Wha do you all think is it good stat and others stuff?
o W C>inf
You are a male Tarkhnarb Orc.
You are 73 years, 3 months and 25 days old.
You have played 28 days and 19 hours (real time).
This ranks you as ......... (level 33).
You are five feet ten and weigh eleven stone and ten pounds.
Perception: vision 25, hearing 10, smell 20. Alertness: normal.
You are totally corrupted by the Evilness of Morgoth!
You are welcome in Goblin Town.
Your equipment weighs 114 pounds. Heavy, but we will manage...
Your base abilities are: Str:20 Int:7 Wis:8 Dex:14 Con:21 Wil:15 Per:10.
Offensive Bonus: 146%, Dodging Bonus: 24%, Parrying Bonus: 40%.
Your armour provides an average protection of 80%.
You have 452/452 hit, 54/54 mana, and 158/158 movement points.
Your mood is aggressive.
You will flee if your hit points go below 170.
You have scored 13,106,746 experience points and you have 73,427 travel points.
You are not known for any acts of war.
You need 893,254 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 26 gold coins, 18 silver pennies, and 14 copper pennies.
You are speaking Orkish.
You will swim if necessary.
You will climb if necessary.
o W C>stat
OB: 146%, DB: 24%, PB: 40%, Armour: 80%. Wimpy: 170. Mood: aggressive.
Needed: 893,254 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 26. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the right foot (bound up).
- a light wound at the body (bound up).