Stabwhore dies in trap
posted by Elestir
2000-08-12 00:35:00
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Just an example how to trap someone who knows you are trapping.
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Elestir2000-08-12 00:37:01
Btw 2 trolls were blocked down of irontrap whole time.
darkie2000-08-12 00:59:28
Steele2000-08-12 01:24:09
Apparently Elestir enjoys playing this way. I certainly don't care to see your
Haazheel2000-08-12 01:37:21
You and your nasty traps...
Steele2000-08-12 01:38:40
As I recall, you're the one who trapped a character of mine and mobkilled him the other day Haazheel, you sarcastic little bitch.
Ginlon2000-08-12 01:44:21
Im gonna trap ya all!!!
Haazheel2000-08-12 01:46:14
3 last death in Elestir's trap to 6-12 pukes....
Haazheel2000-08-12 01:59:49
3 last death in Elestir's trap to 6-12 pukes....
Elestir2000-08-12 02:08:09
I dont remember trapping with 6-12 to kill Haazheel really.
Maybe you ment 6-12 vs you + noc defence when u died at foreman.
I simply close door if I see you trapped yourself. Is that bad?
Butrus2000-08-12 02:19:36
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'adiuts'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'You think'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'I'll'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'fall'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'for'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'that'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'newbie'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'fucking'
*Dvojar the Orc* yells 'trap'

Well, we are not stereotype at least. If you don't want to fall for newbie trap, we can quickly set up the trap for expierienced users.
Your is choice. ;-)
Steele2000-08-12 02:24:49
Can I ask Butrus and Elestir the lab whores if you really DO enjoy doing these
traps over and over? I mean shit guys, it's RUINING the game for many MANY others who play here. Can you ANSWER me if you enjoy it? You guys sound as if you rock or something everytime you do it.
Daevia2000-08-12 02:28:20
I agree with Steele for once :P
Butrus2000-08-12 03:41:39
I enjoy. What's wrong with traps? That you will die? How would you like to die? Moveless and hunted down by group of smiters or stabbed while you forgot spam search quickly every 2 seconds?
IMO traps are cool. It isn't easy to set one and it is really hard to make someone to fall in it. And there is a risk of backtrap.
If you trap, you have to use your brain, it isn't boring following leader and spamming hit $target.
Steele2000-08-12 03:44:00
GIVE ME A BREAK Butrus. You sit here IN YOUR lab, WITH your friends, WHOM you can talk to WHILE in combat, TRAP people, and OVERKILL them. And you claim that takes skill? And a risk of a backtrap? PLEASE! That's why you cz's do the twisted rock every chance you can, and load up with more labbies. Your claim on trapping is that you're a lousy player in open combat and will use that to justify it. Now that's outright pathetic. End of story.
Siroth2000-08-12 04:50:16
I think steele wants a lab, and is overkill something bad? Its war if you don't want
to get overkilled flee?
YOU ARE ALL FUC2000-08-12 05:54:52
Steele2000-08-12 06:49:40
Easy for you to say Mr.Lab *wink Siroth*
Bahaaha2000-08-12 07:22:19
Typical overpowered superpukes... try getting key to bree gate and doing that kinda trap, rofl.... wheeee... look at that stat readout! OB: 142%, DB: 53%, PB: 61%, Armour: 61%. All I can say is PUUUUUKEEEEEEE.
That guy2000-08-12 07:33:48
i LIKE steele's USAGE of USING CAPS LOCK on EVERY other WORD. I have TO stop NOW my CAPS LOCK key IS brokeN
grimble2000-08-12 09:19:18
yea traps are much skill it takes to spam close door. Maybe you havent noticed but its real fucking LAME to spamtrap all the time. Perhaps try some solo pk once in awhile and figure out how good you really are at this game?
Butrus to Grimb2000-08-12 10:01:03
Check my solo pk in next posted log. What's the difference of spamming close or cast? I always spam.
And what skills it takes to run ford, unstore spell, flee, cure, next spell and if mana is low, enter rivendell and rest up and again?
Mammoth2000-08-12 11:28:44
* L A U G H * risk of backtrap?
butrus.. when was the last time you or elestir did
get all.twisted sable or smth
and don't tell me you don't have 3 macros ready for breakin each time you trap
just in case keyboard refuses to work
Rogon2000-08-12 12:36:41
Czechs kill unqalome 2-3 times a day, so please please spare us the "we put ourself in danger of backtrap" bullshit, we all know there is *NO* risk you will die doing this.
Roadkill2000-08-12 12:38:11
Traps are boring. Period. They take the fun out of the game, plus it's somewhat unrealistic that you can trap some1 solo just by spamclosing a door. It should be hard to fight someone while you're busy working the doorhandle (or putting the rock/slab in front of the cave or whatever). Imho, the next change in the line of changes that's trying to make MUME more rp-friendly and less stat-oriented (for a realistic feel and some fun) should be something to find a solution to this.
Alcion2000-08-12 13:13:22
Who are you to say something about risks, Rogon?
Let the heroes judge the pussies and the other way around, it's just pathetic
when pussies judge pussies and heroes flame heroes.
Butrus2000-08-12 14:49:48
It takes some time to use rock on door, open door and flee. Enough time to get overkilled by group or 5 warriors arriving from portal.
Rocks rocks but it doesn't mean, that you can't be backtrapped.
Check previous logs.
e.g. how Diamonium died behind stonedoor 1e from dart tower or
how me, Litovel and 2 others has died in gc.
Pampalini2000-08-12 15:25:06
Twisted rocks are boring - you can trap now just newbies without em ...
Feon2000-08-12 16:40:32
Whining about rocks. If you read the new log by vridush when both Butrus and Livotel dies, because lack of rockfragments. so Unqalome 2-3 times aday seems a bit wrong to me. If you wouldn´t enter the trap everytime they cant kill you, and you wont even notice them. But aslong as people fall for there traps I think they will continue doing them. How does people die nowadays?
Trap, Overkill, Poison, extremely stupidity (mp less), lag/linkless.
They all go hand in hand, so I like people flaming people for trapping when they walk 4 smiters with poison. I mean there is no bigger diffrent.
Stop whining and dont enter traps. Its more lame to use poison because that is not your fault if it enters your vains.
Thats my opinion. Like it or not.
Juve2000-08-12 16:52:07
traps are part of the game, get use to it and stone WHINING
Juve2000-08-12 16:52:32
Rackhir2000-08-12 18:44:32
Nice trap keep up the good work
Nazgum2000-08-12 20:28:10
imo traps are fine, i rarely ever get trapped.
When i do, i die. But it's rare. Those dying to
traps all the time are just idiots.
grunge2000-08-12 20:36:51
hehe i think,um, well, shit, i have trapped in the past but within the last
year or so i have given up doing them AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY, b/c i think they are pretty gay...
since then i have died a few times with various chars to traps, and the only one that i saw as being a cool trap was when i was mobbing and came outta mormaeg finding 6 darkies there...the rest are just silly.
Throk2000-08-12 23:30:08
Throk2000-08-12 23:31:07
what i mean is you all have taken part of traps you all have overkilled BIG FUCKING DEAL i can see people whining about overkill traps when they do it 4 days ago i mean GIVE ME A BREAK. The minute you stop whining is the minute this game becomes more fun.
Ilmarin2000-08-13 00:32:58
Throk, mention ONE time I've been in a trap? Not on the receiveing end though...
Throk2000-08-13 02:25:57
Ilmarin although ive never seen you in one i guess i have hard time beliving you have never been in one, but i guess one who plays scout so much......
Lochdale2000-08-13 06:50:38
Ilmarin solo plays, he doesnt trap.
Rogon2000-08-13 12:47:01
p(ilmarin) was with us when we tried to trap kill the czechpack coming out of unqalome a few weeks ago (the log where they all fall of a cliff) and since the exit was blocked, it was technically a trap. Oh he was like level 3 and i was helping him with tps when we heard about the czechs. but it was still p(ilmarin) and it was still sort of a trap!

Now i mentioned ONE time!

And elestir when you say wimp out ala rogon, show me some log where i do :)
Ilmarin2000-08-13 15:09:14
I was L2, but gained 2 levels on the shadows ;)
Glader2000-08-13 19:09:51
Btw, it's called runqualome.
Buliwyf2000-08-13 22:57:32
Well, the czs wouldn't be in any danger of being out of rocks if they didn't trap after trap after trap all fucking day long. When they aren't trapping they are doing Unqualome and somehow magically getting blue scrolls so they can trap again! The big advantage they have in these traps is preperation. Count the blues alone Elestir has used in the last few logs alone and it's amazing. Count how many times toys save their lives (and redshirts). They aren't doing anything illegal or wrong in the Mume sense, as I sure wish I had the rl time to waste doing the stuff they do over and over.
Diam2000-08-14 12:40:42
When i quickharm someone 2 times and he dies to my 2 following smiters,
its lame overkill, quickharms should be removed etc:P
When i used poison, arachnia once and got it on daevia and he insta went nomoves and died, it was lame, he spamms me i would have never died without!
When i fight 3:3 pukes and pukes scatter and we hunt the bad one down, 3 of us and he dies, its overkill, because we were 3 when he died.
When i trap someone, some level 50, who never leaves east Neni, but i want his ancient its lame:).
When i just kill someone, its the new fucking changes, that he died etc... :P
I play this game to kill and gain levels, i try to be no wpwhore:),
though i admit being defencewhore, because i have learned few tricks over the past years how to survive. And i do not mind Elestir trapping,
what i mind is that i tell him cruel masterplans, when he plays darkie and then he goes play whitie and knows the information:P, so i find kinda hardtime to whack his buddies.
I'm 101% no-roleplayer, as i read the Petrels book of roleplaying in fornost,
but atleast i play one side:) and try to be good at it!
Grimble to Butr2000-08-14 14:30:19
Yea i checked out your solo pk in the next log. Wow its amazing how u spamblast him with quick burns without link. Great job.
Fredde to buliw2000-08-15 02:50:01
you wish you had more rl time for mume?

anything funny happeing in your contry...ever?
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