Valentines Day Showdown
posted by Unknown
2006-02-15 07:25:35
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Omega narrates 'WAZUP!'

*# Mana:Burning>
Hellfire narrates 'sup nigga'

*# Mana:Burning>
Snub narrates 'god damn waste of time experice'

Snub narrates 'night howdy'

Fleur narrates 'howdy howdy'

Snub narrates 'who bree need eket'

Snub narrates 'remember unlike these newbie bitches i dont sell or trade shit,
i give away'

Omega narrates 'i'll trade someone my crimson raspberries for 4 pieces of

Snub narrates 'omega your the laste immortal that neess to send me a message,
have ya forgot 4 years ago when i told ya to fuck off?'

Hellfire narrates 'you're insane, do you know how many you can get for those?'

Snub narrates 'update fuck off omega'

Omega narrates 'my bad.......'

Hellfire narrates 'whoever taught you to trade was a fool, omega'

Snub narrates 'i remember when omega was level 1 and Roqq assisted ya gaining
levels dont talk shit to me bro'

Hellfire narrates 'just so you know, snub fancies himself a shit-talker'

Snub narrates 'IM Roqq'

*f R>
Blip narrates 'Snub is one shitnab wearing a little sign "Im weird...ignore me

Hellfire narrates 'but if you remind him that his wife doesn't give it to him
anymore he shuts up'

*f R>Blip narrates 'wasnt Roqq some perma-whining newbie complaining over eq and
someone to lead him to exp?'

Hellfire narrates 'heh'

Vrad narrates 'hehe my name is still listed for donating for the FIRE server.'

Omega narrates 'since i've stoped telling/talking to you, would you do the
same for me please!'

Baristar narrates 'how many times are you going to say you ahve been here for
12 years'

Serenity narrates 'Comon, he's obviously lying. With that attitude he can't be
older than 12 :-)'

Blip narrates 'Snub tells you 'i do remember blip telling youto ask
yavanna,staer,fror,vaire, staer ect about me'

Serenity narrates 'He confused his age with how long he's been here'

Blip narrates 'this guy told me that he is 43 and has played this mud for 12

Talian narrates 'I would ask how old you are RL snub, but since I'm ignoring
you..probably quite pointless'

Hellfire narrates 'he's 35'

Fleur narrates 'wow, there is ignore command?'

Baristar narrates 'i feel bad for those people 12 years ago who didnt have it'

Hellfire narrates 'did snub ignore me because of my comments about his sex

*f HP:Fine>
Blip narrates 'he has played 12 years and still dont know a shit about playing
this mud, so i wonder, is he mentally ill or just braininfected?'

*f HP:Fine>

Cormax narrates 'anyonemax enchant?'

Hellfire narrates 'that's sick'

Hellfire narrates 'someone ask him about me'

Hellfire narrates 'just so i can know if i got him to shut up'

Materia narrates 'targa dies!'

Materia narrates 'that was a hard ass fight'

Hellfire narrates 'no such satisfaction eh'

Hellfire narrates 'chea'

Hellfire narrates 'materia > you'

Materia narrates 'damn skippy.'

Hellfire narrates ':D'

Blip narrates '3 orcs innkeeper'

Hellfire narrates 'fight em'

Fleur narrates 'byebye everyone'

Snub narrates 'i rent pissants'

Serenity narrates 'The world's smallest violin is playing'

Snub narrates 'night (p) smooth, god help ya with these kids'

Omega narrates 'yes, but who's playing it?'

Serenity narrates 'Eru, of course'

Snub narrates 'omega want me to continue about it?'

Omega narrates 'hehe'

Omega narrates 'continue about what, i've been nice to you, your starting to
piss me off'

Snub narrates 'really omega want to continue?'

Hellfire narrates 'let him continue'

Hellfire narrates 'he'll just run his mouth until he realizes he's made
himself look like an idiot'

Hellfire narrates 'it's hysterical, watch'
Serenity narrates '
You can have your breakup fight over tells, folks'

Omega narrates 'yes, please continue your knowing knowledge'

Hellfire narrates 'shut up serenity'

Blip narrates 'Snub, we all respect Omega alot more than we respect a twisted
american teenager who's trying to play hotshot? Now shut it Snub, or ill let
you noshouted'

Hellfire narrates 'arrogant prick'

Serenity narrates 'Awwww, my feelings'

Hellfire narrates 'hey, snub's 35'

Hellfire narrates 'don't give him the benefit of the doubt'

Hellfire narrates 'listen narrate'

Hellfire narrates 'i thnik'

Snub narrates 'listen narr'

Hellfire narrates 'i'm not stupid enough to turn them off so i wouldn't know
for sure'

Blip narrates 'do i give a shit if he is 13 or 35? he sounds like a
mental-hospital patient!'

Infiladn narrates 'any one who is not talking about pk please move to sing

Vrad narrates 'Thanks. Finally some peace.'

Hellfire narrates ':P'

Hellfire narrates 'whut up'

Blip narrates 'reminds me the movie...40 years old virgin'

Serenity narrates 'Either mental hospital patient or pHark on speed'

Hellfire narrates 'raise your hand if you don't care what infiladn has to say'

Hellfire narrates '*raise*'

Blip narrates 'well i know pHark and trust me, he is alot more cooler than
this boring chap here'

Blip narrates 'atleast pHark knows how to insult ppl, this one only calls ppl
kids and newbies'

Omega narrates 'hehe'

Serenity narrates 'Good point.'

Hellfire narrates 'haha this is true'

Blip narrates 'i rather be 21 years old kid than a 35 years old virgin,
braindead and mentally sick wanker:)'
Hellfire narrates 'he's 35 and he calls people newbie'

Materia narrates 'i got str ring lore again!'

Materia narrates '<---- > you.'

Infiladn narrates 'lol to think you used to be  a hero of mine hellfire'

Hellfire narrates 'you should really give me a royalty check each time you use
that now mat'

Hellfire narrates 'breaking hearts is what i do kidj'

!. R Mana:Burning>w
Talian narrates 'hahaha! you have a mud hero? that is funny'

Hellfire narrates 'i'm just a hustler baby'

Blip narrates 'Hellfire is some buttbud'

Blip narrates 'of Snub?'

Hellfire narrates 'buttbud? is that some weird mix of butthead and rosebud?'

Materia narrates 'no'

Blip narrates '2 males who cant get laid, jerking each other off wearing

>Hellfire narrates 'your shit is incoherent, silence you'

Materia narrates 'its a male anal partner'

Materia narrates 'the homosexual's have them.'

Materia narrates ':D'

Hellfire narrates 'you would know jerk :P'

Materia narrates 'mhm :D'

Blip narrates 'really rocks how 2 nerds are trying to play hot-shot in a
virtual reality:P'
Hellfire narrates 'renarr that pls'

Infiladn narrates 'who thinks slordor is the coolest person on here'

!# R Mana:Burning>
Blip narrates 'try rl, oh..better not, they gonna whack you up at the first

Hellfire narrates 'i'm just intellectually superior to 99.99% of the people i
interact with'

Blip narrates 'even pSnakr is more intelligent than these 2 wankas'

Serenity narrates 'That's really not that hard'

!# R>
Materia narrates 'who are the two wankaz?'

!# R>
Hellfire narrates 'i can't hide it son'

Blip narrates 'Hellfire & Snub, those whom jerk off on eachother:D'

Hellfire narrates 'haha that's really not that hard he says'

Blip narrates 'mostly at fridays, after work'

Hellfire narrates 'jesus christ'

Hellfire narrates 'if there's one thing worse than calling someone a newbie'

Blip narrates 'oh wait, they dont got a job, they are homeless and playing
from some public internet place:D'

Snub narrates 'he means me and someone else materia, blip a 11 year old that
never got a piece of ass'

Infiladn narrates 'jesus titty fucking christ'

Hellfire narrates 'it's assuming what their sexual orientation and
discrepancies are'

Blip narrates 'what else could explain your behaviour?'

Blip narrates 'and hostality against normal ppl?'

Hellfire narrates 'me being smarter than you'

Hellfire narrates 'and it's hostility'


Hellfire narrates 'again, dictionary'

Serenity narrates 'MUME's Valentine's day - spam by folks who can't get a

Snub narrates 'hmmmm talking with a 11 year old past his bedtime

Blip narrates 'Hellfire, where you get the information that you're smarter
than me?'

Hellfire narrates 'haha, who's the pervert now'

Hellfire narrates 'by your own idiotic statements'

Blip narrates 'and Snubben auf Nabben, plz, its 8am here, learn the

Hellfire narrates 'i put two and two together'

Hellfire narrates 'and 4 means i'm more intelligent than you are'

Blip narrates '
You put 2 and 2 together and get 6, while normal ppl get 4'

Vrad narrates 'anyone wanna xp some?'

Snub narrates '12:05 here, like i give a shit'

Hellfire narrates 'again, you're way too late'

Hellfire narrates 'i already narrated that the answer was four'

Hellfire narrates 'so you can't read either'

Jaxon narrates 'any pk ?'

Infiladn narrates 'it's 42'

Serenity narrates 'Well, Snub is somewhere in the Midwest - we should forgive
him his backwardness...'

Blip narrates 'again, do i give a shit what some newbie americans are babbling

Snub narrates 'blip 90% people playing smarter than you'

Hellfire narrates 'hahaha'

Infiladn narrates 'the answer to everything is 42'

Hellfire narrates 'i win! you had to revert to the newbie jokes and national

Blip narrates 'oh, and where's this idea coming from?'

Hellfire narrates 'i'd say if everyone agrees that you're a moron, we're all
smarter than you'

Snub narrates 'newbie american? og blip a erupian, someone that doesnt
understand its North American, Central American or South america'

Hellfire narrates 'what are the odds that i'm wrong, nonetheless everyone

Blip narrates 'only newbies, i see here are Hellfire and Snub, and both of em
are loudmouthed jerkoffs, who cant get laid irl and nag on ppl above em, so,
why should i care what some zero IQ'd wanker tells me?'

Hellfire narrates 'firstly, your commas are misused'

Materia narrates 'stolb sesame'

Psayko narrates 'smiters preferible'

Hellfire narrates 'second, you seem to think that we're newbies'

Hellfire narrates 'snub might be, i'm not'
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NonEstonian2006-02-16 00:42:29
hehe omega is da men.
Unknown2006-02-16 05:18:04
Unknown2006-02-17 22:10:34
I come back here after two years to see why I left this game...

Because of the pretty fukcing retarded people on it
Unknown2006-02-18 16:34:10
the part where the three stooges went racist with each other was cut
Unknown2006-02-25 12:41:00
Hellfire2006-02-26 03:56:22
This really cracks me up.
Blip2006-02-27 10:44:20
about anything cracks you up Hellfire, as a faggot you are, i wouldnt doubt it at all, go hug Letholes orso
PostReport2006-02-28 09:30:25
'Newbie' was said 10 times in this log. Thank you.
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