Whos da man?
posted by Woitkah
2002-08-08 18:43:37
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Woitkah2002-08-08 18:48:32
Ok, point is i almost killed that furball.... it was soooo close but still so far... :(
Ertai2002-08-08 19:05:30
What a log:D
Slade2002-08-08 19:47:11
Change wimpy 0 ----> Kill that little fucker next time
Xury2002-08-08 19:54:04
:( nice attempt though
gamon a followe2002-08-08 21:24:55
nice i love this part
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
The corpse of a grey troll is lying here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
The corpse of a grey troll is lying here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here
Smitsy2002-08-08 23:52:37
Hitting 15 hp hobbit incap makes you feel good? Yet again, I was faster than those swedes, hitting you first. Just unluck for me. But no, you're not "da man" because of that.
Snarp2002-08-09 00:07:58
Hehe, I'd day spamming k *troll* Smitsy. Considering he was solo agaisn't 12 to hit the hobbit from wounded to incap, is pretty well done.
Unknown2002-08-09 07:57:48
wounded hobbit has 15 hps? wohoo, whats your max hps then 30???
Bharr2002-08-10 00:16:05
Now... thaaat´s a nice log...!!!
Ghanic2002-08-10 06:49:35
it was funny, the day that happened, sunspot ripped 8 times
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