This is no log, but since seems to be the best way to reach players and ainurs, i thought i could post this little request here.
My request to the management is the following :
Can you please arrange a playerkill tournament ?
It could be hosted at 8888 or some other port that we dispose.
The tournament should be open 24 hours, and everyone should be entitled to sign up with one character.
Then you should delete all wps on this "tournament mume" so that everyone starts out at scratch. Also everyone should start out with one blue, one purple and one vellum scroll.
Artifacts, pbs, rocks, parchements etc. should be removed from theire inv. before entering the competition.
Only standard equippment should be used, so that noone gets the advantage og fine chain, shining etc, if he havnt spendt tournament time getting it.
Let Wps be visible this weekend, and give us the old warlord list back for this day.
This is only my short thoughts of how it could be arranged, and i would ask you all to think it ower, and post your comments on how this could be done/ if it could be done.
I would also appreciate if the management comments this post, because if they refuse, its no use to continue asking for it.
Hope to see you all around in the "ultimate tournament" rather soon :)
Best regards,