*** Warlords hall of fame ***
1 Thorac the Elf Magic User.
2 Darkun the Black Numenorean Magic User.
3 Gargamel the Black Numenorean Magic User.
4 Zarc the Troll Warrior.
5 Elegil the Half-Elf Cleric.
6 Burst the Human Warrior.
7 Silverleaf the Elf Magic User.
8 Wiw the Hobbit Warrior.
9 Painless the Black Numenorean Magic User.
10 Aucher the Troll Warrior.
11 Lagduf the Orc Scout.
12 Harkz the Orc Shaman.
13 Feor the Human Warrior.
14 Kilroy the Black
15 Lurken the Black Numenorean Magic User.
16 Dreadnaught the Orc Warrior.
17 Prey the Orc Shaman.
18 Oyclo the Black Numenorean Magic User.
19 Moonchild the Orc Warrior.
20 Tobold the Hobbit Magic User.
I see 2 trolls 5 bns a hobbit warrior a hobbit magic user some orc casters some orc warriors... why the hell did it change if it was so good? *ponder*