NO PK. Bree Prison Conditions!
posted by Asmodan
2002-07-15 22:55:29
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Better don't get caught in bree for doing "criminal" activations. Guar
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*sigh*2002-07-15 23:30:45
u know there's a board in the prison, u can write this stuff on it too, that's why it's called a >>>>>BORED<<<<<
Bale2002-07-16 00:04:35
Why post this nonsense?
Fahil2002-07-16 00:55:23
silly low-bie mage and his adventures....
stat master 3002002-07-16 07:38:59
you suck
Estonian Teache2002-07-16 10:08:56
"criminal" activations, LOL, it's Criminal Activitie. Nod.
Zorin2002-07-16 18:35:50
Chuckle :)
Rayden2002-07-16 18:54:50
snicker ->
A VOID2002-07-16 23:36:48
EEEE the jail in in gh is mutch better eeeeee

i you got black beryy tart and other nice food =)
iffe2002-07-16 23:37:24
it should be illeagle to post this shit
Unknown2002-07-16 23:40:05
Could be worse, you could be trapped in Morgul Vale with only Longo for company. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Omega2002-07-17 05:19:47
This was the dumbest fucking log I've ever seen in my life (except Staer!)
Tendor2002-07-17 07:28:11
*snicker* Well, this log's better than some bunch of other logs posted here :)
Aredhel2002-07-17 22:52:18
heh, this is funny :-)
Khazow2002-07-18 13:40:56
I got busted for 2 days, and prayed that there was no food there. I was told that "Oi, if you commit crimes, it is your own problem" .. And since you cannot really starve, it is no real problem, is it?
Hahahaha2002-07-20 13:38:10
copypasted grayfuck's stats, eh? graywannabe!
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