posted by Draaz
2000-08-27 19:57:53
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ok it sucks hard..i just wanna show how much one can spam and still get away wit
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Grakk2000-08-27 20:00:04
These fucking lame-asses were still sitting TMT when i decided to get myself an FGC, fuck pukes. I quit troll forever.
Draaz2000-08-27 20:00:12
ok, let the logg flaming beginn, just remember... i fucking WARNED YOU!!
Rogon2000-08-27 20:02:22
Had it been czechs instead of estonians, they would have blocked it from outside.

Oh and if it had been warriors instead of casters, you'd be so dead :)
Alcion2000-08-27 20:48:53
Draaz getting away on bad/awful, how can it be? I've never seen it before.
Alweon2000-08-27 21:16:13
Mighty spam fleeing =p With my luck fleeing i would ended up to tmt and back in stonedoor after all that spam of them =p
Belinda2000-08-27 21:19:03
grakk if you cant handle it quit then
Hannibal2000-08-27 22:28:53
*giggle Alcion*
Johannes2000-08-28 00:38:03
I don't think it was a sucky log!
Some sucky overspamming though - not that I wouldn't have spamfled myself heh :-p
Anner2000-08-28 06:52:04
Behind the Crack
I see no stonedoor here.
You flee head over heels.
Feriand2000-08-28 10:04:20
What can i say.. at one point I left east too early
and didn't see where Draaz fled
So couldn't choose weather to spam DT or NOC

If our warrior had spammed hit like i told him to you might have had more
Stormblast2000-08-28 10:27:42
Bleh, they like 4x more and still have to lametrap :P. Whatever happened
to those eversuccessful and ohsoskillful 1 tracks and hits, 1 spams cast
Draaz2000-08-28 10:28:35
yeh =)
im glad that woman wasnt on her toes...
she hit like an sissy anyways but =)
Feriand2000-08-28 10:45:11
If we had lametrapped 8P I woulda just blocked stonedoor
His own fault he spammed around not riding *cackle*
Uinen2000-08-28 15:46:41
I don't want to hear you whining like a pig when someone traps you the same way, Feriand.
Algaron2000-08-28 16:06:47
Well, it seems Rogon has some mental problems with .cz players. I don't understant why he always whine about all .cz. Not all ppl who play from Czech republic like traping. I'm from cz too and almost never trap (never when i lead). Why the fuck he always speaks about .cz players. When i get overkilled by some Swede or Estonian i don't whine that all Swedes are fucking overkillers etc.
horest2000-08-28 16:59:51
czeck traps...czeck traps....CZECH TRAPS!!!!!!
Duvel2000-08-28 17:10:29
Don't mind Rogon he thinks he is the king of MUME ;P
Grimble2000-08-28 17:22:39
I belive Rogon says that about .cz because some of em just sit around and do the lamest shit all day. Trap here, overkill there, etc. They know how to do nothing else. I'm not saying that all .cz do this, and I aint mentioning any names, but I'm sure a few come to mind when I mention this. Its not even just .cz that do this, though they account for a big ass chunk of it. Since they dont know how to pk solo or duo even, or actually track and chase anyone down, they must trap all day long. I would find this quite boring and would rather play Brood Wars than sit in traps all day. Its not terrible to trap once in awhile, but for fucks sake chill out on it a bit. Perhaps some people should learn how to play the game rather than sitting in one spot spamming close door and hit macros?
Rogon2000-08-28 17:54:29
I'm sorry if i insulted you algaron, just as there are some really cool estonians (but the cheaters give the country a bad name) i bet there is some really cool czechs around too. When i say if it had been czechs, i mean, ofcourse, if it had been the players from the czechtraplab, not the rest of the country.
Mammoth2000-08-28 17:54:55
You mean he ain't Duvel?
Grymsh2000-08-28 19:47:13
Well I remember when me and Tairach cleaned tbad and I remember when my other
(less ugly) incarnation asked Rogon's other incarnation to enter the town after
I had cleaned it, and got a "are you crazy"? Just an example...
Mammoth2000-08-28 20:30:52
You still remember the
Kill one - you're a murderer
Kill hundred - you're a hero
Kill em all - you're a god

Pretty much smth like that can be said about Norsu! Kill kill kill and never die
no matter what style he used 8P
Unknown2000-08-29 02:25:56
Norsu had a style other than a gr of poisoning warriors? Hmmm...
Sharghl2000-08-29 05:44:05
Jesus christ Unknown. Do it better yourself then. Be a warlord for a change,
with new and non-lame tactics?
Jocke2000-08-29 13:35:26
I think it was Bliss who once spam fled away from a trap in hidden clearing
behind secret, to ford.. and forded. That by only opening doors and hitting
flee. :)
Barron2000-08-29 22:12:03
Remembers me sundeath. Spamming open curtain and flee in priest. Get out and thanx to my spam and lucky fleeing i flee wdseeuwwwww , outside the irondoor.
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