The silliest death I've had sofar!
posted by Feagwath
2000-08-08 20:39:27
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I had been playing BN for the first time in a long time, I just logged on to g
I had been sitting for awhile, waiting for noquit to wear off
While talking to some friends...

* W C>
Nosfe tells you 'for du chanted for jacob ?'
{Translation: 'are you chanting for jacob ?'}

* W C>
Naksitrall narrates 'oh sorry, we are darkies'

* W C>t nosfe det er sket f
Naksitrall narrates 'this race shouldnt exist at all'

* W C>t nosfe det er sket fr længe siden ja
{Translation: it happened log ago yes}

* W C>stat
OB: 48%, DB: 8%, PB: 52%, Armour: 50%. Wimpy: 131. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 655,260 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 4. Gold: 31. Alert: normal.
Target: elf   Target 2: man    Target 3: bear   Doors: crack & trapdoor    Spells: normal
Affected by:
- shield
- armour
- sense life
- stored spell teleport.

{Oh I was talking some to a friend in the lab here, and had forgotten}
{all about where I was, I don't even think you CAN camp rent here... }

* W C>st
You stop resting, and stand up.

* W C>crnt
A pack horse (mine) stops following you.
A pack horse (mine) starts following you.

* W C>
Ok. you make your camp here.

#received from host: 640113 chars, sent to host: 26868 chars.
#CPU time used: 4.110 sec. (0.05%)

linux24(c938469): powwow  zuljin

{Time to log on my scout!}

Powwow version 1.2.0, Copyright 1998 by Cosmos
(contributions by Yorick, Vivriel, Thuzzle, Ilie, Fror, Dain)
compiled 15:10:25 Oct 24 1999 (termcaps, termios)
Type #help for help.
#trying connected!

                              ***  Mume  VII  ***

                              In progress at FIRE
                     (Free Internet Roleplay Experiences)
             Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth World and
                    Maintained by CryHavoc, Manwe and Nada.

              Original code DikuMUD I (view credits), created by:
        S. Hammer, T. Madsen, K. Nyboe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.

If you have never played MUME before, type NEW to create a new character.

By what name do you wish to be known?
Account pass phrase: 

Account menu

  Add <name>    - Add an existing character <name> to your account.
  Create <name> - Create new character with name <name>
  Play <name>   - Log the character <name> into MUME
  Time          - Display game time

  List [<sort>] - Lists all your characters
                  The optional <sort> parameter can be one of
                    side, race, level, alphabetic, custom
  Move <name> [up|down] [-]n
                - Move a character around in the custom list
  Pass          - Change account pass phrase
  Merge <acc>   - Move all characters from <acc> into this account, and
                  delete the account <acc>.
  Help          - Displays this menu
  Bye           - Leave the account menu (logs you out)

Account> lla
Characters in account
Name          Rce Lvl   Logon Area     Rent    Delete 

{Various spam deleted}

Atlas              Mc  4 days Other      free   never 

Féagwath       bn M34 no link            free 12 mths 

{*Peer* No link?}

Zuljin        orc T30  9 days OrcCave unknown 11 mths

{Hrm odd, I better check, so even though I started powwow with}
{Zuljin's settings, I figured I was just going to log on and  }
{camp rent properly...                                        }

Account> play feagwath
Character password: 


* W C>camp rent
Ok, you make your camp here.

You cannot concentrate any more...
You swiftly dodge *an Elf*'s attempt to pierce you.

{WHAT the heck!? :-P}

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>

*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>

exits are:
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>Up    - A closed 'trapdoor'

{Seems I was sitting below some trapdoor when I talked to the guys}
{Oh well, I'll just open it and run for my life I guess!          }

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
exits are:
Up    - A closed 'trapdoor'

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
open trapdoor

That's impossible, I'm afraid.		{Doh!}

* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!
* W C *an Elf*:Healthy>
*an Elf* utters the word 'fireball'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.
That really HURT!

* W C HP:Fine *an Elf*:Healthy>sa
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C HP:Fine *an Elf*:Healthy>sa STARES
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C HP:Fine *an Elf*:Healthy>tlp1
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

{My BN settings alias for teleporting to my roomkey #1...}

* W C HP:Fine *an Elf*:Healthy>
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C HP:Fine *an Elf*:Healthy>c
*an Elf* utters the word 'fireball'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.

* W C HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>c 
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>c '
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>c 'tele' 
You can't quit the fight!

{I delete this command, realizing I can't remember the portkey anyway heh}

* W C HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>         
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>
*an Elf* utters the word 'fireball'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.

* W C HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy>
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy>mow

* W C HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy>l 
You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

* W C HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy>
Spells are now cast: thorough

{In my BN settings, this binding sets my spell casting time to quick :-p}

* W C HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy>llbt
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* W C HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy>
*an Elf* utters the word 'fireball'
You feel less protected.
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.

* W C HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy>c
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* W C HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy>c' 
You can't quit the fight!

* W C HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy>c 'li'
You start to concentrate...

{Tried to fight back with a bolt! Heh}

You flee head over heels.
You couldn't escape!

*an Elf* utters the word 'fireball'
*an Elf* throws a fireball at you, death is immediate.

You are dead! Sorry...

You cannot concentrate any more...

o W C HP:Awful>
Alas, you realize that yet again the mighty knowledge of drowned Númenor has
been lost... Despair settles on you.

* W C HP:Awful>quit
Goodbye, friend.. Come back soon!

#connection on `main' closed.
#no connections left. Type #quit to quit.
#received from host: 6754 chars, sent to host: 138 chars.
#CPU time used: 0.070 sec. (0.02%)
linux24(c938469): powwow atlas
Powwow version 1.2.0, Copyright 1998 by Cosmos
(contributions by Yorick, Vivriel, Thuzzle, Ilie, Fror, Dain)
compiled 15:10:25 Oct 24 1999 (termcaps, termios)
Type #help for help.
#trying connected!

                              ***  Mume  VII  ***

                              In progress at FIRE
                     (Free Internet Roleplay Experiences)
             Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth World and
                    Maintained by CryHavoc, Manwe and Nada.

              Original code DikuMUD I (view credits), created by:
        S. Hammer, T. Madsen, K. Nyboe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.

If you have never played MUME before, type NEW to create a new character.

By what name do you wish to be known? atlas
Account pass phrase: 

Character password: 

           ~~         _----|        _ _ __ _ _                              
                       ----|_----|  ]-I-II-I-[                 __ _ __ _ __
   _ _ _/\_ _ _ _---|      | ----|   \ `  ' /                  ]I-I-II-I-I[
   ]-I-I--I-I-[  ---|      |     |    |. ` |        ~~~         \_`   '__/
    \_`   '__/      |     / \    |    | /^\|         ~~~         |~_ [],|
     [&] `__|       ^    / ^ \   ^    | |&||                    _|______|_ 
     |__   ,|      / \  / ^ ^`\ / \   | ===|                   <=-=-==-=-=>
  ___| ___ ,|__   / ^  /=_=_=_=\ ^ \  |, `_|     ~~             \__   _'_/   
  I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)_^___| ___|___    ~~            |.   _ |
  \-\--|-|--/-/  | .   I  [&]__I   I_I|_I I|I_I                  |   _  |
   |[] `    '|_  |_   _|`___ ._[  _\ \  | | / /                  |`    '|
  / \  [] ` .| |-| |-| |_| |_| |_| | []   [] |                   | '    |
 <===>      .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|        / \                  |[]    | 
 | []|` ` [] |.      _______ .     |-  `   <===>                 |'   __|
 <===>  `  ' | /|\  |       |  /|\ |  []   <===>-
T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-| '  I-|-T- 
  \T/    1-- | ||| /|Welcome|\ ||| | .  '   \T/    .  |   ..     |     _|
__/|' v .   .|\|||//|_______|\\|||/|. . Y . .|\_________________/ -  .. .\__ 
      ..   .                       . .   .                       . ..

                MUME: Multi Users in Middle Earth, Version VII.

                 Type 'news next' for the latest information.

Welcome to the land of Middle Earth. May your visit here be... interesting.
Never forget! Try to role-play...

Last login 4 days and 16 hours ago from
Garden of the Ainur
A book titled "Handbook for New Gods" is here.
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.
A sign about RULES and COMMON SENSE stands here.
Exits: North East South West Down.

Your default tongue is the Arcanes
Free rent.
# Friendly reminder: 
You can only have one account and it cannot be shared.
#                    See HELP ACCOUNTS and RULES ACCOUNTS for more information.

You have 2 mails (1 unread).
Ainur board               - 342 unread messages
General board             - 108 unread messages
InCharacter board         - 50 unread messages
Numenoreans' board        - 25 unread messages
Orcs' board               - 27 unread messages
OrcsIncharacter board     - 2 unread messages
Trolls' board             - 65 unread messages
Mages' board              - 2 unread messages
Warriors' board           - 1 unread message
Jail board                - 8 unread messages
Flame board               - 159 unread messages
Bug board                 - 384 unread messages
Idea board                - 602 unread messages
Typo board                - 31 unread messages

o 2[0:2]>n

### Some of your contributions need to be updated. ###
###         Please type /project update.           ###

o 2[0:2]>na *Lua
Darkangel narrates 'if he's as nice rl as he is on mume, I think you're lucky :D'

o 2[0:2]>na *Laugh*

o 2[0:2]>na Who        
Thoraël narrates 'i LOVE duvel'

o 2[0:2]>na What elf just killed
Nosfe tells you '?'

o 2[0:2]>na What elf just killed Feagwath? :-p

o 2[0:2]>na *Lol*

o 2[0:2]>
Thoraël narrates 'except that time he killed me'

o 2[0:2]>
Madium narrates 'well uhm in what way Thorael?'

o 2[0:2]>wh elve
 [? 10] Siddhartha the Elf  (Linkless)
 [M 18] Eilro the Elf 
 [M 10] Thoraël the Elf 
 [M 26] Aielë Numenya 
 [T 17] Maelruan the Elf 
 [W  7] Cõntüsä the Elf 
 [T 13] Galan the Elf 
 [W 11] Calandor the Elven Warrior 
 [? 29] Guildenstern the Greek Apprentice 
 [M 39] Butrus the Donator 
 [W 12] Elure the Elven Warrior 
 [M 27] Jorma the hot, cool and sexy 
 [? 36] Scorpio the Explorer 
 [?  5] Thorik the Elven Apprentice 
 [?  6] Snife the Elven Rider 
 [? 18] Nisrri the Elf 
 [? 60] Elestir Moonlight 
 [C 14] Delelia the Elven Priestess 
 [?  7] Vlees the Elven Adventurer 
 [M 16] Kirmin the Elven Scholar 
 [C 20] Valamir the Elven Healer  (Idle)

21 players on.

o 2[0:2]>
Nosfe tells you 'ohh comfort'

o 2[0:2]>t nosfe *  
Thoraël narrates 'no madium, not THAT way'

o 2[0:2]>t nosfe *Lol
Larkspur narrates 'I think Lioness's have moods...seems I got her down to bad, then she starts getting pissed nad hitting me
every other hit.'

o 2[0:2]>t nosfe *Lol*
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