When Europe sleeps...
posted by Unknown
2007-06-03 00:02:01
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Boredom or just silly people?
Tathar narrates 'i'm looking for cash offers on anal bum covers'

Hellfire narrates 'tathar, you are an idiot'

Tathar narrates 'debatable'

Huerc narrates 'not debatable'

Hellfire narrates 'no, it is completely and unequivocally decided that you are a moron'

Tathar narrates 'huerc, go spam bash somewhere?'

Huerc narrates 'at least i get kills'

Tathar narrates 'haha you're the main source of xp for darkies '

Huerc narrates 'because i leave bree'

Tathar narrates 'you don't even have any darkies, you don't rate to try to assume someones skill caliber'

Huerc narrates 'dont use big words like your smart..'

Tathar narrates 'nods i'm a pseudo-intellectual with my desk reference dictionary'

Huerc narrates 'did you say somethign?'

Tathar narrates 'yes i said go smoke another bowl you skeezy simpleton fuck.'

Huerc narrates 'gimpleton'

Hellfire narrates 'fact - huerc did in fact just smoke a bowl'

Tathar narrates 'clever retord'

Tathar narrates 'retort'

Hellfire narrates 'retord?'

Huerc narrates 'almost insulting'

Hellfire narrates 'is that like a retard who can't retort'

Jacen narrates 'Oh god.'

Hellfire narrates 'seriously, define that'

Tathar narrates 'wow 1 point for you hellfire, you clearly have nothing.'

Hellfire narrates 'it's not my argument, i'm just watching huerc make an ass of himself'

Hellfire narrates 'but just for you, i'll come off the sidelines'

Tathar narrates 'there's a big difference between ignorance and type hellfire, but since you clearly have nothing better mate
rial wise i'll let you have that one'

Hellfire narrates 'i gave you enough credit when you appeared to have a point earlier'

Hellfire narrates 'ignorance and type?'

Jacen narrates 'Now now children.  '

Huerc narrates 'afk'

Tathar narrates 'i love geek nostril flaring nobodies trying to call someone on typo of spelling or grammar, it totally punct
uates their intellect'

Tathar narrates 'hellfire you're the shit dude'

Jacen narrates 'Don't forget proper capitalization.'

Hellfire narrates 'even though that was clearly made in sarcasm, i'll take it'

Tathar narrates 'nods jacen'

Jacen narrates '=)'

Tathar narrates 'yeah sure it was 'sarcasm' now that i just destroyed you'

Hellfire narrates 'thanks for patting my back, you now join a long line of underlings who correctly acknowledge my superiorit

Hellfire narrates 'but not only have i never been "destroyed" in my entire life'

Hellfire narrates 'but i see where you're coming from'

Hellfire narrates 'you think dime-a-dozen SAT words can really make you look like an intelligent badass'

Tathar narrates 'well i was being facetious so you might want to think of another zinger there'

Hellfire narrates 'all they do is make you come off like a petulant little schoolboy who realized everyone else's penis is bi
gger than his'

Tathar narrates 'i guess sarcasm is difficult to construe on text.'

Hellfire narrates 'how about sarcasm and facetious are fucking synonyms to begin with'

Tathar narrates 'not synonyms, in any way'

Hellfire narrates 'are you fucking kidding me'

Hellfire narrates 'who taught you the english language'

Surprise narrates 'hows about about you bitch at each other in tells not narrates'

Tathar narrates 'being facetious is sarcasm with optimism, go brush up on your articulate verbiage and lack there of'

Tathar narrates 'or 'joking' sarcasm'

Cadsuane narrates 'stop it surprise!'

Hok narrates 'clap'

Cadsuane narrates 'it's fun to hear narrs'

Commodore narrates 'yeah i'm really enjoying this show'

Hellfire narrates 'you know what's funny'

Cadsuane narrates 'it makes exp easier'

Hellfire narrates 'you really just contradicted yourself'

Commodore narrates 'i'm literally just watching this'

Hellfire narrates 'your articulate verbiage and lack there of?'

Jacen narrates 'It's fun'

Tathar narrates 'do you need a flow chart?'

Hellfire narrates 'i mean i'm not like a physicist'

Tathar narrates 'maybe a few pie graphs?'

Hellfire narrates 'but that should be impossible'

Hellfire narrates 'i'll give you time to string your thoughts together, let me know what verbiage has to do with pie charts'

Jacen narrates 'It's funny watching people try to one up the other with their extended vocabulary.'

Tathar narrates 'hang on hellfire let me break out the flash cards to help you understand a little more'

Hellfire narrates 'but as a serious question, did you forget your add meds today?'

Hellfire narrates 'still waiting, sweetheart'

Jacen narrates 'Uhh Verbiage!  Yeah... you talk too much garbage!  So Verbose!'

Tathar narrates 'your rebuttals are weak, and don't rate for me'

Hellfire narrates 'that wasn't a rebuttal'

Tathar narrates 'wow, clever'

Hellfire narrates 'i was waiting to see what kind of bloated-ego, idiotic comment you'd have this time'

Hellfire narrates 'you asked me to wait for flash cards, i did, and since they didn't come, i sit here disappointed'

Tathar narrates 'dude you're so awesome'

Hellfire narrates 'you clearly don't have anything to say'

Hellfire narrates 'i know!'

Tathar narrates 'way to play the literal card'

Jacen narrates '"Verily this vichyssoise of Verbiage veers most Verbose..."'

Hellfire narrates 'that's what i'm trying to impress upon you'

Commodore narrates 'nicely done Jacen'

Hellfire narrates 'seriously, shut up with the v for vendetta shit'

Jacen narrates 'Hahahah'

Jacen narrates 'Sadly I know the whole thing.'

Hellfire narrates 'that took you like 10 minutes to look up too didn't it'

Tathar narrates 'anyways i'm going to continue my bree xp here and save the innocent from narrate spam, drop me a tell when y
ou can keep up'

Hellfire narrates 'haha, huerc was right'

Hellfire narrates 'you don't leave bree after all'

Tathar narrates 'nods'

Hellfire narrates 'that dumb stoner beat you'

Hellfire narrates 'that must hurt'

Hok narrates 'mad fog khuzur'

Tathar narrates 'i'm actually abr, just to clarify'

Hellfire narrates 'man you are confusing'

Tathar narrates 'or you're just gullable?'

Hellfire narrates 'gullible, but nice try'

Hok narrates 'Shhhhh'

Tathar narrates 'LOLZ SPELLING'

Hellfire narrates 'yeah, take a look at your keyboard'

Tathar narrates 'i used to shove idiots like you in lockers at highschool'

Hellfire narrates 'how fucking far away is a from i?'

Jacen narrates 'Create tells you 'lol wtf is happening on narrate''

Jacen narrates 'haha'

Commodore narrates 'hahahahhaha'

Commodore narrates 'that was so retarded'

Commodore narrates 'i used to shove kids in lockers...who the fuck are you'

Hellfire narrates 'you have completely invalidated anything you say from here on out'

Commodore narrates 'sorry to intervene though'

Commodore narrates 'i like this show, i'll cut out'

Jacen narrates 'Yes yes, the sidelines are much more fun.'

Commodore narrates 'they really are, i'm really enjoying myself'

Jacen narrates 'Ready for a dirty comment?'

Jacen narrates 'It's like watching animals do it on the National Geographic Channel.  Its horrible, but you can't stop.'

Commodore narrates 'hahahha'

Hellfire narrates '...'

Glazed narrates 'why you makin snakes?'

Jacen narrates 'Wait... it's over?  It can't be.'

Commodore narrates 'i'm kind of pissed'

Commodore narrates 'i'm sitting here selling stuff, and enjoying thes how'

Commodore narrates 'the show*'

Jacen narrates 'Uh... Hellfire, Tathar says his pc could beat your pc up.'

Jacen narrates 'Then shove it in a locker...'

Hellfire narrates 'too bad, my mac pwns him'

Hellfire narrates 'yeah'

Hellfire narrates 'make it give his all its lunch money'

Tathar narrates 'my "pc" is a sparc station running solaris'

Jacen narrates 'No no no dammit, argue with him.'

Hellfire narrates 'cyberwedgies and whatnot'

Hellfire narrates 'hahah good'

Tathar narrates 'so nods, it would beat his trendy little mac'

Hellfire narrates 'so now we know you're a wicked nerd'

Hellfire narrates 'and are completely incapable of beating anyone up'

Jacen narrates 'Hahahah'

Tathar narrates 'nods i have pocket protectors and shit'

Tathar narrates '2 for each pocket'

Hellfire narrates 'don't get mad because i'm prettier'

Jacen narrates 'Sorry that was pretty astute.'

Tathar narrates 'the pay check makes up for being a nerd'

Jacen narrates 'Geeksquad?'

Tathar narrates 'i'm a peering engineer'

Jacen narrates 'Just kidding.'

Commodore narrates 'you peer at people?'

Tathar narrates 'nods usually at your mom's fat ass'

Commodore narrates 'hahahah'

Commodore narrates 'you're hilarious, i love this shit'

Jacen narrates 'Always reverts to Madre comments.'

Hellfire narrates 'and the mothers come out!'

Hellfire narrates 'how weak is your shit'

Commodore narrates 'so you wanna talk about motha's'

Tathar narrates 'mom jokes are classic, you can't deny that'

Jacen narrates 'Ma Mere is Mine!'

Commodore narrates 'float like a butterfly sting like a bee, I slept with your momma now it stings when i pee!'

Tathar narrates 'haha wtf'

Jacen narrates 'Uh...'

Commodore narrates 'hahaha you must admit, thats hilarious'

Jacen narrates '*cricket sounds*'

Tathar narrates 'grow up'

Tathar narrates 'are experienced explorers pals or nah?'

Tathar narrates 'aka good aligned'

Hellfire narrates 'why should he grow up, you're the one who not only threatened us with the locker'

Hellfire narrates 'but brought in the mothers'

Commodore narrates 'damn...i can't believe i got crickets with that one..'

Jacen narrates 'Ba-zing!'

Commodore narrates 'time to sit the next couple plays out'

Tathar narrates 'i didn't mean to bring horrible flash backs of your childhood back to you hellfire'

Jacen narrates 'Sorry Commodore... I couldn't force myself.'

Tathar narrates 'i apoligize'

Commodore narrates 'understandable, i'll come up with new material'

Tathar narrates 'apologize'

Jacen narrates 'Spelling!  Don't sacrifice speed for slopiness!'

Hellfire narrates 'okay so we've crossed into your extensive knowledge of my past'

Hellfire narrates 'really, continue'

Tathar narrates 'i'm kinda drunk right now'

Hellfire narrates 'you're kind of fucking stupid'

Jacen narrates 'Oh boooo'

Hellfire narrates 'like'

Hellfire narrates 'all the time'

Hellfire narrates 'can't drink that one away'

Tathar narrates 'wow, that was brilliant'

Tathar narrates 'any more 7th grade stabs there?'

Jacen narrates 'HAhhaha I love this.  I'm just the comedic relief, except for these two being funnier then hell already!'

Tathar narrates 'or is it time for you to o to bed?'

Hellfire narrates 'but really, let's go on with this'

Hellfire narrates 'you're an engineer?'

Hellfire narrates 'with some super duper computer?'

Tathar narrates 'yes? are you done googling?'

Hellfire narrates 'so you must get laid like'

Jacen narrates 'I think it's safe for you Commodore.'

Hellfire narrates 'never'

Tathar narrates 'go look up "peering engineer", has nothing to do with whatever you most likely consider a 'computer''

Hellfire narrates 'how does that work for you, drinking by yourself while playing a text-based computer game?'

Tathar narrates 'pretty fun?'

Tathar narrates 'i'm not sure what you were looking for with that one.'

Hellfire narrates 'i was going for what does your penis have to say about this'

Jacen narrates 'Tathar, I had my money on you... I'm starting to feel worried.'

Hellfire narrates 'or do you just ignore your manhood most of the time?'

Hellfire narrates 'and entertain it other ways'

Hellfire narrates 'like writing code and stuff'

Hellfire narrates 'or reading a really good stephen hawking novel'

Hellfire narrates 'i bet that gets you rock hard'

Daz narrates 'hellfire why so angry?'

Daz narrates 'cant we all just get along?'

Commodore narrates 'haha shut up daz'

Commodore narrates 'this is amazing'

Hellfire narrates 'who are you?'

Daz narrates 'lol'

Daz narrates 'me?'

Misdur narrates 'please people go read a bible to so...'

Daz narrates 'can you not read my name?'

Hellfire narrates 'i can'

Misdur narrates 'too much violence'

Weeble narrates 'i didnt know Rodney King played mume... well there gos the neighborhood.. :('

Hellfire narrates 'i just mean it's so insignificant'

Daz narrates 'ok... then idk if i get the question'

Hellfire narrates 'never heard of you before'

Hellfire narrates 'way to make a good first impression kid'

Daz narrates 'ive been bored just reading narrates'

Daz narrates 'haha relax'

Hellfire narrates ':D'

Tathar narrates 'someone come help kill abr tower?'

Hellfire narrates 'i'm about to relax, smoke a little weed'

Jacen narrates 'I'm loosing intresest faster then a deaf girl in musical chairs.'

Weeble narrates 'well in that case i go get my darkie.. that will be an easy kill.. :P grin'

Hellfire narrates 'what is no?'

Tathar narrates 'jacen, narrates are some serious shit and not a spectator sport, ante up or speak when spoken to'

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