Olorion once again tries to play fair.
posted by Olorion
2000-08-24 22:13:24
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There is no such a thing as fair. You will only loose yourself in the end.
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Worn out player2000-08-24 22:15:09
I totaly agree, darkies just whine about overkills but they do the same '
theyself. Morons
Glader2000-08-24 22:22:42
Nothing wrong done there, just a nice trap, they were a bit many, but if it was a portal you know how it is, they all enter.
Glader2000-08-24 22:23:21
And also, why did you go down into bottom again`?
Unknown2000-08-24 22:28:35
You know how it is.
Zim2000-08-24 22:36:20
Zim2000-08-24 22:37:18
No problem, I killed them Ologs left-handed... NOT.
I hm... instadied *cough*, but was a fun fight... NOT.
Lothar2000-08-24 22:37:57
I agree with Glader. Welcome to new mume.
Uldrak2000-08-24 22:50:20
All pukes died or did alvedon rock out?
Lochdale2000-08-24 23:00:59
Ack..comf General Zim :(. Nasty trap indeed.
Bramba2000-08-24 23:05:56
That was lame. :(
grunge2000-08-24 23:11:07
typical shit that causes me to be unable to chase ppl into closeable areas.
I am an open terrain arcade style playing fool and will continue to do so until i learn to get dem twisted rocks, although since i suck too bad to use even purple scrolls, i doubt i should even bother getting unqualome stones.
Lothar2000-08-24 23:22:38
Unqalome balls, you wanted say.
Aschit2000-08-24 23:30:00
Lame....their trap backfires a little so they have to get bigger trap. Maybe they were just xping and fell in by mistake? *lol*
Lochdale2000-08-24 23:33:43
Grunge you back in the heartland yet?
Finding it funn2000-08-25 00:24:46
Since when does HB.SE same-lab pk! Bramba vs. Alvedon! :p
Stormblast2000-08-25 00:26:41
Comfs for being run over like that, but as some1 said, when there is a portal,
group won't just start arguing who and how many will enter. All will. Now 1
troll and 1 bn didn't stand a chance vs you, and you knew that. Did we see you
considering like hmm, let 1 of us leave, so it would be an even fight? As for me, I had just unretired, 0 skills pracced, whole lot of 235 hps, no spells up,
equipped with dcs and fine grey with a total of 60ish defense. I went to hurt
in some secs, and had Alvedon poured some spells on me instead of porting out
(in which case he would have died too of course), I would have been rip. So
my conciousness is as clean as an elven arse.
Stormblast2000-08-25 00:27:18
O boy my comment sure does look ugly.
Unknown2000-08-25 00:56:41
One olog and one bn should kick the shit out of a hobbit and an elf any day (if none uses scrolls)
Mammoth2000-08-25 01:11:23
Unknown what are you saying?
Smart move to be unknown for they were troll + bn vs 3
Martyrson2000-08-25 01:18:35
Olorion, you have been in similar traps where you leapt in a portal and did same kinda thing - I fail to see how you can whine so? Either you or a number of your pals were in the Nazgum trap, where you apparently just happened to wander into a portal and hey! there's a trap here...
Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.
Unknown2000-08-25 02:05:52
*Bramba the Orc* is standing here. 1
*Stormblast the Black Númenórean* is standing here.2
*Gûrtak the Orc* is standing here.3
*Lothar the Mountain Troll* is standing here.4
*Darkwind the Black Númenórean* is resting here.7 <--- hehhe
Echo2000-08-25 04:25:34
Coulda been worse, Me, Mrjoe, and Toe decided not to go with that group.
Now that woulda been slaughter.
Ginlon2000-08-25 04:29:13
Why does anyone even pretend to be surprised?1
Its all about traps and overkills today..

Mume is boring, but we are addicted..
Dresden2000-08-25 04:53:37
A cockroach is scuttling across the floor carrying some debris.6 <---!

// 7 darkies and 1 cockroach! //
// but this cockroach has a fleetrigger! //

Aha, you have found your victim!
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --

Venotlin2000-08-25 07:59:05
That cockroach should be demoted for that move. Last time I checked, actions were illegal in pk!
Well, now, back to what I wanted to say. Stormblast is bringing all his chars back! Finally! A Bn that'll go Bree for Bree legends! And for once, a BN'll go solo, and not be able to quake the entire town of Bree.
Now, as far as the log, I enjoyed it, even though I play more puke that darkie, I still find it nice to see how one can claim overkill when the fight always starts even. It's called cavalry. It's been pointed out in history numerous times. Look at the American Cival War! Gettysberg would have fallen fast without Cavalry! =)
Glader2000-08-25 08:27:59
*Stormblast the Black Númenórean* says: rescue

Hey, let's read the Nazgum totally maximum overkill in abr tower.
Olorion was there, it was ALOT worse than this and he said...
Rescue me! =)
Glader2000-08-25 08:29:54
*Stormblast the Black Númenórean* says: rescue

Hey, let's read the Nazgum totally maximum overkill in abr tower.
Olorion was there, it was ALOT worse than this and he said...
Rescue me! =)
Pampalini2000-08-25 08:35:41
A cockroach is scuttling across the floor carrying some debris.6 - hehe damn
cockroach entered portal and joined overkill :P. Was nice trap btw - what else
did you expect?
Jocke2000-08-25 08:36:35
Ppl who suck at pk or doesn't have the guts to fight an even fight makes traps.
End of story. Traps are boring boring boring. Exceptions to those done with
style, like even number traps or worse.
Pampalini2000-08-25 08:53:54
Well u can suck because of many reasons. You can be slow and newbie, you dont
know areas or your link is fucked all the time. Maybe if pukes bashed corner
instead of casting quickspray, they could survive? And i am looking for morons
like you to kill me linkless just because traps are boring.
Nazgum2000-08-25 08:58:48
Title of log says playing fair, when you charged 3 on 2.

Fail to see how this is fair, but i guess it's better
then most nsl fights.
Khzandros2000-08-25 09:38:16
Clap alvedon for breaking corner trying to help your mates in stead of just porting out. That was the only nice thing i saw in this log.
Comf to the general and Olorion for going down like that.
shadrach2000-08-25 09:46:27
Get this suckers. I will overkill yall and Il be proud of it, and when i get overkilled I will whine like a little bitch, yes thats hypocracy and i cant care less than i already do. Stop bitching pussies, if u die thats a shame but dont bring yer asshole-boring logs to mume.net cause i really dont care. Yes i do care in a sense since i like to see poeple die even if they die solo to 30 but yer eternal bitching is irrelevant. Btw, has luke stopped playing?
Martyrson2000-08-25 10:20:03
Appears you been rumbled, boy. Hypocrite used to be a big word to you, Olorion - doesn't seem to mean anything to you now.
Dorak2000-08-25 10:38:41
Could someone please borrow Shadrach a clue? Last time I checked he didn't own mume.net
Zim the General2000-08-25 10:50:30
Ok, this is how I thought. They narrate of 1 bn and 1 troll going
into Corner... we all KNOW that is NOT the fact. But since we are
all rather high lvl (the 3 whities) I think OK.... this will be fun,
lets hope they are like 4 in total in there so that I can really show
them all how to fight. Ups... was wrong this time maybe not next time!
But to never enter, to never belive that you will get a GREAT fight
is to not play at all. Eq comes and goes, but the memories of fine
fights stay (so it doesn't really matters if you die now and then)!
Zim the General2000-08-25 10:51:20
Zim the General2000-08-25 10:52:17
And as I've said before... Sauron NEVER sleeps so I won't either,
and I've shown him OVER and OVER that I will never DIE!

Pampalini2000-08-25 10:56:38
Last Luke's words were like 3 days ago: WRITE MY FUCKING PROJECT :)
Lothar2000-08-25 11:21:00
Someone up somewhere there wrote comment that one olog and bn would have kicked
shit out of those 3? Noway. Elves would have instacooked bn and i would ripped
after him. Did you see what dam they did on that man with spells? Some guys
really dont have logical thinking.
Silicon2000-08-25 13:28:41
Nothing wrong with Stormblast asking for rescue, he is a caster, why should he buff when he can stand and throw spells while warriors are buffing.
Its not wimpiness but efficiency
Bramba/Reivax/L2000-08-25 14:08:48
To Finding it funny:

Alvedon is NSL silly.

Besides, Reivax has Teolin's orc on his trophy. You are quite clueless, I do hope you know that?
Bramba2000-08-25 14:09:38






Fullset lost. (Ok not to that dt, but it is SOOOO cool)
Tua2000-08-25 15:04:56
Isn't it amazing that the same ppl that are really fond of hugegrouptrapping are
the same that whine the most about storeports?
Alcion2000-08-25 15:13:41
Alvedon, Olorion and Inziladun are "NSL" - none else from that trap is.

And I wonder how Olorion can whine after Nazgumtrap when he himself asked for
rescue. Since 1.man was your target I take it Alvedon and Zim did some dam on
him. Dull with overkill, sure, but in traps it's not easy to make it even.
As Glader said: portal traps from warrens easily end up this way.
Darkwind2000-08-25 17:07:31
Duvel2000-08-25 18:03:47
NSL sucks. I really only am more sure about it every log I read about it.
First they go 3 on 2 in corner then whine if they get backtrapped.
Fuck you!
Garth2000-08-25 18:09:08

A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --
A cockroach -- tries to E S C A P E --

They were simply trying to trap cockroaches (who have an uncanny ability to avoid traps). Nothing wrong with that :-)
Gûrtak2000-08-25 19:06:45
Alvedon, Olorion and Inziladun are "NSL" - none else from that trap is.
Alcion *Peer*

Ohh yeah i changed school :P
Darkangel2000-08-25 20:19:59
Comf Gûrtak, I will always consider u as a NSL...*nod self* :O)
Darkangel2000-08-25 20:22:16
I have btw no idea who's playing Inziladun :O)
Lochdale2000-08-25 20:25:14
Inziladun rocks. Am disapointed to hear that he ppls from .nsl :(
Unknown2000-08-25 20:54:46
I can tell ya one thing i know bramba is the type of orc that sits around with a huge group looking for a free kill all the time
Reivax2000-08-25 20:55:53
I wonder what is wrong with people sometimes. EVERYBODY who has a legend who have been involved in pk, or have been a newbie (I take it most have been newbies at some point) have either "Overkilled"/linklesskilled/trapped/done something lame/whatever, but each and every one of the people I have pk'd more than once with have done good things too. I pk a lot with nsl, and people that say "nsl sucks" "nsl fuckingnewbiesdiewhore" "nsl are fucking idiots" are as moronic as they think NSL are. I mean sure, they may do things that are "lame" but they are quite good players too. Elmirs first pk (I think), a log where he goes awful/awful with an orc (and wins). That's what most people would call "Good log"/"Good fight"/"Whatever". I am just bored with morons who whine on NSL, but consider themselves more than equal too them.
Reivax2000-08-25 20:56:22
Ugh, insanely long comment.
Bramba2000-08-25 21:01:15
To Unknown:

Was at bree solo yesterday (Solmath). Ran neni-bree-oldfnost-bree-neni. Was hurt+tired from rangers, saw about 0 pukes. Fun.
Bramba2000-08-25 21:02:51
To Unknown again:

How many truly solo pks do you get?
Torment2000-08-25 21:41:19
The only great pkiller on the game, who can solo ANYONE is Snooker!!! Even oliphantpower doesn't match the fury of Snooker
Antar2000-08-26 02:16:54
I'll be the first to say Reivax is right... This "newbie" (me) doesn't enjoy going into a pk where he knows he'll be slaughtered instantly. But if I think there is a chance of winning, and I'm not the only one in the group who believes it (before I go join the pking that is), then I'll go. I don't care what people say about whom in this game, if the person is good enough to kill some of the people I look up to in the game, then damn right I'm gonna tag along with them if I get the chance! Who in their right mind wouldn't? So, no offense to my friends that dislike nsl, but more power to ya, if you keep kicking peoples asses.
Alcion2000-08-26 15:10:11
Is there anything good about NSL? There are stories/logs saying some of them/us
have done wierd things. Galadon was the first one, followed by the rest of the
nsl-mages, to enter Kormock (in M7 atleast). Most of us doesn't hesitate entering
an obvious trap. Also I know some ppl like me when I play x but hate me when I
play y. "He's a fucking lamer! Geesh, that shit in lb-fort was wild man..."

pMammoth, Amandil, Sabadon, Ilmare and some of the trolls are the only one I can
say are playing brave yet using brains. All of them might not enter a 5 vs. 1
trap but what I know they fight as long as there is a litl' chance of winning.

The rest of MUMEs active players are of same shit; whining and bitching pussies.
Sorry 'bout the comment, but don't post fucked up thoughts about bravery among
the labs/clans/nationalities/players.
Martyrson2000-08-27 01:16:27
That's all well and good, and maybe you're at least right in part.
But hang on - Olorion is whining about being caught in trap that he has emulated and performed numerous times before... what gives? ie, what's he suggesting? Don't trap nsl, let nsl trap you? Crikey, this is all terribly confusing for us whining and bitching players. Don't do as nsl do, do as they say? Ah....
Alcion2000-08-27 14:29:13
Of course not Martyrson, I agree with you that his bitching is ridicilous - read
my comment and ignore Olorion at this very moment? :P

Martyrson2000-08-27 21:48:43
In that case, I agree ;)
Reef2000-08-29 04:36:45
I dont have any problems with NSL, wouldnt even know who the hell they were if all you people didnt keep on bitching and finger pointing. Sure they play in a lab and I mean who wouldnt if they had the chance, the link rocks and you have a bunch of mates there to have a good time with. I will keep on trying to fight them, its more fun than whining about it....
Jocke2000-08-29 12:37:17
I'll rather have some NSL guys next tom me in a trap fighting to death, then some
bitching whiners that instantly will start to spam flee and cry out for mercy.
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