player of azazello in his typical afk and ld killing style. no scrolls left now, fag?
2006-01-11 01:16:42
Rofl mm surprised they didn't finish you. In fact, seeing that they didn't come in with them at fairly high hps prob would suggest that they realized you were linkless/afk.
Even if it was an afk-kill attempt, in this case skill was involved (vs. most stabit4*to dead, spambashit and follow in open afk/linkkills).
-The Voice of Reason
-Who posts his name. (*wink* Un"noun")
2006-01-12 23:42:20
Eradan, you are a jerry curl nigger. -f4f
2006-01-13 07:49:36
I'm not sure what previous commenters are seeing here, but Zomb fled at hurt Kochurma fled at fine. They easily could have killed him but probably decided to spare since he was AFK.