posted by Unknown
2000-09-05 14:59:23
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Wouldnt it be nice to have a weekends tournament ?
This is no log, but since seems to be the best way to reach players and ainurs, i thought i could post this little request here.

My request to the management is the following :

Can you please arrange a playerkill tournament ?
It could be hosted at 8888 or some other port that we dispose.
The tournament should be open 24 hours, and everyone should be entitled to sign up with one character.
Then you should delete all wps on this "tournament mume" so that everyone starts out at scratch. Also everyone should start out with one blue, one purple and one vellum scroll.
Artifacts, pbs, rocks, parchements etc. should be removed from theire inv. before entering the competition.
Only standard equippment should be used, so that noone gets the advantage og fine chain, shining etc, if he havnt spendt tournament time getting it.
Let Wps be visible this weekend, and give us the old warlord list back for this day.
This is only my short thoughts of how it could be arranged, and i would ask you all to think it ower, and post your comments on how this could be done/ if it could be done.
I would also appreciate if the management comments this post, because if they refuse, its no use to continue asking for it.

Hope to see you all around in the "ultimate tournament" rather soon :)
Best regards,
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Fredde2000-09-05 15:08:49
men skaru?
Diam2000-09-05 15:15:52
DAMN DAMNĀ“:), now i wish diam would be level 65 warrior:P

Diam2000-09-05 15:16:30
Btw, if this idea goes through, what i would love:),
then could i choose my victims :p
Khzandros2000-09-05 15:19:15
Great idea ! Tell me where and when, and i will be there. If you need any help with making it happen, mail me and i will do what i can :)
Khzandros again2000-09-05 15:22:52
Hm, would it be possible to "demote" all players to lvl 26 or so, and give them pracreset and use of testbot for an hour so we wont have any lvl 50+ superhero
"ihavebeenaroundsincemume1" legends ? Like this the tournament would be pure skill, and not having the higest lvl char ?
Algaron2000-09-05 15:28:18
Nice idea but it realy depends on what weapons will be choosen for warrions as standart eq. It can make them sucky or rocking. And of course if pukes get focuses they become a bit overpowered than i think.
Diam2000-09-05 15:30:19
It will never be pure skill,
100ms link is 5 times worse than 20ms link,
so how can u make it all pure skill? :)
Diam2000-09-05 15:32:16
And "ihavebeenaroundsincemume6" only:P,
came here when MUME6 had just been installed some months,
and that i have used my time to gain levels:) doesnt mean i should lose the credit :)
Gray2000-09-05 17:10:35
1) best way to reach ainurs is Ainur board
2) competition with same eq, with no (or even a little) preparing? *pat man*,
Quake is game for you! But in MUME wins not skilled only, but prepared to fight
too - i.e. this who spent some hours on supermobs for eq before pk battle :P
Khantar2000-09-05 17:18:41
A tournament with realdeath!!1
Othrod2000-09-05 18:03:41
Why not a re-run on the competition that they had once allready. The one where you had groups of 3, collected items, leveled and pk'd some.

That would be realy nice...
Kohr2000-09-05 20:31:21
Tournament with realdeath, in 1 closed zone :)

My old idea... implement a dream code,
while ur character sleeps,

u enter this dream place where it is free-for-all->kill everyone, group with none,where newbies practice safe pkill tactics etc.. and if u die, u simply wake up.. would be kewl

Rites of Passage MUD had those nice daily tournaments, if u were without noquit, u were transferred to arena (around 20 rooms) and whacking began.
First it was whities and darkies, and then when one side won, it sorted it out between themselves. Was kind of kewl and were small funny awards for tournament winner.

Anyway, I doubt that MUME managment does anything nice like that now or in

Bashy2000-09-05 21:54:30
Well, it would be EXTRACOOOL if there would be some way to arrange the tournament like a real tournament: 1 vs 1 fights only, 1 area with some terrain features (closable rooms and such), and free (and equal) eq to all participants... To make things easier it could be playoff style with the one person who stays alive being the winner. Also the logs should be made available for ppl to see...

If we all comment enough on this then MAYBE the Ainur will grant us this one day/night of pure fun :)

And if it's really gonna be 1 vs 1, someone should point out a solution for the ob-warrior vs caster cases, where the fight is really hard to win as a caster... Although giving casters maxdefense eq and banning all foci would prolly do the trick...
Draaz2000-09-05 22:29:13
haha, that would be an rocking idea.

i think we should all get an reroll, reprac, and fullset.
that would make it even more fun =P
for the tournament i mean...
Lochdale2000-09-06 00:30:49
Agrees with Diam. Make it link compatable perhaps hehe.
Dresden2000-09-06 00:56:10
The kind of tournament we once had would be rocking...always wanted it back. Was roganised by Nightsomething i think. All start at level 1 with newbie kits, groups of 3, the highest level at the end wins. Can pk anyone you meet. Was real blast (even though I didnt win)
Juston2000-09-06 02:32:26
Less talk more rock
Raiden2000-09-06 09:29:16
Wow that would be fun! = it wont happen
Pampalini2000-09-06 21:47:51
Well my opinion is that it would be not funny at all for me. Mume is more
about patience getting equipment level. Pk is the last thing.
Jocke2000-09-06 22:07:33
You are all talking about another MUD here. Your ideas are not very MUMEish.
The competitions we had before was with real chars as they were at the moment,
and witht he intention to playtest some new features. The last one was to
playtest MUMEVII. This was needed because not enough players gave their
feedback on the test sight that was put up.
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