We expected to die. But not this quick...
Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
Echo has arrived from the east.
* HP:Fine>
Scrounge says 'dig'
* HP:Fine>
Echo starts digging a hole in the ground.
* HP:Fine>ma
Map of Nearby Zones
| F |
| * |
| : |
| : W|
|* ~~ :X%%: **|
|~~ :::=**B:::~:::::=:~**|
| ~~~~~::*:::*~: |
| : |
| :: |
| * |
| * |
| : |
| :: ~|
| *~: *^|
| ::%:: ~~~ |
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) nods solemnly.
* HP:Fine>
* HP:Fine>exit
North - Black Forest
East - Black Forest
South - Heart of the Forest
West - Black Forest
* HP:Fine>
Focus dismounts from a pack horse, and stops riding him.
A pack horse now follows Focus.
* HP:Fine>stat
OB: 126%, DB: 17%, PB: 0%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 200. Mood: aggressive.
Needed: 677,539 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 9. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- noquit
- novoid
* HP:Fine>
*an Elf* has arrived from the west.
Echo has completed digging.
* HP:Fine>
Echo leaves down.
* HP:Fine>
*an Elf* leaves south.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Fine>
*an Elf* has arrived from the south.
Goretongue (a) hits *an Elf*'s body extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
*an Elf* fails to hit Goretongue (a).
* HP:Fine>* HP:Fine>
Focus lightly pierces *an Elf*'s left arm and tickles it.
You failed to reach him through the melee.
*an Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*an Elf* leaves east.
kill *elf*
* HP:Fine>Goretongue leaves south.
Focus leaves south.
A pack horse leaves south.
Kreil leaves south.
Dismal leaves south.
Scrounge leaves south.
You follow Goretongue.
You were not able to keep your concentration while moving.
Heart of the Forest
Even your brightest light is not strong enough to penetrate this grove.
The trees have grown so thick above your head that they almost seem to suck
up all light.
You get the chills and you want to leave as soon as possible.
The only thing you notice in your faint light is an old rotting tree trunk.
They aren't here.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue leaves north.
Focus leaves north.
A pack horse leaves north.
Kreil leaves north.
Dismal leaves north.
Scrounge leaves north.
You follow Goretongue.
Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
*an Elf* is standing here.
* HP:Fine>
*an Elf* leaves west.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
Goretongue leaves west.
Focus leaves west.
A pack horse leaves west.
Kreil leaves west.
Dismal leaves west.
Scrounge leaves west.
You follow Goretongue.
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place.
*an Elf* is standing here.
* HP:Fine>kill *elf*
Goretongue (a) hits *an Elf*'s right hand extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Fine>* HP:Fine *an Elf*:Awful Goretongue (a):Wounded>
You hit *an Elf*'s right arm extremely hard and shatter it.
Focus begins some strange incantations...
*an Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*an Elf* panics, but can't stop fighting to flee.
* HP:Fine *an Elf*:Dying Goretongue (a):Wounded>
Dismal pounds *an Elf*'s right arm extremely hard and shatters it.
*an Elf* is mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
kill *elf*
* HP:Fine *an Elf*:Dying Goretongue (a):Wounded>
You're already fighting!
* HP:Fine *an Elf*:Dying Goretongue (a):Wounded>kill *elf*
Kreil throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
You're already fighting!
* HP:Fine *an Elf*:Dying Goretongue (a):Wounded>
Goretongue (a) hits *an Elf*'s head extremely hard and shatters it.
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
Congratulations! This is the first time you've killed it!
Your blood freezes as you hear *an Elf*'s death cry.
*an Elf* is dead! R.I.P.
* HP:Fine>
You can't find a coins in the corpse.
* HP:Fine>551/603 hit, and 119/126 moves.
Goretongue (a) starts butchering the corpse.
* HP:Fine>
The sun rises in the east.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) finishes butchering the corpse.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) licks her mouth and smiles.
* HP:Fine>
Scrounge says 'time'
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) tightens a noose around the neck of the corpse and starts
attaching it to a branch.
* HP:Fine>
Scrounge says 'get in'
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) grabs the corpse and start dragging it behind him.
* HP:Fine>tro 3
Goretongue leaves east.
Focus leaves east.
A pack horse leaves east.
Kreil leaves east.
Dismal leaves east.
Scrounge leaves east.
You follow Goretongue.
Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
*** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)
You never killed anything like that.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) struggles to pull the corpse with her.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) lets go of the corpse.
* HP:Fine>tro #
Goretongue (a) gurgles 'its dark'
* HP:Fine> *** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)
| 1, 0%, #Vegeta
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) tightens a noose around the neck of the corpse and starts
attaching it to a branch.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) throws the rope over a branch, ties it and lets the corpse hang
* HP:Fine>whois vegeta
Vegeta is a level seventeen Silvan Scout.
Prince Vegeta, if u see him well say hi
he is not that bad a guy, a bit of a temper
a loner, trying to become the best by himself
but friends he can make along the way to becoming
the best fighter in the universe
* HP:Fine>
Scrounge says '8 am'
* HP:Fine>stat
OB: 126%, DB: 17%, PB: 0%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 200. Mood: aggressive.
Needed: 669,224 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 9. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- noquit
- novoid
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue leaves down.
Focus leaves down.
A pack horse leaves down.
Kreil leaves down.
Dismal leaves down.
Scrounge leaves down.
You follow Goretongue.
A tunnel
Echo is standing here.
* HP:Fine>look
A tunnel
Echo is standing here.
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is standing here.
Focus the Black Númenórean, wielding a stiletto, is standing here.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
* HP:Fine>exit
Kyratai narrates 'ack'
* HP:Fine>North - A tunnel
East - A tunnel
West - A tunnel
Up - Black Forest
* HP:Fine>
Echo has completed digging.
* HP:Fine>
Echo leaves east.
* HP:Fine>t
According to the Dúnadan calendar, it is:
8am on Monday, the 19th of Rethe, Year 3002 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Isengrim.
Real time is Sun Jul 2 06:55:49 2000 GMT.
Last reboot due to auto-reboot at Sat Jul 1 00:43:42 2000 GMT
* HP:Fine>
Kreil licks his mouth and smiles.
Up - Black Forest
* HP:Fine>up
Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
The corpse of an Elf is hanging from a branch, swaying back and forth.
Exits: North East South West Down.
o HP:Fine>down
A tunnel
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is standing here.
Focus the Black Númenórean, wielding a stiletto, is standing here.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Exits: North East South West Up.
* HP:Fine>stat
OB: 126%, DB: 17%, PB: 0%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 200. Mood: aggressive.
Needed: 669,224 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 9. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- noquit
- novoid
* HP:Fine>
Scrounge throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
* HP:Fine>
Focus says 'nwelaanles gluygog loaf al arh adc'
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) gurgles 'who was the elf we just killed'
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) sits down and rests.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) stops using a forest green cloak.
* HP:Fine>
Goretongue (a) wears a black warg fur about her body.
* HP:Fine>
Focus says '2nd tima'
* HP:Fine>
Focus says 'vegena'
* HP:Fine>nod
You nod solemnly.
* HP:Fine>sc
595/603 hit, and 126/126 moves.
* HP:Fine>stat
OB: 126%, DB: 17%, PB: 0%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 200. Mood: aggressive.
Needed: 669,224 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 9. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- noquit
- novoid
* HP:Fine>say no wp
* HP:Fine>sigh
You sigh.
* HP:Fine>598/603 hit, and 126/126 moves.
* HP:Fine>rc
remove cloak
You stop using a forest green cloak.
* HP:Fine>wf
wear fur
You wear a black warg fur about your body.
* HP:Fine>
Scrounge says 'good xp'
* HP:Fine>
Echo has arrived from the east.
* HP:Fine>
Echo leaves north.
Goretongue (a) stops resting, and clambers on her feet.
Focus begins some strange incantations...
Goretongue (a) nods solemnly.
Goretongue (a) sits down and rests.
Goretongue (a) gurgles 'focus invite orcs here =)('
Scrounge throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
You grin evilly.
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from above.
Scrounge licks his mouth and smiles.
Kreil says 'ooh'
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from above.
Echo has arrived from the east.
A tunnel
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is standing here.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Echo is standing here.
Echo stops using a forest green cloak.
o>Echo wears a black warg fur about her body.
603/603 hit, and 126/126 moves.
remove cloak
You aren't wearing a cloak.
wear fur
You don't have a fur.
*Scrape the Dwarf* has arrived from above.
*a Dwarf* has arrived from above.
*a Woman* has arrived from above.
*a Hobbit* has arrived from above.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from above.
*an Elf* has arrived from above.
*an Elf* has arrived from above.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* has arrived from above.
The warhorse has arrived from above.
*>kill *elf*
Echo gets a purple scroll from a sable pouch.
Echo gets a blue scroll from a sable pouch.
Echo gets a blue scroll from a sable pouch.
*>* *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Healthy>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit her.
kill *elf*
* *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Healthy>
Echo intercepts *Scrape the Dwarf*'s blow.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces your head and tickles it.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Healthy>b
Someone joins *Scrape the Dwarf*'s fight.
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*.
*a Hobbit* fails to hit Echo.
Goretongue leaves south.
Kreil leaves south.
Dismal leaves south.
Scrounge leaves south.
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the south.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Healthy>b
You're already fighting!
You suddenly notice *Draekon the Silvan Elf*.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Healthy>bash
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the south.
Kreil has arrived from the south.
Dismal has arrived from the south.
Scrounge has arrived from the south.
kill *elf*
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces your left leg hard and tickles it.
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
*a Woman* intercepts Kreil's blow.
Goretongue (a) tries to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries
*a Dwarf* joins *Scrape the Dwarf*'s fight.
*a Dwarf* slashes Echo's right leg very hard and tickles it.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* recites a purple scroll.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* is surrounded by a white aura.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* creates a noxious cloud around *Rian the Noldorin
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
kill *elf*
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Scrounge pounds *a Hobbit*'s right hand very hard.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* throws a fireball at Echo, completely enveloping her
in flames.
kill *elf*
*an Elf* utters the words 'eugszr zzur'
*Scrape the Dwarf* sends Echo sprawling with a powerful bash.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal
kill *elf*
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces your left hand and tickles it.
Your bash at *Rian the Noldorin Elf* sends her sprawling.
*an Elf* utters the words 'eugszr zzur'
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>bash
Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny?
*Scrape the Dwarf* recites a purple scroll.
*Scrape the Dwarf* is surrounded by a white aura.
*Scrape the Dwarf* creates a noxious cloud around *Scrape the Dwarf*!
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* leaves south.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>assist a
You're already fighting!
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>bash
Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny?
*an Elf* utters the words 'qahijf gsfal'
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>assist echo
You're already fighting!
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal
*a Woman* tries to slash Kreil, but he parries successfully.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
You're already fighting!
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
*a Dwarf* slashes Echo's right arm extremely hard and tickles it.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>kill *elf*
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny?
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Echo's body extremely hard.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>assist echo
You're already fighting!
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
*a Hobbit* has arrived from the south.
Goretongue (a) hits *Rian the Noldorin Elf*'s right arm extremely hard.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>No way!
You are fighting for your life!
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>* HP:Fine *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>as
sist echo
You're already fighting!
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal
*a Hobbit* shoots Echo's right leg extremely hard.
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>assist echo
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>assist echo
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>No way!
You are fighting for your life!
*a Hobbit* shoots Echo's right foot extremely hard.
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>*D
raekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*an Elf* utters the words 'qahijf gsfal'
*an Elf* sprays Goretongue (a) with painfully bright, concentrated rays of
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* utters the words 'eugszr zzur'
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Goretongue (a) heroically rescues Echo.
Echo seems to have recovered her senses.
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>cmw
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>Kreil recites a purple scroll.
Kreil is surrounded by a white aura.
Kreil creates a noxious cloud around Kreil!
chan mood wimp
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* utters the words 'eugszr zzur'
*an Elf* cries 'Elbereth Gilthoniel' and makes Echo shiver in pain.
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* throws a fireball at Echo, completely enveloping her
in flames.
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* seems to have recovered her senses.
* HP:Hurt *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* leaves up.
* HP:Hurt>
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* leaves south.
Echo strongly hits *an Elf*'s right arm.
* HP:Hurt>
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*an Elf* utters the words 'qahijf gsfal'
*an Elf* sprays Goretongue (a) with painfully bright, concentrated rays of
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>assist a
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Goretongue (a) heroically rescues Echo.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*a Hobbit* utters the word 'grzzs'
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>assist echo
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
*a Woman* seems to have recovered her senses.
Kreil strongly pounds *a Woman*'s right hand and tickles it.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* throws a fireball at Echo, completely enveloping her
in flames.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* pierces Echo's body.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>No way!
You are fighting for your lif
Echo leaves west.
Goretongue (a) hits *an Elf*'s left arm hard.
*a Dwarf* slashes Goretongue (a)'s body and tickles it.
*Scrape the Dwarf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Scrape the Dwarf* leaves south.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>Echo has arrived from the west.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*a Woman* intercepts Scrounge's blow.
You try to hit *Greyson the Silvan Elf*, but he parries successfully.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
Kreil sends *a Woman* sprawling with a powerful bash.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*Scrape the Dwarf* has arrived from the south.
*an Elf* utters the words 'eugszr zzur'
*an Elf* cries 'Elbereth Gilthoniel' and makes Goretongue (a) shiver in pain.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*an Elf* fumbles and hits himself HARD.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*a Dwarf* strongly slashes Goretongue (a)'s body and tickles it.
* HP:Hurt *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal
* HP:Wounded *Greyson the Silvan Elf*:Healthy>
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds your right hand extremely hard.
You feel a strong ache there!
Echo recites a blue scroll.
Echo heals herself.
You flee head over heels.
A tunnel
*a Hobbit*, wielding an embellished longbow, is standing here.
Exits: North South.
* HP:Wounded>north
*a Hobbit* leaves south.
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
o HP:Wounded>south
A tunnel
Exits: North South.
o HP:Wounded>south
A tunnel
*a Dwarf*, wielding a longsword, is standing here.
*a Woman*, wielding a broadsword, is here, fighting Kreil.
*an Elf*, wielding a stiletto, is here, fighting Dismal.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf*, wielding a ceremonial dagger, is standing here
trying to concentrate.
A large warhorse is standing here, clad in mail.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
here, fighting *a Woman* (Glowing).
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting *an Elf*.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting *a
*a Hobbit*, wielding a nasty orkish fang, is here, fighting Echo.
Echo is here, fighting *a Hobbit*.
*Scrape the Dwarf*, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is here,
fighting Kreil (Glowing).
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*, wielding a black runed dagger, is here, fighting
Kreil (Glowing).
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*, wielding a shiny dagger, is standing here.
Exits: North East South West Up.
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*.
*a Hobbit* lightly pierces Echo's right hand and tickles it.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces Kreil's right foot and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
Scrounge pounds *a Woman*'s left arm extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded>* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Healthy>
You try to hit *an Elf*, but he parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Healthy>
*a Woman* seems to have recovered her senses.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
*a Hobbit* leaves west.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* throws a fireball at Dismal, completely enveloping
him in flames.
*a Woman* slashes Kreil's right leg hard and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Kreil pounds *a Woman*'s right foot extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
*a Hobbit* joins *Scrape the Dwarf*'s fight.
*a Hobbit* fails to hit Kreil.
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the south.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>c,a
*a Hobbit* has arrived from the west.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>chan mood ag
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
*a Woman* says 'rescoe'
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces Kreil's right foot very hard and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>kill *elf*
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Kreil's left foot extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
You're already fighting!
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*an Elf* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit him.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>
Dismal sends *an Elf* sprawling with a powerful bash.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Fine Dismal:Fine>assist a
assist echo
Dismal pounds *an Elf*'s left leg extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt Dismal:Fine>No way!
You are fighting for your life!
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt Dismal:Fine>
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt Dismal:Fine>*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces
Kreil's right arm and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt Dismal:Fine>
You hit *an Elf*'s right arm extremely hard and shatter it.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt Dismal:Fine>
Goretongue leaves west.
Scrounge sends *a Woman* sprawling with a powerful bash.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt Dismal:Fine>
*an Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*an Elf* leaves east.
* HP:Wounded>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded>
Echo tries to hit *Draekon the Silvan Elf*, but he parries successfully.
Dismal approaches *a Hobbit*, trying to pound him.
* HP:Wounded>
*an Elf* has arrived from the east.
* HP:Wounded>
*a Hobbit* shoots Kreil's right hand very hard and tickles it.
*a Hobbit* pierces Dismal's left arm and tickles it.
Dismal pounds *a Hobbit*'s left foot extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Kreil's right arm extremely hard.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces Kreil's left foot and tickles it.
Scrounge pounds *a Woman*'s body very hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded>
*an Elf* has arrived from above.
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* panics, but can't stop fighting to flee.
* HP:Wounded>assist a
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* panics, but can't stop fighting to flee.
* HP:Wounded>*Greyson the Silvan Elf* leaves up.
The warhorse leaves up.
Who do you want to assist?
*a Woman* bleeds from open wounds.
* HP:Wounded>assist a
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* leaves up.
* HP:Wounded>assist a
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the west.
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* HP:Wounded>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Kreil seems to have recovered his senses.
*a Hobbit* shoots Kreil's right leg extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* swiftly dodges Goretongue (a)'s attempt to hit him.
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces Kreil's right hand and tickles it.
*a Woman* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Woman* leaves west.
* HP:Wounded>assist echo
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* pierces Echo's body and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>
You assist Echo.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* leaves up.
* HP:Wounded>assist echo
You flee head over heels.
A tunnel
Exits: North South.
o HP:Wounded>
Who do you want to assist?
o HP:Wounded>o HP:Wounded>look
A tunnel
o HP:Wounded>
*a Hobbit* has arrived from the north.
* HP:Wounded>assist a
Who do you want to assist?
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>kill *dwarf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>kill *dwarf*
* HP:Wounded>They aren't here.
Focus tells you 'man'
Goretongue tells you 'NORTH'
* HP:Wounded>kill *hobbit*
* HP:Wounded *a Hobbit*:Hurt>
You hit *a Hobbit*'s head extremely hard and shatter it.
* HP:Wounded *a Hobbit*:Hurt>
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the north.
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
* HP:Wounded *a Hobbit*:Hurt>
*a Hobbit* shoots your right leg extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded *a Hobbit*:Hurt>
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* leaves north.
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue leaves north.
You follow Goretongue.
A tunnel
*a Dwarf*, wielding a longsword, is here, fighting Dismal.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting *a Dwarf*.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting *a
Echo is standing here.
*Scrape the Dwarf*, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is here,
fighting Dismal (Glowing).
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here (Glowing).
*a Hobbit*, wielding an embellished longbow, is here, fighting Scrounge.
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* panics, but can't stop fighting to flee.
*a Hobbit* tries to hit Scrounge, but he parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) tries to hit *a Hobbit*, but he parries successfully.
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* leaves north.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* has arrived from above.
The warhorse has arrived from above.
* HP:Wounded>kill *man*
*Scrape the Dwarf* sends Dismal sprawling with a powerful bash.
*a Dwarf* slashes Dismal's body and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Dismal's right hand extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>kill *man*
Scrounge approaches *Greyson the Silvan Elf*, trying to pound him.
* HP:Wounded>They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>
Echo approaches *Greyson the Silvan Elf*, trying to hit him.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* fails to pierce Scrounge.
* HP:Wounded>kill *man*
They aren't here.
Echo hits *Greyson the Silvan Elf*'s right leg and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>kill *man*
They aren't here.
*a Hobbit* has arrived from above.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* leaves south.
* HP:Wounded>
Scrounge pounds *a Hobbit*'s right leg extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
*an Elf* has arrived from above.
* HP:Wounded>Goretongue (a) approaches *a Dwarf*, trying to hit him.
You are too afraid.
Echo approaches *an Elf*, trying to hit him.
*a Hobbit* fails to pierce Scrounge.
* HP:Wounded>
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded>
*an Elf* has arrived from the east.
You suddenly notice *Rian the Noldorin Elf*.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* lightly pierces Dismal's head and tickles it.
*an Elf* strongly pierces Echo's left leg and tickles it.
Goretongue (a) strongly hits *a Dwarf*'s head and tickles it.
*a Dwarf* strongly slashes Dismal's left arm and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* has arrived from the south.
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Dismal's left leg extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* leaves up.
The warhorse leaves up.
*a Hobbit* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Hobbit* leaves up.
* HP:Wounded>
You are too afraid.
* HP:Wounded>kill *hobbit*
Echo tries to hit *an Elf*, but he parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded>kill *dwarf*
They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>
You are too afraid.
*an Elf* leaves west.
* HP:Wounded>kill *man*
*an Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*an Elf* leaves south.
They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces Dismal's left leg and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>
You are too afraid.
Dismal seems to have recovered his senses.
Goretongue (a) hits *a Dwarf*'s right hand extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Dismal's left leg extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>cmw
Echo approaches *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, trying to hit her.
* HP:Wounded>Kreil leaves west.
Scrounge leaves west.
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the west.
*an Elf* has arrived from the west.
chan mood wimp
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* barely pierces Dismal's right hand and tickles it.
*a Dwarf* slashes Dismal's left leg hard and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>kill *man*
*an Elf* leaves up.
* HP:Wounded>They aren't here.
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
Echo tries to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded>kill *hobbit*
You are too afraid.
* HP:Wounded>kill *dwarf*
They aren't here.
*an Elf* has arrived from the south.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces Dismal's left leg hard and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>east
You are too afraid.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* leaves east.
* HP:Wounded>A tunnel
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*, wielding a black runed dagger, is standing here
Exits: East West.
* HP:Wounded>cw 150
change wimp 150
Wimpy set to: 150
* HP:Wounded>assist echo
Who do you want to assist?
* HP:Wounded>assist echo
Who do you want to assist?
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* smiles happily.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* barely pierces your right arm and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>look
A tunnel
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*, wielding a black runed dagger, is here, fighting YOU
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>f
You flee head over heels.
A tunnel
*a Dwarf*, wielding a longsword, is here, fighting Dismal.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting *a Dwarf*.
Echo is here, fighting *a Dwarf*.
*Scrape the Dwarf*, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is here,
fighting Dismal (Glowing).
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is here, fighting *a Dwarf*.
*a Hobbit*, wielding an embellished longbow, is here, fighting Dismal.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
here, fighting *a Woman* (Glowing).
*a Woman*, wielding a broadsword, is lying here, incapacitated.
Exits: North East South West Up.
* HP:Wounded>
*a Dwarf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Dwarf* leaves south.
* HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) shows her approval by clapping her small hands together.
*a Hobbit* shoots Dismal's right hand hard.
Kreil pounds *a Woman*'s right foot extremely hard and shatters it.
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
Congratulations! This is the first time you've killed it!
Your blood freezes as you hear *a Woman*'s death cry.
*a Woman* is dead! R.I.P.
* HP:Wounded>*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
Scrounge has arrived from the west.
You get a pile of coins from the corpse of *a Woman*.
There was 3 silver pennies and 14 copper pennies.
Dismal panics, and attempts to flee.
Dismal leaves north.
* HP:Wounded>down
193/603 hit, and 119/126 moves.
Echo hits *Scrape the Dwarf*'s right foot extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded>
Alas, you cannot go that way...
* HP:Wounded>
You suddenly notice *Rian the Noldorin Elf*.
* HP:Wounded>
Kreil licks his mouth and smiles.
* HP:Wounded>
Goretongue leaves south.
Kreil leaves south.
Scrounge leaves south.
You follow Goretongue.
A tunnel
*a Dwarf*, wielding a longsword, is standing here.
*a Dwarf* leaves south.
o HP:Wounded>south
A tunnel
*a Dwarf*, wielding a longsword, is standing here.
Exits: North East South West.
* HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the north.
Kreil has arrived from the north.
Scrounge has arrived from the north.
Scrounge pounds *a Dwarf*'s left leg extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded>south
*a Dwarf* lightly slashes Scrounge's body and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>Goretongue (a) hits *a Dwarf*'s right leg hard and shatters it.
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
o HP:Wounded>south
A tunnel
Exits: North.
o HP:Wounded>north
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
o HP:Wounded>north
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
Echo narrates 'scrape'
o HP:Wounded>north
A tunnel
Exits: North South.
o HP:Wounded>north
A tunnel
The corpse of *a Woman* is lying here.
Echo is here, fighting *Scrape the Dwarf*.
*Scrape the Dwarf*, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is here,
fighting Echo (Glowing).
*a Hobbit*, wielding an embellished longbow, is here, fighting Echo.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*, wielding a black runed dagger, is here, fighting Echo
Exits: North East South West Up.
* HP:Wounded>
Echo panics, and attempts to flee.
Echo leaves west.
* HP:Wounded>
Echo has arrived from the west.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* quickly approaches, trying to pierce you.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces your left leg and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Scrape the Dwarf* seems to have recovered his senses.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit her.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Echo leaves east.
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the south.
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds your left foot extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the south.
Kreil has arrived from the south.
Scrounge has arrived from the south.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>look
Scrounge pounds *Rian the Noldorin Elf*'s body extremely hard.
*a Hobbit* joins *Rian the Noldorin Elf*'s fight.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>A tunnel
The corpse of *a Woman* is lying here.
*Scrape the Dwarf*, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is here,
fighting YOU (Glowing).
*a Hobbit*, wielding an embellished longbow, is here, fighting YOU.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*, wielding a black runed dagger, is here, fighting YOU
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is here, fighting *Scrape the Dwarf*.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here (Glowing).
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*.
*a Hobbit* fails to hit you.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces your body and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds your head extremely hard and shatters it.
You feel a strong ache there!
* HP:Bad *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>f
*a Hobbit* nocks a missile in an embellished longbow.
* HP:Bad *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
You flee head over heels.
A tunnel
Exits: East West.
o HP:Bad>west
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
o HP:Bad>south
A tunnel
Exits: North.
o HP:Bad>south
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Bad>sc
135/603 hit, and 115/126 moves.
o HP:Bad>cmw
chan mood wimp
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>tro 3
*** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)
You never killed anything like that.
o HP:Bad>tro #
*** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)
| 1, 0%, #Aelfrith | 1, 0%, #Vegeta |
| 2, 0%, #Mojo | 1, 0%, #Grimsteel |
| 1, 0%, #Ethar | 1, 0%, #Eliel |
| 1, 0%, #Golge | 1, 0%, #Síroth |
| 1, 0%, #Kabal | 1, 0%, #Arte |
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>sc
145/603 hit, and 123/126 moves.
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>sc
148/603 hit, and 124/126 moves.
o HP:Bad>stat
OB: 77%, DB: 12%, PB: 51%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- panic
- noquit
- a light wound at the right leg.
- a light wound at the right hand.
- novoid
o HP:Bad>sc
148/603 hit, and 125/126 moves.
o HP:Bad>look
A tunnel
o HP:Bad>sc
149/603 hit, and 126/126 moves.
o HP:Bad>exit
North - A tunnel
o HP:Bad>where
Players in your zone
Kreil - A tunnel
Drooling - A tunnel
Dismal - A tunnel
Scrounge - A tunnel
Goretongue - A tunnel
Echo - A tunnel
o HP:Wounded>north
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
o HP:Wounded>south
A tunnel
Exits: North.
o HP:Wounded>north
A tunnel
Exits: North East South West.
o HP:Wounded>sc
154/603 hit, and 124/126 moves.
o HP:Wounded>east
A tunnel
Exits: East West.
o HP:Wounded>east
A tunnel
The corpse of *a Woman* is lying here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Exits: North East South West Up.
o HP:Wounded>lc
*Healy the Half-Elf* has arrived from above.
look in corpse
corpse (here) :
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a gold ring
a great helm (brand new)
a lantern
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a ring
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a water skin
a moneybag
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
a leather backpack
a leather backpack
* HP:Wounded>
*Healy the Half-Elf* leaves up.
* HP:Wounded>
You hear some apparently rather far noise coming from the north.
* HP:Wounded>
You hear some apparently rather far noise coming from the north.
* HP:Wounded>
You hear some apparently close noise coming from the north.
* HP:Wounded>
*Scrape the Dwarf* has arrived from the north.
* HP:Wounded>
*Scrape the Dwarf* leaves up.
o HP:Wounded>
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the north.
o HP:Wounded>
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*.
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the north.
Kreil has arrived from the north.
Dismal has arrived from the north.
Echo has arrived from the north.
Kreil says 'hobbit was bad'
* HP:Wounded>
*a Hobbit* leaves north.
o HP:Wounded>get moneybag corpse
You get a moneybag from the corpse of *a Woman*.
o HP:Wounded>lc
look in corpse
corpse (here) :
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a gold ring
a great helm (brand new)
a lantern
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a ring
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a water skin
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
a leather backpack
a leather backpack
o HP:Wounded>
Kreil carefully examines the ground around him, looking for tracks...
o HP:Wounded>
Scrounge throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) gurgles 'track scrape?'
o HP:Wounded>get pack corpse
You get a leather backpack from the corpse of *a Woman*.
o HP:Wounded>!
[get pack corpse]
You get a leather backpack from the corpse of *a Woman*.
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) carefully examines the ground around her, looking for tracks...
o HP:Wounded>lok in 2.pack
look in 2.pack
backpack (carried) :
a hunting knife (brand new)
a pair of snowshoes (brand new)
a pan
a riding whip
o HP:Wounded>
Kreil carefully examines the ground around him, looking for tracks...
o HP:Wounded>look in 3.pack
Echo stops using the huge shovel.
backpack (carried) :
three dark coloured flasks
a fine blue dress (brand new)
o HP:Wounded>drop pack
You drop the backpack.
o HP:Wounded>!
[drop pack]
You drop the backpack.
o HP:Wounded>lc
look in corpse
corpse (here) :
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a gold ring
a great helm (brand new)
a lantern
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a ring
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a water skin
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
Goretongue (a) gurgles 'damn hobbit out too'
You feel bolder.
o HP:Wounded>
Echo sits down and rests.
o HP:Wounded>
Kreil says 'he up'
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) starts butchering the corpse.
o HP:Wounded>look
A tunnel
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
The corpse of *a Woman* is lying here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is standing here.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Echo is resting here.
o HP:Wounded>lc
look in corpse
corpse (here) :
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a gold ring
a great helm (brand new)
a lantern
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a ring
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a water skin
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) finishes butchering the corpse.
o HP:Wounded>
Scrounge starts taking the scalp from the corpse.
o HP:Wounded>look in 2.pack
Scrounge finished taking the corpse's scalp.
o HP:Wounded>backpack (here) :
three dark coloured flasks
a fine blue dress (brand new)
o HP:Wounded>
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
Echo puts an ash arrow in a leather backpack.
o HP:Wounded>
Dismal drinks water from a water skin.
o HP:Wounded>
Saving Drooling.
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) drops a heavy pair of chain mail leggings.
o HP:Wounded>
Goretongue (a) gets a grotesque necklace.
o HP:Wounded>look in 3.pack
Scrounge throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
backpack (here) :
a hunting knife (brand new)
a pair of snowshoes (brand new)
a pan
a riding whip
o HP:Wounded>look
A tunnel
A pair of heavy chain mail leggings are lying here.
A piece of bloody meat lies here.
A piece of bloody meat lies here.
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
The scalped, butchered corpse of *a Woman* is lying here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is standing here.
Kreil the Mountain Troll, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is
standing here.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is standing here.
Echo is resting here.
o HP:Wounded>
*Scrape the Dwarf* has arrived from above.
*Healy the Half-Elf* has arrived from above.
*a Hobbit* has arrived from above.
*an Elf* has arrived from above.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* has arrived from above.
* HP:Wounded>
You suddenly notice *Rian the Noldorin Elf*.
You suddenly notice *Draekon the Silvan Elf*.
* HP:Wounded>wear moneybag
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* nods solemnly.
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Scrounge's body very hard and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded>
You hold a moneybag.
Scrounge puts the scalp of Aelfrith on his belt.
* HP:Wounded>
*Healy the Half-Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
You intercept *Rian the Noldorin Elf*'s blow.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Goretongue (a) drops a grotesque necklace.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Dismal joins Scrounge's fight.
Dismal pounds *Scrape the Dwarf*'s right hand extremely hard.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Goretongue leaves north.
Kreil leaves north.
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the north.
Echo stops resting, and clambers on her feet.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*.
*a Hobbit* lightly pierces Echo's head and tickles it.
Scrounge pounds *Scrape the Dwarf*'s body very hard.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>look
*Healy the Half-Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
Echo hits *a Hobbit*'s left foot extremely hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>A tunnel
A grotesque thong lies on the ground.
A pair of heavy chain mail leggings are lying here.
A piece of bloody meat lies here.
A piece of bloody meat lies here.
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
A sturdy leather backpack has been left here.
The scalped, butchered corpse of *a Woman* is lying here.
Scrounge the Mountain Troll, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting
*Scrape the Dwarf*.
Dismal, wielding a huge spiked club, is here, fighting *Scrape the Dwarf*.
Echo is here, fighting *a Hobbit*.
*Scrape the Dwarf*, wielding an ornate, steel-shafted warhammer, is here,
fighting Scrounge.
*Healy the Half-Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing here.
*a Hobbit*, wielding a nasty orkish fang, is standing here.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf*, wielding a black runed dagger, is here, fighting YOU.
*an Elf*, wielding a double edged eket, is standing here trying to
*Draekon the Silvan Elf*, wielding a ceremonial dagger, is standing here
trying to concentrate.
*Greyson the Silvan Elf*, wielding a shiny dagger, is standing here trying to
*a Hobbit*, wielding a shiny dagger, is here, fighting Echo.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
*Healy the Half-Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* throws a fireball at Echo, completely enveloping her
in flames.
Echo is mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
The fireball sent by *Draekon the Silvan Elf* hits Echo with full force,
causing an immediate death.
Your blood freezes as you hear Echo's death cry.
Echo is dead! R.I.P.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Greyson the Silvan Elf* gets a fortune in gold from the corpse of *a Troll*.
Goretongue (a) has arrived from the north.
Kreil has arrived from the north.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Goretongue (a) strongly hits *Healy the Half-Elf*'s right hand and tickles it.
*Scrape the Dwarf* pounds Scrounge's left hand hard and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*a Hobbit* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*a Hobbit* lightly pierces Scrounge's right leg and tickles it.
Dismal pounds *Scrape the Dwarf*'s left arm very hard.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit her.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* has arrived from above.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* pierces your body and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Scrape the Dwarf* leaves south.
Dismal joins Scrounge's fight.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets the huge shovel from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a blue scroll from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a purple scroll from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a forest green cloak from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a shortbow from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a grotesque necklace with several pairs of ears from
the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a soft leather jerkin from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a hard leather cap from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a thin pair of soft leather trousers from the corpse
of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a pair of smooth, black boots from the corpse of *a
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a thin pair of leather gloves from the corpse of *a
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a pair of soft leather sleeves from the corpse of *a
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a black warg fur from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a leather backpack from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*Healy the Half-Elf* gets a gleaming belt from the corpse of *a Troll*.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* gets a sable pouch from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*an Elf* gets a water skin from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*an Elf* gets a water skin from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*an Elf* gets a butcher knife from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*an Elf* gets a quiver from the corpse of *a Troll*.
*a Hobbit* tries to pierce Scrounge, but he parries successfully.
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>gaac
*Healy the Half-Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*a Hobbit* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>*a Hobbit* begins some strange incanta
get all all.corpse
You get a lantern from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a water skin from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a ring from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a thick metal breastplate from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a great helm from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a pair of greaves from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a thick pair of metal boots from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a pair of metal gauntlets from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a pair of vambraces from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a metal wall shield from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a black and silver surcoat from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a broadsword from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a broad girdle from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a weapon sheath from the corpse of *a Woman*.
You get a weapon sheath from the corpse of *a Woman*.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*Scrape the Dwarf* has arrived from the south.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Goretongue (a) panics, and attempts to flee.
Goretongue leaves east.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* lightly pierces your left arm and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>09
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>0
get all.coins all.corpse
You can't find any coins in any corpse.
*a Hobbit* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*a Hobbit* strongly pierces Kreil's right foot.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>0
*Draekon the Silvan Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>get all.coins all.corpse
You can't find any coins in any corpse.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>0
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
get all.coins all.corpse
You can't find any coins in any corpse.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces your body and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
Scrounge pounds *Scrape the Dwarf*'s left leg very hard.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>0
get all.coins all.corpse
You can't find any coins in any corpse.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
You try to hit *Rian the Noldorin Elf*, but she parries successfully.
*Rian the Noldorin Elf* strongly pierces your right hand and tickles it.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* leaves up.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>
*a Hobbit* leaves south.
* HP:Wounded *Rian the Noldorin Elf*:Fine>f
You flee head over heels.
Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
The corpse of an Elf is hanging from a branch, swaying back and forth.
A large warhorse is standing here, clad in mail.
Exits: North East South West Down.
You smell blood.
* HP:Wounded>south
Heart of the Forest
Even your brightest light is not strong enough to penetrate this grove.
The trees have grown so thick above your head that they almost seem to suck
up all light.
You get the chills and you want to leave as soon as possible.
The only thing you notice in your faint light is an old rotting tree trunk.
A stocky mountain mule is here, waiting to serve.
A sturdy trained horse is standing here.
A stocky mountain mule is here, waiting to serve.
A stocky mountain mule is here, waiting to serve.
A sturdy pack horse is standing here.
Exits: North Down.
o HP:Wounded>north
Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
The corpse of an Elf is hanging from a branch, swaying back and forth.
A large warhorse is standing here, clad in mail.
*an Elf*, wielding a stiletto, is standing here.
Exits: North East South West Down.
* HP:Wounded>sq
search quickly
You suddenly notice *an Elf*.
You begin to search ...
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
*an Elf* leaves south.
You cannot attack and flee at the same time.
* HP:Wounded>kill *elf*
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*.
*an Elf* has arrived from the south.
You hit *an Elf*'s left arm hard.
kill *elf*
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>
*an Elf* lightly pierces your body and tickles it.
*an Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
kill *elf*
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>
*a Hobbit* has arrived from below.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>b
You're already fighting!
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>
You're already fighting!
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>bash
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
kill *elf*
*an Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
Your victim has disappeared!
*an Elf* leaves east.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>b
You're already fighting!
*an Elf* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit him.
* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Hurt>bash
kill *elf*
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*a Hobbit* lightly pierces your left arm and tickles it.
kill *elf*
*a Hobbit* leaves west.
kill *elf*
*a Hobbit* begins some strange incantations...
As *an Elf* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground.
You fall to the ground.
*an Elf* utters the words 'eugszr zzur'
*an Elf* makes your evil soul suffer with his goodness.
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>
You're already fighting!
*an Elf* giggles.
*an Elf* tries to pierce you, but your parry is successful.
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>
You're already fighting!
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>
You're already fighting!
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>
You are carrying:
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a great helm (brand new)
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a gold ring
a ring
a water skin
a lantern
an ash arrow
a forest green cloak (brand new)
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>Do you not consider fighting as standing?
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>look
You hear some apparently close noise coming from below.
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>Black Forest
It's like a cloudy, moonless night in the forest. The trees seem to close in on
you even more with every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you. To your
amazement the darkness is even thicker to the south.
The corpse of an Elf is hanging from a branch, swaying back and forth.
A large warhorse is standing here, clad in mail.
*an Elf*, wielding a double edged eket, is here, fighting YOU.
*a Hobbit*, wielding a nasty orkish fang, is here, fighting YOU.
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>f
You suddenly notice *a Hobbit*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from the south.
* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Hurt>*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
You flee head over heels.
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place.
*an Elf*, wielding a stiletto, is standing here.
Exits: North South West.
* HP:Bad>
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from the west.
* HP:Bad>south
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place.
A wolf spider is here, among the trees.
Exits: North East South.
o HP:Bad>east
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place. Through the trees to the north
you can see a ray of light.
Exits: *North* East West.
o HP:Bad>east
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place.
Exits: North *South* West.
o HP:Bad>
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
o HP:Bad>west
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place. Through the trees to the north
you can see a ray of light.
Exits: ^North^ East West.
o HP:Bad>rc
remove cloak
You aren't wearing a cloak.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from the west.
* HP:Bad>rf
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
remove fur
You stop using a black warg fur.
* HP:Bad>wear cloak
You wear a forest green cloak about your body.
* HP:Bad>east
Black Forest
You can't see a bloody thing till you light your torch. Even then it's like
a cloudy, moonless night. The trees seem to close in on you even more with
every step. Red and yellow eyes wink at you outside your small circle of light.
You would feel better if you left this place.
Exits: North ^South^ West.
* HP:Wounded>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from the west.
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* leaves east.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has suddenly arrived.
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>south
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>get all sable
You get a flask of orkish draught from a sable pouch.
* HP:Wounded>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>qdf
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incant
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>south
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incant
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and stinging
insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other less
familiar predators.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from the north.
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* swiftly dodges the buzzing dumbledor's attempt
to hit him.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* slashes the buzzing dumbledor's right wing very
hard and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
The buzzing dumbledor tries to hit *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, but he
parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>east
The mosquito swarm leaves west.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Weak>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Weak>east
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Weak>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Weak>*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* panics, and attempts to fle
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* leaves west.
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Weak>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Weak>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>east
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>sc
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* has arrived from the west.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* begins some strange incantations...
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>qd
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>qd
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is standing
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
The buzzing dumbledor tries to hit *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, but he
parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>qd
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>south
You are too exhausted.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* strongly slashes the buzzing dumbledor's head
and shatters it.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* swiftly dodges the buzzing dumbledor's attempt
to hit him.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>south
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>south
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
The buzzing dumbledor tries to hit *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, but he
parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>inv
You are too exhausted.
The buzzing dumbledor tries to hit *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, but he
parries successfully.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* slashes the buzzing dumbledor's head hard and
shatters it.
The buzzing dumbledor is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is lying here, incapacitated.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
The buzzing dumbledor is here, fighting *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*.
The buzzing dumbledor is lying here, incapacitated.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
fighting the buzzing dumbledor.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>look
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Exhausted>south
You are too exhausted.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>174/603 hit, and 1/126 moves.
* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting>quaf draught
The draught burns down your throat, and a fiery feeling fills your limbs.
You feel sick.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>quaf draught
You don't have a draught.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>quaf draught
You don't have a draught.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The frog is standing here.
A big hummerhorn is here, flying around you.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds make it impossible to
travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>
You are carrying:
a black warg fur (brand new)
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a great helm (brand new)
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a gold ring
a ring
a water skin
a lantern
an ash arrow
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>ga sable
Midgewater Marshes
The frequent stretches of deep mud and black ponds makes it impossible
to travel in a given direction with any certainty. On all sides the marshes
reign unchallenged, providing a home to ravenous hordes of biting and
stinging insects, who in turn sustain a huge population of frogs and other
less familiar predators.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>get all sable
You can't find anything in the sable.
* HP:Wounded Move:Slow>ga pack
get all pack
You get a flask of orkish draught from a leather backpack.
You get an ornate parchment from a leather backpack.
You can't get a sapphire ring, you are carrying too many items already.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>qd
quaf draught
The draught burns down your throat, and a fiery feeling fills your limbs.
You feel sick.
* HP:Wounded>qd
quaf draught
You don't have a draught.
The night has begun.
You feel bolder.
o HP:Wounded>qd
quaf draught
You don't have a draught.
o HP:Wounded>east
Midgewater Marshes
It is difficult to walk here, as the thick black mud underfoot grabs and
holds feet, and the reeds -- some more than an inch in diameter -- press
close on every side. To the north, the stand of reeds becomes even more
tangled, while in every other direction they gradually peter out into the
standard vegetation of the marsh.
A swamp iris grows here.
A swamp iris grows here.
A buzzing dumbledor is here, flying around you in close circles.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>south
Midgewater Marshes
The muddy bottom beneath the murky water makes each footstep an effort, as if
the Midgewater were deliberately trying to devour prey. To the east, a damp
mist lies low over the marsh, and to the north lies a dense growth of sedges.
Westward the vegetation seems to thin a bit, though clouds of biting insects
seem unphazed by the lack of cover.
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>south
Edge of Marsh
A low mist hangs over this area of the marsh, as the air is completely
saturated with water. Just to the south, right along the edge of the marshes,
the Old East Road passes. To the west, the terrain gets slightly drier, but
to the north and east, travel among the fens will be difficult.
A swamp iris grows here.
A swamp iris grows here.
The neekerbreeker is standing here.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>south
Old East Road
Just to the north of the road lie the treacherous fens of the Midgewater
Marshes. A low mist -- a seemingly eternal feature -- hangs low over the
dense vegetation, obscuring sight and hiding hordes of biting insects.
Running alongside the road to the south is the Great Hedge. In places it
looms as much as nine feet above the ground, and its tangled branches
provide an unpassable barrier between the marshland and road to the north
and the expanse of the South Downs to the south.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
The ground is frozen solid.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road bends here once more, turning west to south to avoid the wet marshes.
To the east, a narrow strip of grassy ground provides a last chance of
steady footing before the marshes themselves. To the north, the weed-choked
pools of the Midgewater reach to the edge of the road itself.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Edge of Marsh
A few scattered stone blocks are all that remain of an ancient causeway, the
rest having been claimed by the marshes. It appears that a road once led
north here, but there is no hint as to its eventual destination. The
Old East Road bends around this wet area that is nestled between the
Midgewater to the north and a murky black lake to the east.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
The water is frozen solid.
o HP:Wounded>east
You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Black Pond
This pond, and it's twin lying a short distance to the east, is filled with
foul-smelling black water. The unmistakeable odour of decomposing plants
thickens the air, though the hordes of mosquitoes and other insects do not
seem to mind. When the bottom of the pond can be felt, it seems to be made
of thick mud covered with a layer of slimy rotting vegetation. To the
north, the muddy shore marks the beginning of the Midgewater, while on the
south side runs the Old East Road.
A black catfish is here, lurking in the mud.
A black catfish is here, lurking in the mud.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Black Pond
This pond of foul black water is bordered by thick growths of reeds and
cattails. When the bottom can be felt, it seems to be thick mud covered
with layers of rotting plant debris. Just to the south, the Old East Road
passes, and the water of this pond literally laps on the northern edge of
the road.
A black catfish is here, lurking in the mud.
A black catfish is here, lurking in the mud.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Marshy Ground
Bounded on the east by marshy grasslands and on the west by an ominous
looking black pond, this strip of land is the transition from the plains
that lie to the east, and the marshes that lie to the north and west. To
the south, the Old East Road is tucked along the northern side of the Great
Hedge as it skirts the southern end of the marshes on its journey between
Bree and Rivendell.
A finch flies low above the ground.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Marshy Ground
Each footstep is greeted by a soft squishing noise as the ground seems to
be saturated, even though there is very little standing water. The grasses
of the South Downs, which lie south beyond the Great Hedge, have here found
a foothold and flourished on the wet plain. Directly to the south, the
Old East Road runs along the north side of the Great Hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>south
Old East Road
The marshes to the north appear to end a short distance to the east, where
the land becomes higher and much drier. The Old East Road continues east
and west, and to the south lies the Hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
The ground is frozen solid.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Bend by the Hedge
The faint smell of dank water lingers here at all times. This part of the road
is always pretty dark, as the hedge towers above it on the south and east
sides. The road makes a turn north and west here, barely avoiding the thorns
and the waters to the northwest. Deep ruts have been carved in the muddy earth,
and this has caused some wagon to loose a wheel which now lies half buried in
the mud just at the foot of the hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>south
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - Bend by the Marshes
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>west
Old East Road
The marshes to the north appear to end a short distance to the east, where
the land becomes higher and much drier. The Old East Road continues east
and west, and to the south lies the Hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>south
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>north
Marshy Ground
Each footstep is greeted by a soft squishing noise as the ground seems to
be saturated, even though there is very little standing water. The grasses
of the South Downs, which lie south beyond the Great Hedge, have here found
a foothold and flourished on the wet plain. Directly to the south, the
Old East Road runs along the north side of the Great Hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
The water is frozen solid.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Bend by the Marshes
This part of the road is in a bad shape. Muddy and deeply rutted it really
could use some attention. A faint effort to dig a ditch towards the marshes
west of here has proven a failure, and the ditch is full of black and still
water. As the road turns south it enters a thin stretch of land that lies
between the waters and the hedge. It continues in a fairly straight line east,
eventually disappearing below Weathertop on the south side. North of here lies
some bushy wetland, but beyond this the ground gets higher.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
The ground is frozen solid.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
The hedge grows fairly low here on the south side of the road, about twelve
feet high only. Mounted people and trolls might attempt to peek over the edge
and try to see what is on the other side. Large footprints indicate that this
has been tried. The road is fairly bad shape, with ruts so deep as to make
stones come forth, causing wagons and cart to jolt.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road by a Rock
As the road dodges a large rock north of here it pushes closer to the hedge.
A semi-arc of thorns cover half of the road, providing some shadow on hot days.
Now and then bypassers cut off twigs to keep the hedge at bay, and these litter
the ground. A faint trail runs north of the rock also, as some people prefer
to avoid this narrow passage.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>sc
172/603 hit, and 44/126 moves.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
As well as the hedge grows on the south side of the road, bushes grow on the
north quite frequently. The road descends and rises fairly much for a few miles
here, and you see wild red and yellow flowers hiding amongst the bushes in the
dips. The road is in pretty good shape, and travelling is easy.
A malicious thug is here, threatening you.
A sturdy bandit bodyguard stands here, eager to hack you to pieces.
A sturdy bandit bodyguard stands here, eager to hack you to pieces.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
A few ashen trees form a grove on the north side of the road here. Someone has
cut down some of them, and the logs and stumps are used for resting and eating
on. A campfire has been assembled in the middle, and the place is littered by
bones and horse manure.
You also see dog-like tracks all over. The hedge grows
thick south of here, and the road continues east and west.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
Thick wooden beams support an archway through the hedge here on the south side
of the road. While burnt and battered, the beams still stand strong. The
handicraft is excellent, and surely made by numenorean hands. A path leads
through the opening to the plains south of the hedge. The brown Old East Road
runs away far both to the east and west, but eventually disappear south behind
the hedge in both directions. North of here lie vast grey plains beyond a
small grove of ashen trees.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
The dusty road runs east-west here north of the thick hedge. To the north,
vast grey plains strecth out as far as the eye can see. Little wildlife
catches the eye, but you can hear birds and animals move inside the hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Bend by the Plains
The road makes a turn here, leaving in the south and west directions.
The hedge follows closely its path on the south side, being thorny and
uncared for. It ends a few yards from the road though, and poses no threat
to travellers who doesn't want to leave the road. All to the north and east
scrubby plains stretch out, and here and there the dark shadow of an old
watchtower rise from them.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Dead Plains
This is a few miles of barren land where nothing grows and nothing moves.
Even the coarse grey grass that is so common in this region refuses to grow
here. To the north and east the plains are more fertile and low scrubs are
scattered about the land, while this desolate landscape continues eastward.
South and west, the road makes a turn just in front of the Great Hedge.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>look in moneybag
You carefully open a moneybag, not to spill any of its contents.
When you look inside, you see:
49 gold coins
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Cracked Earth
Although the earth is hard and dry, cracked up in deep fissures in many places,
a few aspen trees manage to survive here north of the road. Birdsong can be
heard from within the grove, and you catch a glimpse of a finch among the
leaves and branches.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - Cracked Earth
South - Old East Road
West - Dead Plains
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>south
Old East Road
The road is very well kept here, with grey stones fitting tight together. The
slow murmur of the wind blowing through the high hedge can be heard below
sounds of birds singing in some deciduous trees north of the road.
The hedge is thin and dead in many places, even burnt. Nowhere can you find a
way through it though, and it is still impassable.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
You begin to see some clouds.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
Exits: ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>south
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
The corpse of a mean brigand is lying here.
*Inghraz the Orc*, wielding a barbed fang, is standing here.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>
*Inghraz the Orc* drops a belt pouch.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>
A mean brigand has arrived from the east.
A mean brigand has arrived from the east.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>
*Inghraz the Orc* smiles viciously.
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - Old East Road
East - Old East Road
* HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - The Lower Forest
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most frequented road of all Middle-Earth.
can walk without any difficulties on this nice and smooth road. But be
sure not to get off this road if you want no trouble.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
East - Bend in the Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Bend in the Road
You notice that the road seems to continue to the north. As you look to
the south you notice a small depression. There seems to be no trees around;
only green flourishing bushes grow peacefully there; you are enveloped by a
undefinable scent : so beautiful, but so strong that you barely can stand it.
What a shame...
Exits: ^North^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>north
Old East Road
You are standing on the most popular road of Middle-Earth. There seems to
be no real difficulty to walk on this well prepared road.
You feel quite
safe on this road, but you shiver as you look around you.
You wish you'd never
have to quit this road...the outside world is so frightening !
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - The High Path
East - Bend in the Road
South - Bend in the Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Bend in the Road
You notice that the road seems to continue to the north. As you look to
the south you notice a small depression. There seems to be no trees around;
only green flourishing bushes grow peacefully there; you are enveloped by a
undefinable scent : so beautiful, but so strong that you barely can stand it.
What a shame...
A ferocious warg is here, snarling angrily.
Exits: ^North^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>north
Old East Road
You are standing on the most popular road of Middle-Earth. There seems to
be no real difficulty to walk on this well prepared road.
You feel quite
safe on this road, but you shiver as you look around you.
You wish you'd never
have to quit this road...the outside world is so frightening !
Exits: ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
East - Old East Road
South - Bend in the Road
West - The High Path
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most popular road of Middle-Earth. There seems to
be no real difficulty to walk on this well prepared road.
You feel quite
safe on this road, but you shiver as you look around you.
You wish you'd never
have to quit this road...the outside world is so frightening !
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the most popular road of Middle-Earth. There seems to
be no real difficulty to walk on this well prepared road.
You feel quite
safe on this road, but you shiver as you look around you.
You wish you'd never
have to quit this road...the outside world is so frightening !
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - The Small Trail
East - The Old East Road
South - A Path Going Down
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
The Old East Road
This is the great road which stretches east and west across Eriador. Built over
two thousand years ago, the traffic along this road must have once been
considerable to justify the expense. Nowadays, there are few travellers to
marvel at this great feat of construction. The road cuts through the flat land
here, shadowed by the impressive hedge of thorny bushes to the south and the
thick expanse of bracken of the plains to the north.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
The clouds begin to disappear.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - The Bracken-covered Land
East - The Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
The Old East Road
The road here curves northward to approach closer under the watchful eye of
Weathertop. This great conical hill lies fully ten miles in a northwesterly
direction, yet from this distance it is still striking.
Exits: ^North^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>north
The Old East Road
The road bends here slightly, the westerly stretch snaking southwards before
continuing onwards to Bree. East, the road passes within a few miles of the
southern flank of Weathertop, known as Amon Sûl by the learned.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
The Old East Road
This is a lonely countryside, flat for miles about, bar the north where lies
the distinctive shape of Weathertop. Isolated as it is from the rest of the
range of hills, it marks the southern end of the Emyn Sûl. A trail in the flat
terrain before the hill curves southwards, towards this road.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>stat
OB: 75%, DB: 16%, PB: 50%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 651,787 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 49. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- noquit
- novoid
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
Crossing of the paths
Directly south of Weathertop, a meeting of ways occurs. The first is the
great road built by Elendil's followers long ago, unbroken for many miles in
either the east or west direction. The second route is a simple trail, with
few stones to mark it. This trail crosses the passage of the road.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - The Formen-Rómen Trail
East - The Old East Road
South - A Breach in the Hedge
West - The Old East Road
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
The Old East Road
The mighty road, pitted by pot holes and tumbled stones, stands raised on its
bank above the surroundings. This point near the southern tip of the last of
the hills marks the border between the lands west, and the Lone-lands east.
Only the hedge of bushes spoils the nearby view, its thick thorns allowing one
only a glimpse of the lands to the south.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - Border of the Lone-lands
East - The Old East Road
West - Crossing of the paths
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>east
The Old East Road
The road bends before continuing along its seemingly endless voyage across
Eriador. The landscape is dominated by the terrain to the northwest, which
consists of a range of hills rising to almost a thousand feet in height. The
largest is also the nearest and it is the well-known Weathertop.
Exits: ^North^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>inv
You are carrying:
an ornate parchment
a black warg fur (brand new)
a weapon sheath
a weapon sheath
a broad girdle
a broadsword (brand new)
a black and silver surcoat (brand new)
a metal wall shield (brand new)
a pair of vambraces (brand new)
a pair of metal gauntlets (brand new)
a thick pair of metal boots (brand new)
a pair of greaves (brand new)
a great helm (brand new)
a thick metal breastplate (brand new)
a gold ring
a ring
a water skin
a lantern
an ash arrow
o HP:Wounded Move:Tired>exit
North - The Old East Road
West - The Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>north
The Old East Road
This is the East Road, raised above the surrounding barren lands which form the
western limits of the Lone-lands. No signs of life for miles around make the
name quite apt, though the locale is not without features. Barring the way
south-east is the thorny wall of hedge that marked the ancient border of
Cardolan, one of the divided kingdoms of Arnor. Meanwhile further away, to the
north-west is the conical shape of Weathertop, the last of the Weather Hills.
Exits: ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
The Old East Road
The road through the Lone-lands continues on its east-west route. North lies
the great expanse of plains, scrub and stunted shrub dotting the landscape.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Bridge over the Nen-i-Sûl
The East Road crosses the Nen-i-Sûl river. Since the river flows at the bottom
of a sizeable ravine, an impressive bridge spans the sides in a single arch of
twenty yards. The sides of the bridge are walled by the same limestone of the
land, though with the centuries the walls have become badly eroded. The
underside of the bridge acts as an amplifier for sounds from below, so the
echoes of splashing reverberate, as the river passes below.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^ Down.
o HP:Wounded>exit
East - Bend in the Old East Road
West - The Old East Road
Down - Under the Nen-i-Sûl Bridge
o HP:Wounded>east
Bend in the Old East Road
The great road bends, though why the builders shifted the course of the road in
not known. The ever-attendant hedgewall to the south keeps its course so now
the road diverges from the briars by a few miles. This allows some leeway to
leave the road to the east but the barren land is not too encouraging.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
The Three-fools' Stone
Within sight of the East Road, lies the remains of the marker which denoted the
meeting point of the three sister realms after the division of Arnor: Arthedain
and its former stronghold at Amon Sûl to the northwest; the downs of Cardolan
to the south and west; and the endless plains of Rhudaur to the east. In the
time of the Dúnedain kingdoms, this marker was known as the Seroneldëon Tarma
or Three-friends' Pillar. After the wars which broke the kingdoms, travellers
passing along the road have referred to the ruins as the Folly of the North or
more commonly: The Three-fools' Stone.
Some small rocks have been piled into a mound here.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - The Old East Road
East - Grasslands
West - Bend in the Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>north
The Old East Road
Onwards and on the road lies, while all about the flat plains of the
En Eredoriath offer little prospect. The stone-edged highway extends for many
leagues in either direction, seemingly without end.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the Old East Road going east and west from here through the
endless dry plains. A few bushes and a lonely tree grow by the way here but
mainly there is desolation.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road runs eastwards and westwards as far as the eye can see. Bordering
the road is what appears to be endless plains of swaying grass. Sounds of
small animals moving around in the grass reaches your ears.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The ground which constitutes the road is trampled and shows many tracks of
hooved animals, probably horses. To the north and south vast plains of swaying
grass invites you to step off the road and rest some before continuing your
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
To the south you can see some kind of fortification, though it lies many miles
from here. The immediate surroundings are marked mainly by the road, which cuts
through a vast, seemingly endless plain.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>
Saving Drooling.
o HP:Wounded>sc
217/603 hit, and 50/126 moves.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
You stir up some dust as you make your way forward. Small pebbles lie on
the sides of the road. The sky is high above and you feel tired of your
long journey. Perhaps you should take a rest before heading any further.
A giant rat patters against you, squeaking maliciously.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road continues east and west from here, going through the endless plains
which dry grass swaying in the wind makes you feel you are journeying through
an ocean without a boat.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road goes on east and west again seemingly forever surrounded
by the endless green plains. Some low bushes are growing beside it.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>North - Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road bends here, continuing to the west and south. Plains border the
road in all directions. The dirt is hard and trampled, and pebbeles are
scattered all over the road. On a surface like this, you are certain not
to leave as many tracks as someone moving beside the road.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Plains
East - Plains
South - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>south
Old East Road
The road bends again, offering to take you east and north from here. Looking
south and west you see vast plains of tall green grass. Such vegetation is
likely to harbour many small creatures for a hungry hunter.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road goes on east and west as far as you can see with plains on both sides.
To the east, the grass starts to give way to a much thicker brush, the old east
road cutting its way through.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road streatches westwards and eastwards in what seems to be an endless
effort to reach some unknown goal, always inviting travellers to use it to
reach their destination.
You are standing in an ocean a vast plains, the
brown dirt of the road being the only solid thing to see.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road winds away east and west before you like an ancient snake whose
scales have begun to erode and rot from the passage of time. The stone
tiles of the road are broken and scattered, with brown weeds and grass
fighting for the patches of ground now uncovered. The land here is flat, but
covered with many spiney shrubs and dark thorny brush. The wind constantly
blows dust into the air, choking your throat and tearing at your eyes. An
eerie silence hangs over this place.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Thorny Brush
East - Old East Road
South - In The Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Making its miserable path through this blighted land, the road stretches east
and west towards the horizon. Shadows flit across the road and hawklike cries
pierce the air; you feel strange eyes upon you from above. To the north and
south of the road extends a brown, trackless expanse of thorny brush. The
bushes are taller than a tall man, and obscure all details of the landscape.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Thorny Brush
East - Old East Road
South - Thorny Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The sounds of your boots padding upon the ancient broken tiles of the road
rings in your ears as you wander along the road. Here it bends north and west
around a dark cropping of brush and trees and becomes lost in the haze and
distance of the plains. The wind silently blows into the thorny hedges which
dot the road, making them wave as if they were either calling you or repelling
You do not know which. The squawk of a swooping vulture alerts you that
no place here is safe.
You want to keep moving.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Old East Road
East - Thorny Brush
South - Thorny Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>north
Old East Road
The road winds east to south here through a seemingly endless sea of thorny
brush. The bushes rise up on both sides of the road like walls, unnaturally
tall, unnaturally deadly. The air is quiet and heavy; there is little sign
of animal life. The squeaks of rats, and maybe of something else, can be
heard in the thickets.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
These brushlands punish your sight with harsh views of desolation broken only
by forbidding brush and the occasional tree.
You wonder why you left the lush
greens of your homeland for these hard browns and greys which now assail you.
`How can anything live here?', you ask yourself, but you do not know. And you
do not want to know.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Thorny Brush
East - Old East Road
South - Thorny Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Like a faithful guide, the road leads east and west through these brushlands
that surround you.
You cautiously do not stray even an inch off the well
beaten path for, though you see and hear nothing, you are sure that out there,
something is watching you.
You feel safe upon this old pathway, where thousands
have tread in time lost in memory but you wonder: Can it protect you from
whatever lies hidden in the brush that is just out of sight? The thorny
bushes are particularly tall on both sides of the road here.
Exits: North ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>North - Dark Clump of Trees
East - Old East Road
South - Thorny Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Here the battered reminants of the road twist north and west, retreating from
a stand of spiney bushes and dark gnarled trees.
You hear no sounds of birds
besides those of carrion birds circling constantly above and you see no animal
but only insects which attack your skin and attempt to blight your food and
water. A sense of foreboding washes over you and you wonder if you will ever
leave this barren place.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Old East Road
South - Thorny Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>north
Old East Road
You continue to trudge within the comforting boundaries of the road which
curves east and south here. Only the smell of death assaults your nose as
you come across the skeletal remains of some animal, the like of which you
have never seen in your journeys across Arda.
You do not want to become a
trophy to the victory of this brush over your will, you are determined
to move on and keep moving until it is behind you. But there is nothing
to be seen on any side save great brown thorny bushes and the tops of some of
the taller trees which poke up out of the brush like the heads of drowning men.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ West.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Thorny Brush
East - Old East Road
South - Old East Road
West - Dark Clump of Trees
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
You follow the road which can take you either east or west from here though
neither direction seems to be able to rid you of this infernal brushland with
its thorny bushes, tall, rotting fields of brown weed, and dark, mottled
earth. This place breathes rot and ruin upon you and you wish to be done
with it. Though you walk heavily and your weapons and pack clatter together,
you think you distinctly hear a crunching sound, like leaves being crushed
under foot, coming from behind the brushline to the north.
A huge warg is here, moving in for the kill.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
Scrounge narrates 'i still alive'
o HP:Wounded>North - Thorny Brush
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The old road straggles on to the east and the west, passing through a plain
blotted and choked with dark, evil looking brush and brown weeds. The skyline
is only occasionally broken by a solitary dark, gnarled tree, and the sounds
of life so familiar to you seem stolen from this place. No living animal, save
for circling scavengers above, can be seen anywhere.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Thorny Brush
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Looking like a beaten dog, the road whimpers west and south away from you.
Again, strange noises reach your ears and you could swear you see shapes
moving in the brush to the east and north along the road, where it grows
in a great brown thorny sea. Yet it is hard to imagine what could move in
so thick a tangle of thorny canes and creepers.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
Goretongue narrates 'clap'
North - Thorny Brush
East - In the Brush
South - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
In the Brush
You find yourself amid a stand of thorny bushes which tear your clothes and
skin as you try to wade through it. It is at times so thick and dense that
you wonder whether you will become stuck in it. But, fortunately, your
constant pain pays off as your limbs move you, albeit slowly and painfully,
through this sea of thorns.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>south
Old East Road
The air is cool here as you walk upon the road, leading you east or west
through the bushland. As you stop and survey your progress, you notice a
dark shadow pass over the prairie and even the thorny shrubs scattered
throughout seem to shiver at its passing, or is it just a trick of the eye
and a play of the wind? Feeling cold that emanates not so much from the
outside as within, you feel an urge to quicken your journey.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - In the Brush
East - Old East Road
South - The Flats
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
You are standing on the Old East Road as it makes its way east-west through
some gently rolling plains. In the distance to the southeast, the land
becomes much rougher. Rising above the road to the east are some jagged
hills. There doesn't seem to be much living here besides you and the grass
covering the plains.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - The Flats
East - Old East Road
South - In the Brush
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
You begin to feel thirsty.
o HP:Wounded>Kreil narrates 'nice!!'
Old East Road
The road continues making its way east-west through the rolling plains.
You feel that you are all alone in this wide land. To the east, jagged,
broken hills block the road's easy path, while, to the southeast, the plains
become rougher.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Rolling Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>t
According to the Dúnadan calendar, it is:
9pm on Monday, the 19th of Rethe, Year 3002 of the Third Age.
You don't feel well outside.
It is nightfall. The last rays of the sun are peeking over the horizon.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Isengrim.
Real time is Sun Jul 2 07:08:30 2000 GMT.
Last reboot due to auto-reboot at Sat Jul 1 00:43:42 2000 GMT
o HP:Wounded>ds
drink skin
You drink the water.
You do not feel thirsty anymore.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Rolling Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road winds its way east and west here, skirting around the broken
plains and hills of the Lone-lands to the east. The land to the north is
more hospitable, but no less empty.
You begin to wonder why there aren't
any people living in these lands.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>t
According to the Dúnadan calendar, it is:
9pm on Monday, the 19th of Rethe, Year 3002 of the Third Age.
You don't feel well outside.
It is nightfall. The last rays of the sun are peeking over the horizon.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Isengrim.
Real time is Sun Jul 2 07:08:33 2000 GMT.
Last reboot due to auto-reboot at Sat Jul 1 00:43:42 2000 GMT
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - A Stand of Stunted Trees
East - Old East Road
South - Rolling Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road winds its way west and east here, skirting around the sheer cliffs
that form this side of the hills to the east and around the broken plains
to the south. Coming closer to the hills, you feel a sense of forboding.
Perhaps in among the hills is the answer to the emptiness of these lands.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - A Stand of Stunted Trees
East - Old East Road
South - Rolling Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road makes its way here east-west, skirting the broken hills of the
Lone-lands to the south. To the north, the rolling plains continue, broken
only by some trees in the distance. The jagged cliffs to the south seem to
be impassable, except for the faint remains of a path leading up into
them to the south.
A small patch of clover grows here.
A small patch of clover grows here.
A black wolf is here, glaring hungrily for its next meal.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
South - An Abandoned Path in the Broken Hills
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road winds east and west here, making its way between the jagged,
broken hills to the south and the rolling plains to the north. The plains
to the north and west stretch as far as the eye can see, broken only by an
occasional stand of trees. The hills to the south seem impassable.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Rolling Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Here, the road runs east-west between the rolling plains to the north and
the broken plains of the Lone-lands to the south. To the southwest lie
an area of cliff-like broken hills. This land seems to be truly desolate.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Running east-west, the road threads its way between the rolling plains to
the north and the broken terrain of the Lone-lands to the south. To the
southwest, the land rises up into an area of broken hills. Directly north
of you, a thicket provides some welcome cover.
A black wolf is here, glaring hungrily for its next meal.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>North - Rolling Plains
East - A Bend in the Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
A Bend in the Old East Road
The road runs north and west here, right under the shadow of the southern
hills. The rolling plains to the north do little to warm your soul that
has been chilled here under what seems to be the hateful watch of the hills.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>North - A Bend in the Old East Road
East - A Stand of Stunted Trees
South - Broken Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>north
A Bend in the Old East Road
Curving south and east, the road curves around the battered terrain of the
Lone-lands to the south. Southwards rise some broken hills, while
southeast, the terrain is slightly more manageable. To the north lie
gently rolling plains.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road runs east-west here between the rolling plains to the north and
the broken plains to the south. To the southwest, the Lone-lands rise up
into a series of hills.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
South - A Stand of Stunted Trees
West - A Bend in the Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Still traveling down this road, your surroundings make the Lone Lands seem
seem an appropriate name. The only life you can discern in this desolate
realm of Arda, are rabbits scuttling across the road and in the grass.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Rolling Plains
East - Old East Road
South - A Charred Slope
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The worn road is surrounded by plains to the north and south. The grassy
plains continue out of eyesight to your north, unperturbedly growing and
expanding, as they have since the year 1409, when this land was burnt and
pillaged by the armies of the Witchking on their march to Amon Sûl.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Endless Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Grassy Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
When the sun beats down on this road laid down long ago, every landmark is
seen as if through a film of yellow-grey. Rubble and dirt whirls up from
underneath your feet, indicating just how dry and unsustaining the soil of the
surrounding plains must be.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Endless Plains
East - Old East Road
South - Grassy Plains
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The bleakness of the land around you makes you appreciate even the most
ordinary things usually taken for granted.
Your senses dull from lack of input
as the land around you seems to swallow any sight, smell or noise of any
redeeming quality.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Old East Road
East - A Roadside Thicket
South - Dry Plain
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>north
Old East Road
There is little to be impressed with on this stretch of road. To the
south and east lies more of the road, while the vast plains continue
to surround you.
You estimate that this is about the halfway point
on the road between the town of Bree in the west and the Elven refuge
of Rivendell in the east.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Visible in the west is the massive Weathertop. As for the road you are
on, its dust and grit seem to clog the very workings of your body. As
you walk between the vast stretches of plains, you seem very small and
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Endless Plains
East - Old East Road
South - A Roadside Thicket
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
You seem to be in the heart of the Lone-Lands now. Crossing the vast
plains in an east-west direction, the Old East Road marks the only
break in the tall grass. On either side of the road, the familiar
rolling hills stretch out for many a farthing. Far to the south you
think you spot a canyon, but from this distance you cannot be sure.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - Endless Plains
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
A lifeless forest accompanies the roadside view at this point. Westward
you can see the Old East Road lying in a straight line, while the forest
to your northeast forces the road toward the Last Bridge to bend south.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
North - A Wrecked Wagon
East - Old East Road
South - A Stunted Forest
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
As you continue down this lonesome road, all you can do is shuffle
your feet. Even the dust you kick up seems more alive than the
surrounding land.
You strain to glimpse some sign of life, inwardly
knowing it is futile.
Exits: ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
East - Old East Road
South - A Raging Brush Fire
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
The road here is dusty and cracked from lack of moisture.
Your eyes roam
the heavens in search of a wayward cloud that might bring precipitation
to this place. Seeing only clear sky, you check to see that your bit
of precious water is securely tucked away, and trudge onward. To the
south you discern a small path.
Exits: ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
East - Old East Road
South - A Raging Brush Fire
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
In the heyday of the Kingdom of the North, this road was widely used, as it
was the main artery of traffic between the prosperous Dúnedain settlements of
Arnor. Now nothing remains to reminisce of its former glory. The road lies in
disrepair, beaten and worn by the feet of the occasional traveller and
Exits: ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Wounded>exit
East - Old East Road
South - A Raging Brush Fire
West - Old East Road
o HP:Wounded>east
Old East Road
Draughts of warmer wind blow in your face from a northern direction. Looking
to the source of the reassuring wind you discover an uncomfortable change,
the once golden prairies you fondly recall being here have been scorched and
blackened. It looks as though a mighty battle has just been waged. The road
continues East-West.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>exit
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
The area south of the road still contains remnants of wildlife, but to the
north, the land grows continually paler. Black hills, scraped of all
vegetation stand out bare against the sky, wisps of smoke and steam hang in
the heavy air.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>exit
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
Eastwards, thick smoky clouds obscure your sight. To the south, a small
trodden path branches off this road. Both north and south offer little
more than minor vegetation, small brush and weeds, atypical of the plains
surrounding you. The only signs of life at all in fact, would be men who
once toiled here to make this road.
Exits: ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>exit
East - Old East Road
South - Country Path
West - Old East Road
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
A feeling of dread enters into your heart and dampens your soul.
You want
nothing more than to leave this foul area behind you.
You can no longer bare
to look around at the bleak landscape.
You grit your teeth and stare straight
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>exit
East - Old East Road
West - Old East Road
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
Black smoke and ash swirls around you, restricting your breathing and making
you gag. Even the bleak landscape, no sight for sore eyes, has been blotted
out by this thick foulness.
You wipe the soot from your eyes and try to
simply focus on the road ahead of you.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
The need for concentration is evident here. Dark swirling clouds of dirt
and debris diminish your view and lash at your clothing. The road vanishes
ahead into swirling clouds of evil winds, tread carefully and do not stray
from the road.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>east
Cracked Ground
Like a crooked dagger into the heart of Eä, here an open fissure travels
deep underground, perhaps even into the Eternal Flame. Waves of incredible
heat belch from this opened wound, mixing into the cool air and creating
turbelent winds. Dirt and debris kick up around you, obscuring your view and
threatening to topple you without warning.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^.
o HP:Hurt>west
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Hurt>exit
North - Windswept Ground
East - Windswept Ground
o HP:Hurt>east
Windswept Ground
The earth lie barren here, after years of fighting with constant winds, the
land lies plucked clean, like a goose without a feather. All that remains is
loose dirt and broken debris. Gnarled pieces of wood, tattered bits of
clothing lay tossed apathetically, the victims of a powerful and hateful
A grey wolf is here, salivating profusely.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>exit
North - Windswept Ground
South - Old East Road
West - Cracked Ground
o HP:Hurt>south
Old East Road
The skyline is flat and unending along this stretch of the road. Westwards
however, a violent storm whips dust swirls high into the air. Here however,
the air is remarkably still, allowing the unpleasant odor of rotting flesh
to permeate the dusty air.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
The rabid, grey wolf has arrived from the north.
o HP:Hurt>exit
North - Windswept Ground
East - Old East Road
South - Windswept Ground
West - Old East Road
The rabid, grey wolf tries to hit you, but your parry is successful.
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Healthy>
You hit the rabid, grey wolf's body extremely hard and shatter it.
Your victim is shocked by your hit!
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>
The rabid, grey wolf fails to hit you.
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>c,a
chan mood ag
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>b
You try to hit the rabid, grey wolf, but it parries successfully.
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>bash
The rabid, grey wolf fails to hit you.
Your bash at the rabid, grey wolf sends it sprawling.
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>bash dis
Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny?
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>east
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>exit
North - Windswept Ground
East - Old East Road
South - Windswept Ground
West - Old East Road
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>east
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Hurt>
You hit the rabid, grey wolf's left hindleg extremely hard and shatter it.
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Bad>east
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Bad>bf
bash female
Bash who or what ?
o HP:Hurt the rabid, grey wolf:Bad>bd
bash dis
Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny?
The rabid, grey wolf seems to have recovered its senses.
*an Elf* and *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* have arrived from the north riding
a pack horse.
You hit the rabid, grey wolf's left hindfoot extremely hard and shatter it.
Your victim is shocked by your hit!
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
Good job!
Your blood freezes as you hear the rabid, grey wolf's death cry.
The rabid, grey wolf is dead! R.I.P.
* HP:Hurt>
You can't find a coins in the corpse.
* HP:Hurt>288/603 hit, and 68/126 moves.
*an Elf* and *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* leave east riding a pack horse.
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
A dark sombre veil seems to pervade this area. The grassy fields and mountains
fade from view and all that can be seen is the smoking embers of a torched
and barren land.
You search your memory for some news of a battle, waged near
here, but recall no such event. What could have possibly have happened here?
*an Elf* is here, riding a pack horse.
*Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf*, wielding an engraved broadsword, is here,
riding a pack horse driven by *an Elf* (Shrouded).
A pack horse is standing here, ridden by *an Elf* and *Thaliodrin the Noldorin
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.
*an Elf* and *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* leave east riding a pack horse.
o HP:Hurt>east
Old East Road
A dark somber veil seems to pervade this area. The grassy fields and mountains
fade from view and all that can be seen is the smoking embers of a torched
and barren land.
You search your memory for some news of a battle, waged near
here, but recall no such event. What could have possibly have happened?
Exits: ^North^ ^West^.
o HP:Hurt>east
Alas, you cannot go that way...
o HP:Hurt>north
*an Elf* and *Thaliodrin the Noldorin Elf* have arrived from the north riding
a pack horse.
* HP:Hurt>Old East Road
A dark somber veil seems to pervade this area. The grassy fields and mountains
fade from view and all that can be seen is the smoking embers of a torched
and barren land.
You search your memory for some news of a battle, waged near
here, but recall no such event. What could have possibly have happened?
Exits: ^North^ ^South^.
---------LAST I SAW OF PUKES-----(SIGH)----------
---------HEAD TO GRINDER--------
o HP:Hurt Move:Weak>east
A Deserted Cave
Here a rough spartan quarters has been burrowed into the rock. There is
filth and garbage everywhere. All around you the shattered possessions
of the former occupants lie in untidy heaps. The dark stains are
probably blood, you wonder what mighty calamity occurred here.
A statue of Aucher the Troll is here.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls.
The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore.
A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully.
Grinder, the expert on all things dark is standing here.
A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully.
Goretongue the Hill Troll (a) is resting here.
Echo is resting here.
Kreil the Mountain Troll is resting here.
Exits: West.
o HP:Hurt Move:Weak>ga moneybag
get all moneybag
You get 49 gold coins from a moneybag.
o HP:Hurt Move:Slow>drop all
You drop the arrow.
You drop the lantern.
You drop the skin.
You drop the ring.
You drop the ring.
You drop the breastplate.
You drop the helm.
You drop the greaves.
You drop the boots.
You drop the gauntlets.
You drop the vambraces.
You drop the shield.
You drop the surcoat.
You drop the broadsword.
You drop the girdle.
You drop the sheath.
You drop the sheath.
You drop the message.
o HP:Hurt Move:Slow>inv
You are carrying:
o HP:Hurt Move:Slow>snicker
You snicker softly.
o HP:Hurt Move:Slow>stat
OB: 171%, DB: 17%, PB: 0%, Armour: 7%. Wimpy: 150. Mood: aggressive.
Needed: 649,616 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 10. Gold: 98. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the head.
- noquit
- novoid
o HP:Hurt Move:Slow>
Goretongue (a) claps for you.