I'd say that he probably thought resting a mob would prove fatal to a puke :O
Some typos can prove disastrous :P
2006-01-02 14:58:12
did u ever think his link waz really crappy? with like 10k+ ms? ..i am preaty sure thats why he waz ordering his thief to rest and not cast shitsky on ya or try to flee...
2006-01-02 16:04:39
Of course this was a typo, should have been "order followers assist" instead of having them rest :P Bad luck my armour dropped after first bolt, was meant to magic missile ya... not unstore my fball :D
2006-01-02 17:37:12
I only posted this because MUME is down and i have nothing to do =P
2006-01-02 19:08:44
At least new logs are ok now :)
2006-01-02 20:18:21
We are both fat thieves, if we rested over that guy, he would be hell dead!