posted by Nacs
2002-07-10 14:16:21
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Porien asked for it!
o W C>          *** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)
|   1,  0%,  #Equinoxe                 |   1,  0%,  #Ehlissa                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Kan                      |   1,  0%,  #Zhachgar                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Zeliard                  |   2,  0%,  #Fingal                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Zoromir                  |   1,  0%,  #Grex                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Ozhur                    |   2,  0%,  #Taelo                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Onar                     |   1,  0%,  #Leila                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Sithi                    |   1,  1%,  #Aerie                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Khazdul                  |   1,  0%,  #Froslo                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Teejay                   |   1,  0%,  #Mumacik                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Therdin                  |   1,  0%,  #Zeed                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Halduir                  |   1,  0%,  #Magiska                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Dredgron                 |   2,  0%,  #Fulma                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Mem                      |   1,  0%,  #Lerian                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Belkira                  |   1,  0%,  #Allorn                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Misdor                   |   1,  0%,  #Eladamri                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Kemmler                  |   1,  0%,  #Thorny                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Gray                     |   1,  0%,  #Demo                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Nogir                    |   1,  0%,  #Lomek                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Grindon                  |   2,  0%,  #Silmeoin                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Khudum                   |   1,  0%,  #Grave                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Pumuckl                  |   1,  0%,  #Foilir                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Agnes                    |   2,  0%,  #Thegil                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Radegast                 |   2,  0%,  #Troin                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Badur                    |   2,  0%,  #Tvarc                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Shun                     |   1,  0%,  #Bea                      |
|   2,  0%,  #Edith                    |   1,  0%,  #Stonehand                |
|   1,  0%,  #Snailz                   |   1,  0%,  #Isan                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Khazlor                  |   1,  0%,  #Zhrek                    |
|   3,  0%,  #Glurinn                  |   1,  0%,  #Khelard                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Pride                    |   1,  0%,  #Rokko                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Midhel                   |   1,  0%,  #Avallac                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Zigin                    |   1,  0%,  #Kabouter                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Toigan                   |   1,  0%,  #Fargor                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vape                     |   1,  0%,  #Laiskloom                |
|   1,  0%,  #Ragadast                 |   2,  0%,  #Risca                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Emme                     |   2,  0%,  #Ginc                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Bunga                    |   1,  0%,  #Miyahk                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Khaduc                   |   1,  0%,  #Cryl                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Uber                     |   1,  0%,  #Roshinco                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Vegas                    |   2,  0%,  #Torvax                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Dural                    |   1,  0%,  #Mukluk                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Glamai                   |   2,  0%,  #Felogil                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Eirin                    |   1,  0%,  #Ingo                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Vahn                     |   1,  0%,  #Oggy                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Periannath               |   1,  0%,  #Belegar                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Bamilir                  |   1,  0%,  #Lugnut                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Minuial                  |   2,  0%,  #Zhag                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Sigurd                   |   1,  0%,  #Magi                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Kazram                   |   2,  0%,  #Proudfir                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Arceleb                  |   1,  0%,  #Serek                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Minsc                    |   1,  0%,  #Thi                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Fenolan                  |   1,  0%,  #Korir                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Erin                     |   1,  0%,  #Deorwine                 |
|   2,  0%,  #Bren          |   1,  0%,  #Llbumbi                  |
|   6,  0%,  #Kazan                    |   1,  0%,  #Brogan                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vidminnik                |   2,  0%,  #Fingeror                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Marko                    |   1,  0%,  #Zarhuk                   |
|   3,  0%,  #Bubby                    |   1,  0%,  #Eldacil                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Rael                     |   1,  0%,  #Erowyn                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Dundel                   |   1,  0%,  #Saint                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Tournevis                |   2,  0%,  #Valamir                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Tino                     |   1,  0%,  #Lognar                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Elrenia                  |   2,  0%,  #Dreamweaver              |
|   1,  0%,  #Tharain                  |   2,  0%,  #Pontiac                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Badin                    |   4,  2%,  #Korf                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Filuk                    |   1,  0%,  #Galion                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Bogmar                   |   3,  0%,  #Trapano                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Jane                     |   1,  0%,  #Eglath                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vegeta                   |   3,  0%,  #Ragaz                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Syth                     |   2,  0%,  #Nikitin                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Zorion                   |   1,  0%,  #Yennece                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Korog                    |   1,  0%,  #Dorlak                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Ithilorn                 |   1,  0%,  #Falck                    |
|   4,  1%,  #Shultz                   |   1,  0%,  #Yellowbellie             |
|   2,  0%,  #Tindomerel               |   1,  0%,  #Agonor                   |
|   3,  1%,  #Trassel                  |   1,  0%,  #Cube                     |
|   3,  0%,  #Nator                    |   1,  0%,  #Philia                   |
|   3,  1%,  #Snick                    |   1,  0%,  #Pagan                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Haldis                   |   3,  0%,  #Kirmin                   |
|   2,  1%,  #Hanover                  |   2,  0%,  #Dlafur                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Rukh                     |   1,  0%,  #Wendle                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Berin                    |   2,  0%,  #Tapja                    |
|   5,  0%,  #Udo                      |   4,  0%,  #Cymoril                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Voile                    |   2,  0%,  #Beota                    |
|   6,  2%,  #Glader                   |   2,  0%,  #Narsil                   |
|   3,  0%,  #Lothlahn                 |   1,  0%,  #Huh                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Zaber                    |   2,  2%,  #Oronme                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Loran                    |   1,  0%,  #Tarannon                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Trinity                  |   2,  0%,  #Jon                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Mistle                   |   2,  0%,  #Nuemar                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Aragazt                  |   1,  0%,  #Volber                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Brega                    |   1,  0%,  #Natash                   |
|   5,  1%,  #Fezz                     |   1,  0%,  #Oregon                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Finglas                  |   1,  0%,  #Belegurthruin            |
|   1,  0%,  #Blixt                    |   1,  0%,  #Nele                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Juno                     |   1,  0%,  #Decartes                 |
|   1,  1%,  #Gerian                   |   1,  0%,  #Baldurath                |
|   1,  0%,  #Tia                      |   5,  0%,  #Mumma                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Eldan                    |   2,  0%,  #Tempest                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Ethar                    |   1,  0%,  #Devlin                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Drakin                   |   3,  0%,  #Snowy                    |
|   3,  0%,  #Nightwolf                |   1,  0%,  #Rurim                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Alaia                    |   1,  0%,  #Jalin                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Donald                   |   3,  0%,  #Jojo                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Tha                      |   1,  0%,  #Butrus                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Zroi                     |   1,  0%,  #Glendale                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Iff                      |   4,  1%,  #Shahrie                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Einalem                  |   1,  0%,  #Miia                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Asanda                   |   5,  1%,  #Kazlbad                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Tua                      |   1,  0%,  #Althea                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Hrune                    |   1,  0%,  #Aduin                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Eldarion                 |   1,  0%,  #Ilgamar                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Damo                     |   1,  0%,  #Vasilisa                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Elroh                    |   1,  0%,  #Malezar                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Aschit                   |   1,  0%,  #Mayavi                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Dorak                    |   1,  0%,  #Elphin                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Vorondil                 |   1,  0%,  #Baldwin                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Indra                    |   1,  0%,  #Fredek                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Jandor                   |   1,  0%,  #Cryolite                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Karl                     |   3,  0%,  #Griffin                  |
|   3,  0%,  #Joei                     |   1,  0%,  #Hingus                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Edik                     |   3,  1%,  #Pii                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Gimlo                    |   1,  0%,  #Barbomba                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Azaghar                  |   2,  0%,  #Bumbulina                |
|   1,  0%,  #Telach                   |   1,  0%,  #Decade                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Gubbe                    |   2,  0%,  #Floi                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Tellah                   |   5,  0%,  #Relim                    |
|   3,  0%,  #Smooth                   |   1,  0%,  #Charlie                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Pulsar                   |   2,  0%,  #Elohym                   |
|   3,  0%,  #Barret                   |   1,  0%,  #Crysania                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Dream                    |   1,  0%,  #Anduil                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Groin                    |   1,  0%,  #Ingold                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Eliel                    |   1,  0%,  #Haldor                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Hamlet                   |   1,  0%,  #Tilion                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Snepp                    |   1,  0%,  #Risu                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Thengul                  |   1,  0%,  #Locht                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Gol                      |   1,  0%,  #Arcanam                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Dorfl                    |   2,  0%,  #Brumm                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Alvedon                  |   1,  0%,  #Flogger                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Superdeathflame          |   4,  0%,  #Galadon                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Aries                    |   1,  0%,  #Girion                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Will                     |   1,  0%,  #Annesh                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Faint                    |   1,  0%,  #Bearnas                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Elestir                  |   1,  0%,  #Hawkie                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Abraxas                  |   1,  0%,  #Filas                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Druin                    |   2,  0%,  #Frumgardt                |
|   2,  0%,  #Aegon                    |   1,  0%,  #Bashy                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Thoriam                  |   1,  0%,  #Windfara                 |
|   4,  0%,  #Dur                      |   1,  0%,  #Reinem                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Finadriel                |   4,  1%,  #Araldale                 |
|   4,  1%,  #Belog                    |   4,  0%,  #Atastor                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Dworin                   |   2,  0%,  #Eletherion               |
|   1,  0%,  #Hordor                   |   6,  1%,  #Norglin                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Ringil                   |   1,  0%,  #Roahir                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Tharam                   |   1,  0%,  #Arahad                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Adrien                   |   1,  0%,  #Feagil                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Legolad                  |   3,  0%,  #Antar                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Darla                    |   1,  0%,  #Angora                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Brytz                    |   3,  0%,  #Turok                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Grov                     |   2,  0%,  #Gorfirion                |
|   2,  0%,  #Krax                     |   1,  0%,  #Telumehtar               |
|   1,  0%,  #Gastone                  |   1,  0%,  #Faerim                   |
|   2,  0%,  #Gilorien                 |   2,  0%,  #Coco                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Terrance                 |   1,  0%,  #Topas                    |
|   2,  0%,  #Marigold                 |   3,  0%,  #Kodar                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Regin                    |   1,  0%,  #Pandion                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Buliwyf                  |   2,  0%,  #Agerno                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Ilmarin                  |   3,  0%,  #Balduran                 |
|   2,  1%,  #Eilard                   |   3,  0%,  #Forin                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Aile                     |   2,  0%,  #Toulen                   |
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Wryak2002-07-10 14:54:48
Ack just one of my chars ! :)
Edvard2002-07-10 16:28:15
2 Aegons, think thats all =p
Ostu2002-07-10 16:37:19
No chars of mine, hah
Unknown2002-07-10 18:09:50
Poor Norglin, the Cannon Fodder.
Beleghir2002-07-10 18:11:42
None of mine either, hah:)
Teejay2002-07-10 18:39:11
aw dang im on there, at least i know what Mr Crimpy's secret message was though.
The Gingerbread2002-07-10 18:52:01
TEe heE heeE cant catch me!
Shiara2002-07-10 19:59:54
You didn't get gray. :/ What do you mean MR Crimpy's secret message, Teejay?
Zaber2002-07-10 20:15:52
Ick you got 3 of mine! But I got yours 54 times on this char only so I guess its even =)
Evan2002-07-10 22:35:24
Not impressed. so how many where above 0%(eg solo) 5-10 ?
Unknown2002-07-11 10:02:26
Actually not a single 1, 1% in there closest was 2, 1%
Udo2002-07-11 10:44:41
5 of me :( but you got only this char in trophy from me!!!! oops and just noticed you have my ainu too :(
Rayden2002-07-11 13:39:43
*cackle* none of my chars :P
Raspy2002-07-12 03:41:02
Haah, only 1 of Wendle, i thought wendle sucked hardcore! hahaha
Pampalini2002-07-12 11:29:43
I guess Nacs's history is longer and more exciting :P
Pampalini2002-07-12 11:31:23
Erm ahh - it's the log below
Dera2002-07-12 18:17:16
Ooh, none of mine *flex*
Mandor2002-07-14 12:13:19
Shiara, read it again? Gray is there.

Odd thing tho, I am not, even tho I clearly remember Nacs having killed me solo (Shown in log on this site).

Devastator2002-07-15 13:31:48
Woohoo my zorc is on top :)
To Unknown2002-07-15 13:58:12
1, 1%, #Aerie
thilax2002-07-23 14:06:10
p(elenril) used to call nacs the walking warpoint =)
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