But it looked like such good xp...
posted by aeliran
2006-10-28 12:52:54
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Unknown2006-10-28 13:27:42
There is a command named flee if you dont know.
aeliran2006-10-28 14:12:32
If you could read you'd know I typed it.
Wellknown2006-10-28 15:28:33
Lol, you don't spamquake pack of herolvl mobs. Quake, flee, refresh armor.
Unknown2006-10-28 15:34:32
hero level? never done them before
Phoebus2006-10-29 00:53:19
you cant flee or cancel out of stored spells....

if you typed quake 4x and you have 4 stored quakes dont expect to do much until you used them all
Unknown2006-10-29 02:40:10
Well I wasn't expecting to go down to quickly. They're harder mobs than they look.
Rofl2006-10-29 03:33:19
Aeliwhine got pwnT!
Unknown2006-10-29 04:35:52
aeliran, those are powerful mobs as you now know, quake 2x, flee put fresh armour up, quake 2 more, flee, reg, store more, and keep doing at a steady pace..
Unknown2006-10-29 10:57:33
Best is to do it at a pace that they can regen too, but that might be illegal.
Unknown2006-10-29 16:57:12
butplz turn xpcounter off too?
Unknown2006-10-30 19:58:43
So perish all stupid whining bastards!
Unknown2006-10-31 23:51:03
lol nab
Unknown2006-11-11 07:48:37
lol @ du "spells drop like fries" man above me!
Unknown2006-11-11 10:09:15
Actually, I did not post it. Bad guess.
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