,
to have done
To have advanced true friends,
and beat down baffling foes....
from "The Hymn of Empedocles"
by Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)

* W C>t rotho 
You here?

* W C>
Rotho tells you 'yep'

* W C>t rotho Narrate for p(Ammi) to give me a tell please?

* W C>
Rotho tells you 'bobbie says doubt she's on'

* W C>t rotho Thanks.  

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim  (Idle)
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

7 players on.

* W C>who legend
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim  (Idle)
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

7 players on.

* W C>beep macabre
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>t macabre Arg!

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim  (Idle)
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

7 players on.

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>whois enok
Enok Durin's Emmisary to Gondolin [DL] is a level twenty-six Dwarven Priest.
Is playing from *.net.

Where is the fun in this Game?
Where is the Glory? Where is the Fame?
In the loremasters tales it lingers,
but also in the tips of my fingers.
Props to Draaz.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'why ya in vale? :P'

* W C>t bobbie Ask Almarian

* W C>whois almarian
Almarian - Queen of Númenor, Beloved of Meneldur is a Maia.
Servants of the Dark Lord:
Shimmer, Sindórië, Bianca, Meeka, Boomer, Dazzle, Fable & Sinner.

Hazel & Saí 

Númenórean History:

ICQ: 150611929  Email:

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Gwen Elmore 
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim  (Idle)
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

8 players on.

* W C>
Gwen tells you 'why are you in vale?'

* W C>t gwen Ask Almarian

* W C>t gwen Or you could narrate and ask

* W C>t gwen I'm sure someone knows.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'just tell me? :P'

* W C>t bobbie Narrate and ask.  =)  Someone must know.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I cant'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Cant say that youre on :P'

* W C>t bobbie Narrate and ask why Kenzu is in Vale.  

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'its not like almarian speaks to me after I got her maia

* W C>t bobbie I helped with that demotion.  =P

* W C>t bobbie but that's not the point.

* W C>t bobbie SHe's the reason I'm in here.

* W C>
Macabre tells you '?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'But why?'

* W C>t bobbie Antar died to her and 4 trolls and an Orc.

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'I was afw, working. What's up?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and? :P'

* W C>t bobbie Later (many days) got an IM showing me her pray, I said "ask if she's go tmy shining still"

* W C>t bobbie And the person asked, then said "Don't answer that, I told him you're on"

* W C>say Btw, what happened to Adara?

* W C>whois adara
Adara SCREAMS is a Maia.

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>t macabre /go 2, where

* W C>where
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'huh? :P'

* W C>t macabre The fate of the world is resting on this char

* W C>
Nienor says 'nothing yet, she doesnt have your kind of criminal record'

* W C>chuckle
You chuckle politely.

* W C>say Okay

* W C>t bobbie In short...

* W C>t bobbie Ainur shows me pray.  I tell ainur to ask if she has Antar's shining.

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'lol, on you or on Nienor? She's quite fair though.'

* W C>t macabre Not when she hates me

* W C>t bobbie Ainur asks, then says "dont answer, I told him you're on"

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'ponder...why would she?'

* W C>t macabre Because supposedly I'm this big cheater.
Bobbie tells you 'ah, k'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I think I got it'

* W C>t bobbie And I get in trouble.

* W C>t bobbie Because I have a "criminal record"

* W C>say btw, why'd Antar get valed, and not Ardent?

* W C>Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'you died, lost shining, got a message, you tell the
messenger to ask her if she still had shining, you got perma vale?'

* W C>t bobbie Was three weeks ago, so sorta.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'k'

* W C>t bobbie PRoblem is I got the message a day later.

* W C>t bobbie Maybe two

* W C>
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'She still with Doomer?'

* W C>
Nienor shrugs indifferently.

* W C>t bobbie nope.

Macabre tells you ' to her then. She is not unreasonable, and she'll
be fair.'

* W C>

* W C>t bobbie Rza now

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'LOL, isnt he in australia?'

* W C>t bobbie Yep.

* W C>
Nienor says 'had to be one of the two or both'

* W C>say Huh?

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'i think she's quite cool, dunno what your previous history
with her is though.'

* W C>
You begin to feel hungry.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'aaaaahahaha, shes fucking impossible :p'

* W C>eat
You feel satisfied.

* W C>drink
You feel satisfied.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Love her for it, not sure what on earth shes doing :P'

* W C>t bobbie *comf*

* W C>
Nienor says 'Ardent seemed like a random char of yours who happened to be on
at the time'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'lol, I dont "love" her like that'

* W C>t bobbie Hehe

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I just think shes hilarious and spreads a nice little...
Hmmm, soap operah look over the mud :P'

* W C>
Nienor says 'it felt like you'd have used another if another was on.'

* W C>say That makes no sense (the last one)

* W C>t bobbie She does.  =(

* W C>
Nienor says 'the eq was Antar's'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Well, thing is that its sad, if she wouldve slept with
doomer, shed be in jail :P'

* W C>say The shining was.

* W C>say That's all.
Saving Antar.

* W C>say That I know she has

* W C>
Nienor says 'the char could've been any of yours.'

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Gwen Elmore 
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

9 players on.

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>where
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Diana the White Worm. 
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

9 players on.

* W C>t diana 
You're the White Worm!
No-one by that name here...

* W C>whois diana
Diana the White Worm. is a Maia.

* W C>whois muck
Muck the Menace, Maniac of Athel-Loren is a level fifty-eight Noldorin Warlock.
Last login 2 months and 11 days ago from *.fi.

* W C>whois snowy
Snowy the White Wizard is a level seventy Noldorin Wizard [Retired].
Last login 11 days and 15 hours ago from *.ee.

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Oh well, thanks for making me laugh'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'you really shouldnt be valed tho'

* W C>t bobbie Anytime.

* W C>t bobbie Try getting that across to Nienor.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'well, 6:30 am here :P'

* W C>t bobbie Damn, go to bed son.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'will get morguled too, but hey'

* W C>whois elmir
Elmir has died 90 times and killed 1196 [NSL] is a level fifty-nine Dúnadan
Last login 3 hours ago from *.com.
                  <|      |>
                  <|      |>
               _  <|______|>
             ^o_.^   ||    ¡
            (_____)  ||    ¡
              \_/    ||
            o`/|     ||
             _( )_   <>

* W C>t bobbie *gig*

* W C>Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>t bobbie I'll wait for you here!

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

8 players on.

* W C>l
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired]
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

8 players on.

* W C>t macabre Try to /at antar comf antar?

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

8 players on.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'do you think if I told that person to take a pill it would

* W C>
Raiya tells you '...adara btw'

* W C>t raiya Nienor?  Not at all.

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'I can't /go or /at to vale'

* W C>whois raiya
Raiya is a level seventeen Noldorin Witch.
Is playing from *.net.

* W C>t macabre Damn.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'hmmmm what can I say tho!'

* W C>t raiya Nothing at all.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'sigh'

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'what's the situation?'

* W C>t raiya *shrug*  =)

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'but it's my fault!'

* W C>t macabre Nothing.  Nienor's silent

* W C>t raiya Shit happens.  =)

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'I should be there or something'

* W C>t raiya Hehe.

* W C>t raiya Don't worry.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'or acutally well no one should be there this long'

* W C>t raiya I got nice backup plan(s).  =P

* W C>
Macabre tells you '*comf*'

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'hmmmmmm'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'now Im talking about shimmers god shit'

* W C>t raiya Been in here over three weeks now.  =)

* W C>t bobbie Hehe.
who a

* W C>Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma   (Idle)
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver 
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

8 players on.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'I know'

* W C>t bobbie With whom?

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'nienor'

* W C>t bobbie *nod*

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'are u in vale , just cos of a he said, she said thing?'

* W C>t macabre Yep.

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'is that moronic ainur valed too?'

* W C>t macabre At least that's how I percieve it.

* W C>t macabre nope.

* W C>who a
Right now you can only know about the Ainur.
Vairë tells you 'i have AIM but I don't give it out on MUME, if you want to
e-mail me email :P'
 [ M] Lehto  
 [ M] Bobbie eat me [Retired] 
 [ A] Nienor Niniel 
 [Mw] Macabre of The Rohirrim 
 [Mc] Donutello   (Idle)
 [ M] Yeoma  
 [Va] Vairë the Weaver  (Idle)
 [Ms] Déor !  (Idle)

8 players on.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'la de da'

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'can no one else let you out?'

* W C>t raiya Well, Dain said he would, for three levels.

* W C>t raiya But that's a lot of a lot of tps too

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'ponder'

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'ponder...then that's a little unfair. I don't know the
whole situation though, my undersanding was someone told you shimmer was on?
then told her?'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>t macabre Yes.

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'if anything the immo should be more severely punished then
you. But that's just IMO and I ain't mgmt :P'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'hi'

* W C>t macabre Yeah, you don't know of my past criminal record as a hardcore cheater

* W C>whois caren
Caren is a level eight Beorning Archer.
Is playing from *.net.

* W C>t cren Howdy.  =)
No-one by that name here...

* W C>
Caren tells you 'near vale?'

* W C>whois raiya
Raiya is a level seventeen Noldorin Witch.
Is playing from *.net.

* W C>t caren I'm in Morgul Vale.  =P

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'do u really have one?'

* W C>t macabre Yep.

* W C>
Caren tells you 'where's that???'

* W C>t macabre But how many times did I really cheat?

* W C>t macabre Once

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Pah, can ya find the log with the premade fight?'

* W C>t bobbie Premade fight?

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'yeah'

* W C>t bobbie Which log?  =P

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'was some estonians or whatever?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'that made up a fight rl and then met'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'like olorion/stormblast just that they didnt yell at
eachother, they like talked on the phone'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'in mirkwood?'

* W C>t bobbie Oh, hehe. 

Macabre tells you '*stare* I got a lunch appt now, I'd love to hear this
sometime though.'

* W C>

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and it was a comment ontop of the log saying how it was'

* W C>t bobbie Sure, I can try.

* W C>t macabre *wave*  Have fun!

* W C>t bobbie Sec.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and noone would demote them cause it was outside the game'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'thats exactly what you and whoever did right here'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'well, one little mistep and talked online, but hey'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>
Macabre tells you 'laters man, g'luck!'

* W C>t bobbie Trying to find it now.

* W C>whois stormblast
Stormblast the One is a Man.

   Yes indeed, you are the few...
        ...I was the One.

* W C>whois manatark
Manatark the UBERWHINER(tm) is a Maia (Wright) [Retired].

Believer, speak not to me of justice.
For none have I ever seen.
By God, I shall give as I receive.
Betrayer, speak not to me at all.
You and this world ripped my fucking heart out.
Again... and again... and again... 

email - + webpage -
more of manatark -

* W C>t bobbie Manatark has a MUME-page?

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'not sure'

* W C>8
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>stat
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'didnt even know she and doomer met btw :P'

* W C>t bobbie Did it over Spring Break

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'ah, k'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I heard shes fat btw'

* W C>t bobbie Not really fat, just larger than life.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'well, ok, big boned :P'

* W C>t bobbie =)

* W C>t bobbie Yes.

* W C>
Caren tells you 'how do I get to vale from rdell. I really don't want to die.'

* W C>t caren It's not going to be easy.

* W C>t caren But you have no reason to go to Rivendell

* W C>whois caren

Caren tells you 'you think?'

* W C>Caren is a level eight Beorning Archer.
Is playing from *.net.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I believe I wrote her a happy mail once when drunk :P'

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'I'm sorry :('

* W C>
Caren tells you 'I AM in Rdell.'

* W C>t raiya It's okay.  =P

* W C>t caren Oh!  Hehe

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'STILL SORRY!'

* W C>t caren 
You gotta go east.  =P

* W C>
Raiya tells you ';-)'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'cause she brought me into some conversation with sondra and
said that I had said that noone liked her'

* W C>t raiya 
You can make it up by coming to California and making out with me!  *nod self*

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and since I was drunk I got so pissed off that she even
mentioned my name :P'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'I figured that out, too...but exactly?'

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'hmmm you should just come to san antonio!'

* W C>t raiya *cringe*  I dunno, that's ME flying somewhere.

* W C>
Nienor ponders life, the universe, and everything.

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'you'd have a friend and me ;-)'

* W C>t raiya I'd prefer that other friend to be female.  *wink wink*

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'well, afk, good luck finding the log'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'need to get ready for bed, its 7 am'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'pull on a string for me...'

* W C>t bobbie Sure thing

* W C>
Nienor says '
Ok.I discussed it with one other person, and I have opinions of a
couple more people'

* W C>
Raiya tells you 'lol ;-)'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>say Hope their opinion was in my favor.

* W C>say Don't answer that btw

* W C>say I don't want to know.

* W C>
Nienor says 'Now. There are different circumstances around this particular
case but:'

* W C>
Nienor says '
You've been warned about soliciting V+ info in the past. My
mistake I guess.'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'if I go on road, can you trans me there?'

* W C>t caren I got no trans.

* W C>t caren I'm not in Anduin Vale (where you want tog)

* W C>
Nienor says 'should've made it soliciting any god info'

* W C>t caren I'm in Morgul Vale (where no one should ever go)

* W C>
Caren tells you 'where is morgul vale?'

* W C>
Nienor says 'as well as any cross-race info by any methods'

* W C>map g
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C>t caren It's not a place to go...  It's where you go when you're in trouble with the ainur

* W C>
Nienor says 'For now I'm just going to demote you 2 levels and take your eq.'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'oh.'

* W C>ponder
You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

* W C>say Wait.

* W C>say For now?

* W C>
Nienor says 'In the future, we catch you do smth like this - you'll be hurt
significantly more.'

* W C>
Nienor says 'If you try getting god info or cross-race info by any means'

* W C>say I'm just ucrious...

* W C>
Nienor says 'I dont care if it's talking over MUME or ICQ'

* W C>say Curious even

* W C>say Why are you taking my EQ now?

Nienor says 'curious about?'

* W C>

* W C>
You begin to feel hungry.

* W C>eat
You feel satisfied.

* W C>drin
You feel satisfied.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'BACK!'

* W C>say And why am I being demoted two levels now...?

* W C>t bobbie WELCOME BACK!

* W C>t bobbie Two levels demotion and my eq she says.

* W C>
You are surprised to see Nienor pass out cold.

* W C>say I want the specifics

Bobbie tells you 'So, whats your relationship with almarian since she doesnt
like you?'

* W C>

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'its a bs punishment'

* W C>t bobbie How do you think Hazel became a legend?  =P

Nienor says '
You asked a god for cross-race information.'

* W C>

* W C>say After the God gave me cross-race information

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'no idea? :P'

* W C>t bobbie *point self*

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'ah, ya xped her?'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>t bobbie *nod*

* W C>
Nienor says 'what cross-race information?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'ah, k'

* W C>say Told me Shimmer was on by showing me her pray. 

* W C>
Nienor says 'and how does that excuse you, even if so?'

* W C>say ANd did Adara actually mention that "Antar told me to ask...?"

* W C>say Or did Shimmer assume I asked?

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'She has long enough breaks between guys tho :P Wasnt khird
there til like february?'

* W C>t bobbie Yeah

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and and isnt springbreak in like march?'

* W C>t bobbie April, and that was only an in person thing

* W C>
Nienor says 'and if Adara didnt mention that, then you'll say 'no I didnt ask

* W C>say Of course I would.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'only an in person thing? Huh?'

* W C>say Do you think I want to lose two levels, my spot on travellers list, and my tps?

* W C>say 
You can keep the eq.

* W C>
Nienor says 'so you'd not only cheat but also lie about it? bad strategy'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'lol, now ya make no sense!'

* W C>t bobbie I know.  =P

* W C>
Nienor says 'it ensures that the next time you're caught, no-one will believe
anything you say.'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Oh well, I wouldnt touch her with a stick :P'

* W C>say Not to mention that fact that I am being set up...

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'once upon a time I saw her as an easy fuck, hadnt had sex
for what, 2 months? Insanity!'

* W C>t bobbie Hehe.

* W C>
Nienor says 'if you hadnt done that, there wouldnt have been anything Shimmer
could complain about, dont you think?'

* W C>
Nienor wãves good-bye to you.
Bobbie tells you 'got a bit over horny! :P And thats what she said too... Im
just a piece of meat to you'

* W C>say She has a lot to complain about to me

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'damn right!'

* W C>say And ending this before both parties are done isn't professional btw.

* W C>
Nienor says 'hell, dont you ever consider playing this game fairly?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Ive bothered you enough yet?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'hey, dont be sad over eq and shit, you can have elmirs'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you '2 levels is nothing either, its text man'

* W C>
Nienor says 'without using information you're not supposed to have?'

* W C>t bobbie Hehe, it's my spot on travlllers list

* W C>say Okay.  Question

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'They gonna remove all tps?!'

* W C>
Caren tells you 'well, I'm here. not the way I wanted to get

* W C>t bobbie Yep

* W C>t bobbie Always do
Bobbie tells you 'tell her to frigging mobrip you'

* W C>t caren *comf*

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'that way ya only lose age'

* W C>
Serek tells you 'mojn'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>t serek Sorry, in vale, busy

* W C>say Now I forgot what it was, but it involved others not getting in trouble for this same thing.

* W C>say Ahh yes, Joponen and Khazdul on ICQ the other day.

* W C>say But of course it can't be proved.

* W C>say And neither can the conversation that I had with Adara.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'but too many people are starting to forget that this is

* W C>say only way it is known is cause we admit to it

* W C>t bobbie It was also three years of my life.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you '4 of mine'

* W C>say And wouldn't you do the same thing?

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'its text dude :) It is, will always be, dont let it become a

* W C>say Or would you gladly throw away three years of your favorite character (the tps)...

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I did that too tho once, cared and shit'

* W C>t bobbie I know.  =(  It's not my life though, which is good.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'Thats when it becomes boring'

* W C>t bobbie Just I don't want to lose my three years of work

* W C>
Nienor says 'I wouldnt ask for cross-race info, that for sure.'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'well, 2 levels and eq isnt 3 years of work!'

* W C>say Okay, let me state this again.

* W C>
Nienor says 'nor do as you've done before, i.e. use it.'

* W C>say When I whois'd Shimmer, she was retired.

* W C>
Nienor says 'so?'

* W C>say So why was it not safe to ask?

* W C>say It's not like I could get it anyways

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'If ya get perma vale Im gonna quit again! :P'

* W C>say Especially since Antar was in vale

* W C>t bobbie Me too.  =)

* W C>
Nienor says 'arent you getting the order a bit wrong?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'well, perma vale isnt what she said! She said 2 levels and

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'What have ya done towards Nienor btw?'

* W C>t bobbie It appears a lot.

* W C>
Nienor says 'when you asked, Antar wasnt Valed yet, Ardent was on and Shimmer
wasnt retired.'

* W C>
Nienor smirks.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'lol, obviously :P'

* W C>say Do we have times?

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I Heard none of the other gods understood what it was all
about :P'

* W C>say Do you remember the three meals you ate yesterday?

* W C>
Nienor wãves good-bye to you.

* W C>say Do I have to break out a psychology book to prove short term memory?

* W C>
Nienor says 'you're wasting my and your time.'

* W C>
Saving Antar.

* W C>say I'm trying to plead my case.

* W C>
Nienor says 'of course, no-one would jail you before this happened.'

* W C>say But it appears it's falling on deaf ears.

* W C>say No one would, but you did...
Bobbie tells you 'such a bs reason anyways :P'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'why not demote all the labs while they are at it?'

* W C>
Nienor falls down laughing.

* W C>say Making me think you have something personal against me

* W C>say Or is that also something I dreamed up?

* W C>say And another thing, when the labs get demoted for cross race info?  Or do you have to admit to it?

* W C>say To get in trouble...

* W C>
Nienor says 'you mean, we psychically made up your conversation with Adara and
Adara's with Shimmer before it happened in order to jail you?'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'its ok, become quiet! :P'

* W C>t bobbie Hehe, sorry

* W C>say Nope.

Bobbie tells you 'bet ya have your hoes to talk with!'

* W C>

* W C>say 
You said no-one would have valed me before this happen

* W C>say happened even

* W C>say And I said but you did

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'I wonder who the hell I talked to once who was in college
and was dating sloshed...'

* W C>
Nienor says 'you mean the case many months ago?'

* W C>t bobbie Poor girl.

* W C>
Nienor wãves good-bye to you.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'either gretna or almarian!'

* W C>say Which case many months ago?

* W C>t bobbie ALmarian

* W C>
Nienor says 'the other time you were jailed'

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'but it cant be almarian, I dont think, cause she was with
that torment guy first, right?'

* W C>say The one where I got demoted two levels as Shriek?

* W C>say I've been valed many times by you actually.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and she hasnt been in college as far as I know :P'

* W C>
Nienor says 'yes. and always for a reason.'

* W C>nod
You nod solemnly.

* W C>say Yet no one else has ever valed me.

* W C>say Honestly, this looks like a conspiracy.

* W C>
Nienor is boggled by the concept.

* W C>
Bobbie tells you 'and hes quiet again! :P'

* W C>
Nienor wãves good-bye to you.

* W C>ponder
You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

* W C>say Why you keep waving like we're done.

* W C>
Nienor chops you to pieces!

You are dead! Sorry...

A shimmering cloud suddenly forms around you.
As the cloud dissipates, you realize you are back in prison.
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
The corpse of *a Man* is lying here.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.
The shadow of *a Man* is floating here.

* W C HP:Awful>exa corpse
corpse (here) : 
a pile of coins
a red ruby
a sable pouch
a gleaming belt
an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer
a keyring with a key and a set of lock picks
a leather backpack
a russet cloak (brand new)
a tower shield (brand new)
a pair of plate vambraces (brand new)
a thin pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a pair of iron-shod boots (brand new)
a pair of plate greaves (brand new)
a great helm (brand new)
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a pale blue stone
a ring
a ruby ring
a ticket for a trained horse

* W C HP:Awful>say Wow, I had all that eq?

* W C HP:Awful>9
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C HP:Awful>8
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C HP:Awful>
Nienor makes some strange gestures.

  An icy wind start to blow in your head while the world seems to
  turn around you. 
You feel deadly cold, shiver, and faint dead.
  Suddenly an invisible thunder of power turns you back to life.
You feel reshaped and you realize - but too late - the mighty
  power of an angry Ainu...

You lose a level!
You lose a level!
You now have 41100000 experience points, and regress to level 54.

* W C HP:Awful>tp
inf %t
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...

* W C HP:Awful>
Nienor has transferred you!
Halls of Mandos
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A large fountain, made from grey stone, pours water from its centre.
A Warning Sign for new players is here.
Azelea the Elf is standing here.
Nienor the Ainu is standing here.

* W C HP:Awful>
Azelea blurs and seems to fade away.

* W C HP:Awful>tp
inf %t

* W C HP:Awful>level
Level 54 41100000 exp, 123300 tp
Level 55 42850000 exp, 126700 tp
Level 56 44600000 exp, 130000 tp
Level 57 46400000 exp, 133300 tp
Level 58 48250000 exp, 136700 tp
...But the list does not end there...

###  Good bye travellers list...  I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 800k tps.  ###
###  Oh well, I guess I just can't win when the management (Nienor) has something   ###
###  personal against you.  And no, she didn't ask me out, and I turned her down.   ###
###  But then again, this site is hosted by Nienor's rl sister, Aredhel, so let's   ###
###  see how long this log stays here.                                              ###
Top of Page Down to last comment

Uriond2002-07-10 08:20:51
Comf, I guess Nienor didn't recall Shimmer's "criminal history" with her ainur.
Dos2002-07-10 08:22:25
Only read a bit of this. Can't imagine how sad Bobbie's life is that he's soooo interested in the RL bits of Shimmer's life.


Bourlim2002-07-10 08:31:42
shimmer is a peice of shit. I think it is pathetic and sad how she has to compliment her poor game play by bitching and moaning against other ppls for the very thing that she fucking does herself ....ther is a reason that she posts her fuycking icq in her whois. She was doing Crossrace shit when i started and she still is ....SAD
Antar2002-07-10 08:34:48
After reading this log, some people I know gave me proof of Shimmer cheating too... When I tried to pray about it, I got no responce... =(

Guess I gotta try again tomorrow to see what happens! Maybe tomorrow I get ignored too and then really think there's a problem...
Dan2002-07-10 08:37:34
Well, it's no secret that Antar abuses his friendship with a V+ to find out who my chars are! Even when I don't group with any of my old friends whenever i play it! Antar, Uriond, and co somehow mysteriously know it's me! But, of course, I can't prove that, and the gods couldn't really prove this so whatever.
Dan2002-07-10 08:38:21
Well, it's no secret that Antar abuses his friendship with a V+ to find out who my chars are! Even when I don't group with any of my old friends whenever i play it! Antar, Uriond, and co somehow mysteriously know it's me! But, of course, I can't prove that, and the gods couldn't really prove this so whatever.
Dan2002-07-10 08:38:42
Oops... hit refresh *slap self*
Vecna2002-07-10 08:39:46
Err Dan, thats because you always act like a moron ... Its easy to point you out.
Dan2002-07-10 08:41:46
ok then who do i play, vecna?
Sondra2002-07-10 08:49:14
Well Im sorry but its totally rediculous what happend. You cant prove who is and who isnt cheating. If you are , you are. But theres no proof of anything and the treatment toward Antar was unjust. Funny how things have gone overboard since Shimmer has been away from her so called love Doomer. Sounds like some one is a little mad and trying to get back at his friends now. Any who, its uncalled for and the gods- imo- ( at least some of them ) dont distribute punishment equally. As if we all dont know all about p Shimmer, *snore* give me a break. That kind of crap just makes me sick.
Antar2002-07-10 08:51:08
Btw, your old friends include whom? I think Meagyn knows who you play a lot. Since he's an rl friend of yours... Good source of information there. And my friendships with v+ automatically mean I abuse them and cheat? Wonder what Rogon's life is like then, since I thought he was good friends with Scar. Or Ginlon with Gothmog and the other Brushmen. *shrug*
Vecna2002-07-10 08:53:04
Dan: Morons.
Ammi2002-07-10 08:54:03
I haven't seen all sides, but here is my view for what little it may be worth. I have grouped with Antar many times. I have always found him to be very fair, and I have actually had him explain to me (when I first started) some things I didn't know were illegal. He made sure I knew the rules and I never once saw him cross them while we were grouped. I have a personal list of 4 individuals I would follow anywhere and trust completely. Antar is on that list. I am not saying he hasn't made mistakes I don't know about, I just feel this is unfair from the looks of it considering what I do know of him.
Fezz2002-07-10 08:59:37
i didnt read all of this... but HOLLY SHIT, u can tell from the beginning how this game has become a mini United States with its shitty ass corrupt government. Dear god! why the hell do u gods care so much? people(gods) who actually interrogate people about ther misdoings must have no life whatsoever, but i bet they feel big and mighty since they can have power over someone on a game. prolly little pussies like me in real life though(though i stand up for my shit and dont get any), think im done :).
NĂ¡mo2002-07-10 09:02:08
Let's see, you admit asking a Maia for cross-race information "without thinking you'll get an answer". I tend to think that that alone justifies -2 levels and eq eaten. You might be playing fair and mostly by the rules, but why ask others to cheat?

I've never understood people posting long logs about their demotions, it seems like they are begging for sympathy from others but almost always it backfires and everyone gets to see that they didn't get demoted over nothing. If you've got the standard complaint "Look what they did!" - that doesn't automatically make you the "lesser cheater" and lets you loose - back it up with something substantial and we might have a look at that as well.

- NĂ¡mo.
Fezz2002-07-10 09:02:22
oh yeah, *comfort* antar.. pretty damn lame if u ask me, just a bunch of bored gods decide to have a little chuckle!
NĂ¡mo2002-07-10 09:04:03
*giggle* I can see that Fezz didn't react the way I predicted :). It seems I'm part of a "shitty ass corrupt management". It's not fun to hear such comments.
Nienor2002-07-10 09:14:14
The guy obtained cross-race info before, used it before and - see this log -
doesn't deny it. All he can say is 'yes I cheated but others also cheat, and you
can't prove it'. It beats me why anyone even sympathises with him - how would you
like it if this form of cheating was turned against you? In this case it seems
irrelevant who he's done it to, as he's done it before (e.g. in the Shriek/Uber case
mentioned in the log) to players who weren't in any way associated with Shimmer.
Macabre2002-07-10 09:16:04
The levels and eq isn't an unjust punishment. It's a shame the traveller's position is lost as a result of the demotion, let him have his tps back. Adara, who directly/indirectly caused all of this should really take the brunt of the blame.
Londriel2002-07-10 09:18:00
People cheat and get away with it - and it is not just at all. I once tried explaining to an otherwise kind guy that by cheating he shows lack of respect for the players that do not cheat, in particular when the cheating ends up with taking the equipment from the noncheater. He answered "True, but look at how many people drive too fast." I thought about it and realized that he's right, cheating in the traffic risks the lives of people and in the very worst cases on mume, people lose equipment and a bit of xp.
Antar2002-07-10 09:18:04
(I'm bored, so I am spam commenting) Yes Namo, I am showing you what happened looking for sympathy. But I find it highly odd that someone who commits cross-race so often (Shimmer) would complain when someone else took part on it (even if unintentional on both parts of crossrace info). And of course I could have denied the entire thing. Namo, what would you suggest I do next time? Have no reaction at all...? As I said, I was in Unqa as Ardent, and it wasn't the best time to be there either, seeing as how there were a shitload of mobs in one room, so I would "alt-tab" over, read it, type something, go back to playing. I don't sit down and take the time to think out everything that could happen from an IM.
Ajax2002-07-10 09:20:58
Really Namo? The ones I posted did have some affect, and were compeltely warranted I believed at the time as I had no other recourse. Of course Mume's management decisions are so fucked up, that if just 1 god says foul and decided no matter what that's the way it will be, no amount of other higher gods can change that decision. You basically have to please all the little emperors above and hope you don't step on any toes in the process. Not saying all gods are bad, but what does it matter if the good ones have no power to counteract the bad ones?
Londriel2002-07-10 09:21:35
But it's cheating nonetheless, and in this case even if the cheating seems rather small, I believe management is right in slapping the fingers of the offender. None of us doubt that Antar broke the rules here? Whether the intention behind the cheating was idle curiosity or deliberate planning of a way to achieve a pk we cannot know - I prefer to think the former - I actually believe it too. But management has to assume the worst, in particular if there has been previous cases, and I feel it's quite justified to remove a bit of xp, equipment and tp.
Londriel2002-07-10 09:24:36
It must hurt you to see other cheaters get away with it, but the answer to that can never be to let the ones who are caught go unpunished. All this being said - I am sorry for your loss Antar.
Londriel2002-07-10 09:31:24
It must hurt you to see other cheaters get away with it, but the answer to that can never be to let the ones who are caught go unpunished. All this being said - I am sorry for your loss Antar.
NĂ¡mo2002-07-10 09:37:30
In reply to Ajax's post: MUME is somewhat slow when it comes to punishing people, and even more so when it comes to reverting someone else's decision. You can rest assure that any A can overrule any V. There will be a problem when one A decides something and half of the other active A's are forbidden to act to revert it. Things will then take time. Ajax got stuck in a lesser management crisis which was rather unfortunate for him. However, Ajax case wasn't about being demoted (as I remember it?). I still think that it could've been better solved in mails.
joei2002-07-10 09:38:30
i remember gettin morgul valed on a character for something i did on another one its just bs :P
Brutux2002-07-10 10:17:17
I smell backstabbing.
Brutux2002-07-10 10:17:39
One more thing to add - LAUGH @ BOBBIE! LAUGH :)
Vegas2002-07-10 10:39:50
I'm amazed at how much u guys know about who dated who rl on a fuckin mud....u crack me up...btw coulda been worse even tho it was a lame reason for demoting
Dox(used to exi2002-07-10 10:44:15
This is to Namo. You killed off my bros and I because we had a thing called LAN which is some thing for people to cheat from. The reason I quit MUME was because of the many jerks on it, ESPECIALLY management!!!!
Dox(again)2002-07-10 10:45:55
I've wasted my life with this game, now I'm sitting here reading logs all day long! And by the way, this is actually the player of the once existant Dox.
*a lab-man*2002-07-10 10:58:01
yaaa ... that was good question. When you demote all labs players for the same reason ? They can have cross-race information too. And without asking. And .... why you must lost with levels too tps. It's stupid.
Pedrag2002-07-10 11:33:47
Gig, what made me laugh the most is p(Adara)'s innocent behaviour [stupid newbie]. It's just a GAME..., follow the RULES..., so that we are all HAPPY. hourah!
humala2002-07-10 11:47:03
fair play sucks!!!
Ostu2002-07-10 12:22:55
Uh, way too many private tells here. You should had cut them..
Ignatio2002-07-10 12:34:02
Well, sometimes warlords get away with "but no1 died so no punishment needed" or they didnt know about the rule.. though they where #1 on warlord list. Im just refering to a time i lost link lb. Smrthilav group notiched i linkless killed my horse and gave me corpse, then when i reconnected they started hunting me down.. getting low moves fast cause i didnt notiche i had extra weight. Barely made it to rd cause i also meet other darkies on way, and then was told i had corpse on me. I dont like cheating at all...
Elestir2002-07-10 12:47:07
Maybe I missed something, but which rule did Antar break?
From what I have read it's clear that some Ainu broke rules by giving him cross-race info. It's also true that he asked for more, but since when is asking ainu whatever question against rules? I believe that if any rule was broken, it was broken by that Ainu who told him whatever he told him.
And if such a rule exists, its very silly. Until the info gives him possibility to abuse it in some unfair way (which I can hardly imagine in this case) why ever bother with it?
Thrur2002-07-10 13:33:46
Bobbie tells you 'but too many people are starting to forget that this is
Yup, not only players have forgotten it but also gods. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP PLAYING POLICE??? I mean, Antar didn't do a s...t, this is next to most sick things I have seen (top was Stormie and Olorion loosing all levels because of fair duel). Sheesh, if you want all people to follow rules turn this game to chess.
Rza2002-07-10 14:56:25
Fuck why post this shit? You sound like a little 12 year old girl, and you look like one too btw
Alkar2002-07-10 16:42:45
Dan: I took responsibility for that one single incident with Antar many months ago. Quit your bitching.
Antar: Stop asking people for info.
Adara: Oooops.
Thrur: *hug*
Pedrag2002-07-10 17:17:11
Thrur: chess is a cool game
Thrur2002-07-10 17:40:29
Chess is cool yes, very easy rules and no reason to cheat. As I once told to Dain - if this would be chess I wouldn't cheat.
Here come the law, gonna break down the door,
Carry me away once more.
Never, never, never want it anymore,
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor.

Hahahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa... Actually I'm thinking about starting MUME non-cheating, I have learned enough during these years to manage by rules:-) *hugs*
Thrur2002-07-10 17:41:23
Btw commenting is hard work:/ This should have been song.
Aredhel2002-07-10 18:08:34
Random: I do not censor things on which are neither spam nor off-topic.
As for the rest, having seen both sides of the story (and one actual physical
log), the only thing I find surprising is that Adara is still a God. If anything, given all the warnings Antar got before, this was rather mild for him
too. As for people who say this is just text game: Yes, and the problem is
that all those PLAYERS forgot it is just a text game, and consider the rules
to just be guidelines. You cheat, you waste Gods' time, we all lose.
Aredhel to Thru2002-07-10 18:18:45
Best comment :-). Promise, next version will have
Bourlim2002-07-10 18:44:35
its kinda funny the way that whoever Shimmer is giveing head to atm runs to defend her .....rza ur commends have to respect here
A network Wiz2002-07-10 18:46:08
So , what if they were sitting together in a lab, urm, and they just shouted out across the room what they wanted to know info, um, is that cheating? Are you going to accuse them of cheating? Can you prove it? Gee, I dont think you can.. White and Dark, doesnt matter, youre in the same room, just nudge your budy and ask. LAN, Local area network dude, every player on one is a cheater. Why else would you play from one *ponder* .. hm.. To be funny? Or to be a cheater.. No one on this game has played by the rules all the time, and rules are made to be broken, or at least bent.
Aredhel to Not-2002-07-10 18:50:33
Yes, it is still cheating, even if you cannot be caught. And yes, there
ARE people who play by the rules all the time. Unlike you think, those nice
people are a rule rather then an exception still, even on MUME.
Aredhel2002-07-10 18:59:20
Just to add: it seems like a lot of people novadays never consider that there
is a living breathing human being on the other side of the planet playing this
game, out to have fun, just like you. If you cheat, you are depriving some
other person of fun - no matter how far he or she is. It should not matter
that since this is an internet game, that person cannot come down to your house
and kick your butt for it. It's just a matter of common courtesy, which still
DOES apply even if you are unlikely to meet a person RL. Please, consider this
next time when you feel oh-so tempted to cheat or to tell someone to fuck off.
Even though this is just a text game, there's no reason for us to tolerate
behaviour that we wouldn't tolerate RL.
Nazgum2002-07-10 19:18:20
well, personally I don't see what Antar did wrong.

He asked a god if a darkie had his equipment, which is a minor fault but not against the rules from what I can see.

The god replying to him was illegal and wrong, but she's new and cute, and should just get a warning.

However, this was very minor. It's not like he was trying to find out some info that could help him. He wasn't asking where shimmer was on mume, what darkies were smobbing, or anything else that is commonly cheated across icq or labs.

The punishment wasn't too harsh, although something like travellers list seems meaningless to me, and if he has a past record for this sort of thing I could see it somewhat justified.

However, its the gods who reply to him who are doing the illegal act, not the player.

Unknown2002-07-10 19:23:13
So how is playing from my work LAN with a friend any different than playing from a lab? If one is illegal so is the other.
to Nazgum2002-07-10 19:24:42
So if you are warned, under threat of demotion, that you should not solicit any
information from a V+ (because you already got this way some illegal info), and
then you do it to an even more clueless newbie Maia, that's ok?
*unknown*2002-07-10 19:26:33
from what i know and others do, elestir is completely right....
Zorin2002-07-10 19:32:56
Antar, grow up. You have asked ainur for info tons of times. You have broken or tried to break char sep rules several times. You have been warned, you have read the rules, and still you persist, and then you have the audacity to post a whinelog looking for sympathy when you only lose 2 levels? Nienor is about the most fair V+ I have met on this game, and imho she's *too* nice. Ajax, all that Tulkas did to you was undone by V+, Bogger's time on Elbereth's list was also cut short. They cannot, however, do something about Tulkas, even if they wanted to, since that is the privelege of Manwe and him alone.
Nazgum2002-07-10 19:51:30
hehe in my post I said if he had a past record for this sort of thing it could be justified...

Although I still think in this case it seems like such a small matter, asking if someone had his eq? Not sure how I understand this is really wrong. Asking if she was online seems worse, since it has more potential to be abused.
kgb2002-07-10 20:11:28
kgb2002-07-10 20:11:56
By Nienor's word all internet traffic, including icq and aol is now being monitored by mume police. Phone taps will be coming soon along with bugging your homes for any communication about mume
Zorin2002-07-10 20:14:37
Nazgum, actually he has a habit of asking questions he shouldn't ask (one of the times it even involved you *grin*). From what I've seen, he's broken every damn rule except for multiplaying. He's had a ton of warnings, but the message just doesn't seem to get into his head. At some point this means that he will be demoted for doing stuff that other people wouldn't be demoted for, *untill* he gets the message.
Aredhel to KGB2002-07-10 20:19:30
A. It's all upper-cased. B. In case your parents haven't explained this to you yet, even if you don't get caught, it doesn't make it right.
Avitar2002-07-10 20:27:37
*NEWSFLASH* This has blown out of proportion. Nienor did not act rashly, and punish Antar on a whim. This was debated for a long time, and both sides of the debate were tabled and discussed. We all agreed that this incident alone did not warrant the punishment given, but what is not shown here, or discussed amongst the mortals, is the consideration that has to take into account a players' past history, multiple warnings, etc., etc. Dont come down on MUME management for being unjust when you dont have all the facts. Dont listen to hearsay or gossip and treat them like facts. As far as I know MUME, Management has never released an official press release regarding this incident, hence you do not have all the necessary facts to formulate an accurate opinion the fairness of the verdict/sentence. ;)
Aremir2002-07-10 20:37:35
There are rules in MUME and there are rules in RL. There are people who cross the street on red light when there's no car in sight and there are people who wait until green light appeares and if traffic lights are obviously broken, they just walk away and choose another way (they don't want to break any rules). There are also people who kill other people... Sometimes they get caught, sometimes not. IT IS THE WAY OF THINGS! You don't see it? There were laws and rules everywhere for centuries. There are and always were innocent people judged and executed. I know Antar as a fair and friendly player and would never punish him myself. But Nienor did and had right to do it as Antar cheated after all. And why complain about V+ friends? In rl, your friend has access to some information you desire, you ask him, he gives, you take advantage of this information (or you do not, if u want to abide law strictly).
And MUME is just text... not real life. Cheat and maybe you will never be caught, mistype once and you may be valed for something you never knew you are doing... Rules in RL were developing from final punishment for even lesser crimes to lifelong imprisonment as hardest punishment.
Ainur rule this MUD. All you that complain, think of how would it be if Ainur set medieval rules. If you would complain about anything, they would delete your account and bansite you.
Aremir2002-07-10 20:39:28
My god, what did I do? I have always just read the logs, never commented and now I've written such a paragraph. Don't read it, it's stupid.
Aredhel2002-07-10 20:45:53
And just on a random note: I don't recommend trusting any remotely private
information to Antar. As you can tell from this log, it fast becames public
when it was convenient to him. I didn't notice it at first, but nothanks to you,
man :(.
Antar2002-07-10 20:55:14
If a V+ hates you, you can no longer ICQ your friends with a simple "Does dude still have my mda?" I was demoted for something Nienor was told was said in an IM. I never did think Adara would ask anything on mume. And you folks never asked anything on ICQ ever that if you asked on mume might be thought was cheating...? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure....
Unknown2002-07-10 21:04:15
Didn't we just go over this and discussed the fact that this is not the only
thing you got demoted for? You don't seem to be denying it either.
Kreil2002-07-10 21:19:43
Ok, having read through this and quite a few posts.. I now realize I'm too damn old. I happen to get along well with all parties involved or cited in this little drama, so I won't comment on who/what has been done in the past. Except to say....publicly discussing someone's personal issues/lifestyles is low. (I mean 're-posting' them here.. I realize we all have private conversations)

The thing that stands out most to me is simple.. when someone gets accused of something, speeding, farting, cheating etc. and the constant mantra is "so and so does it" or "They do it all the time"'s over. Yes, this is harmless and yes trivial but it was perceived as a 'rule' thus if you wish to debate the merits of the 'ruling' do so.. but not by sounding somewhat childish and bringing others into it. Who cares how many times someone else cheated or bent the got caught, or of your actions were perceived to be wrong. This just doesn't concern anyone else except you, probably Adara and Neinor.

Mandor2002-07-10 21:33:01
Antar, even if no V+ hates you, asking that questing, receiving an answer IS against the rules. And you think it's legal just cause the questions arent asked on mume? hehehe.
Kreil2002-07-10 21:39:17
Oh and one more thing.. Back a few years ago when ICQ was probably one of the only IM clients etc., 94ish.. I distinctly recall exactly my first impression when "Ding" "User X is online"... I was playing Kreil V1.0 back then and fighting p(Mara/Flatline) though I didn't know it until he messaged me. The first thing I thought of was yikes.. this seems really unfair or problematic.

I haven't had ICQ since then.

To say anyone who uses ICQ or other IM clients are not 'aware' of the potential issues with MUME and using them are just not being honest with themselves.

Discipline..hrm I'm gonna mud, I think I'll disable my ICQ before everyone playing both sides spams me with "Hey..we're doing this"

My two cents :)
joei2002-07-10 21:44:50
i remember what for this justice is lame cause they morgul valed a legend of mine for, me being on a lowbie and trying to kill other players and chewed me out forever fakk em all .P
Zorin2002-07-10 21:55:13
Antar you said that the log was from July 9th, and that Antar had been valed for at least 15 days which would make that June 24th at the *latest*. It so happens that I know for a *fact* that you were warned about asking questions like these on June 21st, so at *best* 3 days before you pulled of this stunt. If any V+ 'hates' you it's because you're a cheating scumbag with no morals continuously violating rules, which makes management spend entirely too much time on you and your actions. Kenzu violated Rules Istar at least twice and still was allowed to become Maia, wasn't he?
Antar2002-07-10 22:29:31
Zorin, I only know it because Shimmer was retired, and had 15 days to unretire. I do believe I was valed for more along the lines of three weeks (21 days), but don't know what day I was valed. And I don't know what the second offense of rules istar was for Kenzu to violate. But he did not stop when asked by Wendy to stop killing her legend home guards, which is only offense I know of. And what was I warned of on June 21st? I believe the incident you are talking about is when I saw Aredhel on and one of her mortals online at the same time. It turned out to be a forced log in, but I did not know this, since Draught was invis to me. Of course I reported it when I saw it. What else was I supposed to do?
Lady Justice2002-07-10 23:57:40
Antar's penalty was very modest under the circumstances and given his sordid past. One wonders why he is allowed to continue on Mume at all. At this point he should be close to an account wipe for anything more serious than stealing a biscuit from a newbie.

I didn't catch any comments about what happened to Adara, though. One hopes her god is demoted to level one and she is never allowed to immort another char. Her offense is by far much greater than Antar's and nobody who has played long enought to immort a char would not know that using a god to pass information to a mortal is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. It's an unforgivable crime. An example must be set for others. Some things you just cannot do. Some things just cannot be tolerated. NUKE ADARA!!! NUKE, NUKE NUKE!!!!

OH, and if Antar is allowed to have immortal after this, somebody is asleep at the wheel. Get him out of a position to abuse his immortal access to informatiion, because you know he will. Obviously, he cannot be trusted.
Zorin2002-07-10 23:58:36
You're a moron, Antar. You knew that the 2 were the same, you knew they were in the same account, thus making it impossible for her to log both in at the same time, implying that it was a force-login. Yet, you stroll around saying she cheated, and no you did not 'report' it. The incident *I* was talking about was the subject of your incessant questions to ainur coming up yet again, this time being about when you asked an ainur directly whether or not Nazgum was still in a specific room since you couldn't search him out but no tracks lead from the room. Even if you had found this to be a bug, you should have *bug-reported* it instead of asking for cross-race info from an Ainur. Incidentally I doubt Antar was valed on the 21st, because then the conversation would have been somewhat different. With Kenzu you also broke the PK-rules in Tharbad as shown in another log on this site.
Aredhel2002-07-11 00:27:49
I didn't realize it was even a matter, until I talked to Staer the day after (listen up folks! We still have nice helpful RETIRED ARATAS around!).
I was on, my legend was on, force-logged-in by Draught - all you had to do was
ask one of them (and receive a reply from either me or Draught, correspondingly) - quick and simple. Instead you chose to bitch to random people
that Aredhel and Nienor are most likely cheating? Please, spare me the
righteous anger. Coming from a person repeatedly proven of cheating and/or
soliciting illegal information, it just doesn't come off well. And it sure
seems like you're mightily free with information when it suits your needs.
Unknown2002-07-11 00:51:55
So do I get that right? in MUME you get penalized for asking questions? :) And if that was not enough, you get penalized before proven guilty? Mumers when annoyed with that, visit
Zorin2002-07-11 01:38:29
Chuckle. He was penalized after he admitted to his guilt. As for the 'attempt' to break rules. I have yet to see an RL legal system that hasn't illegalized attemts at breaking the penal code. This doesn't seem to be the general case on MUME, but I don't see any problems with this for people that have proved without a doubt that they can't stick to the rules.
joei2002-07-11 04:33:43
so what if you fuck up in the past you get punished again for that that is pretty fuckin lame
Unknown2002-07-11 04:52:06
Never heard of three strikes law have you? What do they teach kids in american
high schools these days anyway?
Uriond2002-07-11 07:23:54
Nice of Zorin to release all this information. Who are you anyway?
Ajax2002-07-11 08:55:26
Ajax2002-07-11 08:55:26
Ajax2002-07-11 08:55:27
Ajax2002-07-11 08:55:28
Ajax2002-07-11 08:55:28
Ajax2002-07-11 09:04:40
Eh, nice tab bugs here. Anways, since when is it illegal to ask, in any law system anywhere? Hey god x, can you load me a full set of shining? That there shouldn't be enough to demote someone. Now if God X said sure, loads me some shining, then gives it to me, that would be cheating.
Bulba2002-07-11 09:22:11
I give you example. If i say "Sidlo has full shining eq", I gave to all of you cross-race information (if you have at least one darkie char). So managment now must punish every person who reads that comment. And I will be unpunished, because i said that information. That was with the Antars punishment. Ainu broke rule and punished was Antar. Why ? And it not depends what he did before. You can't say .... in a past he tried break rules or he broke rules, because it was and it was fault of MUME managment that they didn't respond on it hardly. And now somebody trying to say ... in a past he did "XyZwH" so for this time he will be punish. It's stupid. You must punish him only for the last thing that he did. You can't look in past. But in a Antars case he didn't break rule. Rule broke Ainu. So it just looks like that Nienor was at the cinema on "Minority Report". And for somebody could be Tom Cruise good actor.
Eporedax2002-07-11 10:42:46
Bulba: nod, but there is difference between asking for that info and saying it freely. But in general I agree with Elestir...
Eporedax2002-07-11 12:06:29
Bulba: nod, but there is difference between asking for that info and saying it freely. But in general I agree with Elestir...
Bulba2002-07-11 13:47:25
Eporedax: yes, but asking isn't still breaking of that rule.
Zorin2002-07-11 15:12:47
Ajax, it is illegal to obtain classified information anywhere on this planet. Hence spies and industriel spies are jailed for just that. If they manage to gain a position that allows them to attempt to get this information just by asking, they *will* be jailed for that, *especially* when they have a criminal record of it: The criminal record itself indicates that this is indeed what they were trying to do. Think long and hard about this, and you will find it to be true, even if you do have no knowledge of legal systems in general.
Zorin2002-07-11 15:19:37
Bulba: Antar wasn't punished for Adara giving him information. As for punishment for asking, see my comment to Ajax. If someone has a long criminal record, this is brought up for 2 things in a court of law: 1. In any and every legal system it will add to the punishment of the lawbreaker for the new incident, because it is no longer a 'first time offence'. 2. In any and every legal system a continous display of violating rules will be used as evidence in itself that the offender was in fact trying to break the law once again.
zomb2002-07-11 15:20:57
Zorin: Ajax, it is illegal to <<<<<>>>>>> classified information anywhere on this planet

did anter OBTAIN that information or not? he only asked about it.
Zorin2002-07-11 15:26:19
Uriond, I'm a regular mumer with a regular M. All of the information I have 'released' as you put it is 100% public info, except for the June 21st incident, at which I was present. Antar has a way of talking about everything he does to anyone who wants to listen (be it friends, websites, or whatever) and you know it. Was it nice of Antar to release the information he did in this log? Was it nice of him to try to give the impression that he was innocent or that Nienor was too harsh on him?
Zorin2002-07-11 15:26:52
Zomb, read the rest of the comme`nt you're referring to?
Aredhel2002-07-11 16:38:07
Come morning, I do believe this whole thing is getting blown out of proportion.
There were some stupid people. They cheated continuously.
They got punished. If Kevin plans to continue on this thing, he may as well
tell us all the other ways he did cheat in detail and how he was punished
for those too, because if all he got before was warnings, this was certainly
a slap on the wrist.
Daze2002-07-11 16:47:31
to long to read
Sloshed2002-07-11 18:42:22
i totally don't gett his demote system almarian was created and made into a god via a DIFFERENT player one of the worst ilegal crimes in game imho, what demote did she get? back to level 21 and had to do the quest so she LOST NOTHING she hadn't gained on her own anyways, so that was a fucking joke then something like this is a harsher punishment? sharing charfs should be a deletion of your WHOLE FUCKING account and to jsut demote to the point of where you last played the character is a joke, 2ndly Shimmers nothing but a whore and i tried to warn elistan but he doesn't listen so well, and thirdly bobbie you drink a LOT dont ya i never been with gretna and i dumped shimmer when i found out she was doing shit with torment the same time, he had sent her money or some shit but she wouldn't go see him cause wanted meand it was a fucking soap opera i didnt wanna be in so i told her she was a whore didnt want her anymore, let torment know what was going on showed him lotsa proof since some mutual friend of ours made me which id dint' wanna do :P but he stupidly went with her after that and she come trying to get me back a few days after he went to visit her, she's been with at least some 20 guys off here in the last year and it's pathetic, she's take any1 with a heartbeat no matter if there 15 or 40, i've seen a few friends of mine quit this game cause of her and it really pisses me off, nwo don't bring my name into this bs so i dont have to clear shit up!
Shimmer2002-07-11 19:18:43
Sloshed, before you go talking about my demotion with Almarian, please learn the info, because the information you just posted concerning this was completely wrong, *comf*. (See my post on the next log big guy!) I was under the impression you only had *one* friend here btw. (Who actually stands by you I mean.) =P I think instead of being so worried about what Im doing or how Im playing, you should consider some type of anger management and some educational classes, cause DAMN!
Sloshed2002-07-11 19:35:52
oh and how was it wrong? You ARE a whore you DID indeed get someoen to make your god for ya sooooooooooooooooooooooo :)
educational classes? what do you do for a living oh yes answe the telephone what classes did that take? lol, whatever you say i have taken "educational classes" as you call them, what did you take WHORE101? fucking aced it didnt ya! hehehe
Kreil2002-07-11 20:36:10
I find it rather amuzing that a good deal of these folks who seem to have a problem with pShimmer, seem to be the same ones who tried to 'hook up' with someone from a god damn text mud. Yes, very smooth indeed.

I don't have a problem with her because unlike a few of you, I'm past puberty and don't get a raging hard-on because some "*woman* kisses you".. Laugh you're all sad.

Unknown to Slos2002-07-11 20:43:59
In another 5 minutes I will start to think that she dumped you because she couldn't understand a sentence of what you were saying.
Sloshed2002-07-11 22:39:25
Well anyways my point is there seems to be no consistancy on the rules of demotion so people cheat and just figure since they haven't been caught yet they won't get in to much trouble, and it seems to work, Minimum demote outta be that character next step whole account, start cracking down and the cheaters will soon be gone.
Ramangth2002-07-12 00:07:34
*giggle Kreil* right on!
Kreil2002-07-12 01:14:56
Now that was concise and well put sloshy. I agree with your statement 100%.
lkuzk2002-07-12 12:31:44
Well, I agree the punishment was kinda harsh for the original breach, but... firstly, cut out those private tells! doesn't want to know about Bobbie's sex life, and that of his RL friends (and if I was Bobbie, I wouldn't want it put on either). Secondly: if I was Nienor, I'd be really pissed off by the way you treated him in the vale. Basically say that you'd happily lie and say anything to get off punishment: well, once you've said that, how can he possibly trust you?
Pedrag2002-07-12 16:12:29
one advice --> grow up
Pedrag2002-07-12 16:26:35
especially you ADARA :P
Arnin2002-07-12 23:33:48
Pedrag, why do you keep telling Adara to grow up? I'm sure she recognizes her mistake. We all aren't perfect, you know. Most of us here have done some pretty dumb stuff (I can give you tons of things I've done wrong), and I'm pretty sure sooner or later you're going to make an accident too. This event has already hurt her reputation and has probably damaged some of her friendships. I'm sure she regrets it, so why don't we just try to let it go?
Seethe2002-07-13 08:51:37
nicely put kreil
Devastator2002-07-15 13:42:54
LOL Kreil, you're damn right tho :)
I *KNOW*2002-07-17 22:54:51
sloshed is 100% right on the money, and trust me, she is known cheater
and her friends know it too and it happens more often than the Gods would
ever want to give her credit for - sorry, but cheaters get on my nerves.
Pedrag2002-07-19 10:08:12
*nod* Arnin [its just my personal anger against her], *apol* Adara :)
muckracker2006-10-29 03:06:13
how many peeps did p(shimmer) nail. I was also one of them...sigh
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