Pk in retirement halls
posted by Unknown
2005-06-13 10:37:34
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Retirement Hall PK - IT IS POSSIBLE
!# C>!# C>
A ghostly captain tells you 'I die!!'
A ghostly captain tells you 'I give you my ws'
A ghostly captain tells you 'bb didnt load sry'

t captain aw shit, what else ya load?

A ghostly captain tells you 'Lots of chain mail shite here'

t captain nah thx too heavy atm

A ghostly captain tells you 'k son, back to mobheaven'

t captain alright seeya
He can't hear you right now.

#### I go out of GC to find tracks around dt ####

*Tiggie the Orc* tells you 'i arrive from the east with *roggie the orc*, and 4 *dreadful orcs*.

t tiggie I run away to eoggha

*Tiggie the orc* tells you ' i pursue you being very killhorny'

t tiggie I seek myself into rd

*Tiggie the Orc* tells you 'i spam randomrunes calling you a pussy bcuz u didnit fight 1v6'

t tiggie well fuck you

##### Trying to sell ws for caster eq, I find a dwarf and sold it to him for 75g, bought me some stuff #####
#### Running to vale to help friends do mirkwood ####
t mule ride
Mule tells you ' i r too exhausted. '

t mule piece of shit
Mule tells you ' :( '

t mule I dismount you, and run barefoot.

You tells you '
You're fainting!1'
t self bob
You tells you '
You're fainting!1 
You're a weakass dumb dwarf combo who cant do shit! 
You gained 5 moves from the bob'

*Tiggie the Orc* tells you 'im coming with my 12 pack this time. 
You're dead! 
You hear some very close noise to the east.!'

t tiggie omg your such a fag
*Roggie the Orc* tells you 'wave'
t orcs fuck all of you, pussies
*Tiggie the Orc* tells you '
You are dead! Sorry...'
*Tiggie the Orc* tells you 'Ouch! 
You lose a level!'

You tells you 'fuck this im out of this game'
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Nedro2005-06-13 10:44:24
Kukeke2005-06-13 12:15:07
Rancr2005-06-13 14:23:41
a mind of a retarded 12 years old newbie mudder?
Unknown2005-06-13 18:37:44
Rancr I'm sure even 12 year olds with down syndrome who have half of their brain missing have more brain functions then you do.
Unknown2005-06-13 20:29:59
this site needs putting out of its misery
tankist2005-06-13 20:58:19
Britney2005-06-13 21:34:00
How can anyone think this is funny? :D
Unknown2005-06-14 01:40:01
I thought it was funny. I guess the requirment for this log is to have a sense of humor.
Unknown2005-06-14 04:35:39
agree with 4.comment very honest log though :P props on self created :P
Mar2005-06-16 00:31:17
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