Not a log, as you prolly figured out...
Goodbye MUMErs, I decided to take a break, because I don't see any point to
play amymore. Anything I tried to achieve here, I failed miserably. Well,
perhaps I should tell about myself a bit, to help you understand me...
I came here in October 1998. Before I played our local MUD, leveled there to
maximal level and was promoted to Wizard (like member of the Management). Yeah
I cheated after that alot, to help my mortals, and quickly found that nobody
wants to fight with unkillable one :) I coded a bit, but quickly got tired...
You understand, MUD with around 20 players, like 3-5 playing at the same time,
no board system, few responce from mortals, etc. So I asked a friend to bring
me to MUD by Tolkien that he played for quite long time...
Many things amazed me here :) Idea itself (wow, I can play real Tolkien char
running on the Arda!); necessity to eat and drink, rest and sleep; race war;
and main - warlord list! and multiple levels of Ainur. Guess what became my
goals? Yeah, become warlord and become Vala *blush*
As I said already, I failed both. Easier to explain why did I failed
promoting, hehe... Basically I miss three important for it characteristics :\
Poor English (I learned in these 3 years more than leanrned during 6 school
and 2 univercity years), which doesn't allow me to build easily "as bird sings".
Lack of patience (or is it called 'lack of impudence'?) - I can't remind about
my finished project to Sv each time I see him (so my last zone wasn't checked
by Sv since hmmm... late 2000?) And main - not agreeing with Valar about most
important side of game: what's more important, fun or roleplaying? Well, even
this - last - one is enough to be struck forever on M-Mw level...
But ok, one doesn't need Ainurs' blessing to become warlord, so let's try
this one! Oh well, if only you know, how much I did on this way...
First, I quickly learned that when I'm lost in unknown zone - I'm going to
be tracked down in matter of mins (if I don't move), or gonna hit some dt or
aggro mob group (if I move). I mapped all Arda (with help of friends though).
Now I have enough of this map in my head to be able to spam from the Well of
Ancients to necklace loadspot, or from the Deeps of Moria to foci creating
place without checking paper maps.
Then, I figured out that fullsetted one always beats naked one. I did
everything to learn all about smobs, strategies of doing them, and eq that they
load. After some time I was pk'ing only if I have "basic" set - which includes
full clothes/armour set and enchanted weapons for hitter, or maxattack staff
plus ok defence/spellsave sets for mage.
I noticed that all warlords use some clients (first year I played on plain
telnet). Downloaded powwow, then zMUD (when I lost access to unix machines),
and programmed it pretty well. Who knows? maybe I have most well-configured
client in MUME. Who else have 100k settings file contaning aliases and
triggers - in text mode (i.e. not counting flags/variables/etc what appears in
client after you load textual script)? Who else have trigger programs (allowed!),
for example - autolead/autoride trigger which leads when leader dismounts/leads,
dismounts when leader dismounts only, and does nothing when leader zblams?
I spent countless hours reading logs of known warlords, learning from their
mistakes and remembering their tactics. I can say about almost any pk situation:
"Aha, this I already has been seen in log of ..."
Once I realised - bah, due to stupid feature which makes wps decay in rent as
soon as during playtime I should play more often. So I decided to cheat a bit
*stare* I earned enough money to not work for 3 months, left my work (didn't
liked it much anyways) and tried to play every day 10 hours a day. Failed
achieving graduate degree due to it - who cares? I'm gonna be warlord!
Did it help me? NOPE. I still stay on same, warleader level - having simply
wasted another summer, ran outta money, and going seek for another job.
So plz don't say that (for example) Norsu, Lowyn and Zaber are clueless, and
made themselves #1 warlord just by playing 24/7. It's NOT ENOUGH to become
warlord, you need something else as well... What do I lack?
Maybe too old (I'm 24) - i.e. not berserk enough?
Maybe I type not fast enough - like 120-150 chars/min?
Or just natural lack of luck? (hehe, sorry for quibble :P)
It must be something very important, if lack of it makes you worse than
Warrens Warlords who never move w from Neni or sw from OOC (no, I don't mean
trolls); Newbie Warlords who have no idea where fine chain pops but non the
less walk in full sets; warlords who don't have any lev 30+ char; etc...
Then. I had not so much time to play before, and often happened that features
that I was going to use was already disabled/changed when I leveled char of
some class to legend. Let's see some examples:
I still remember times when Shag and Harfoot (Furfoot? or some other alike
hobbit?) was fighting for #1 warlord place, when thief was able to run from NOC
to Bree sneaking, never stopping to regen moves. I leveled 2 thieves up to
legend .... guess what happened? They changed regen, and these chars gone to
forever retire. Too low con to reroll it to max, too low wis to get bob with
I leveled defence warrior - same change made him impossible to run around
without bobber following him permanently.
I leveled BN to be fear of newbies near Fornost-Bree - they changed shitty-
rangers to powerrangers.
And at last they changed flee! Which made my best char (guess who) and orc
warrior - both with 12 dex - fail alot of flees, and suffer from INSANE delay.
I tried to play solo mostly. Because of two reasons: 1) more wps from kill,
2) what fun is to be one of many? I wanna rock solo! So what? Ones who don't
give a shit about 'roleplay fights' (i.e. fight to death or run like hell) get
demoted. Management encourages unfair fights - because of roleplay reason as
well. Players used to play solo alot in the past now hugegroup and trap.
Sanced warriors flee on fine hps - they can't risk to eat bash, because bashed
one in huge fight is dead one (but, plz, explain me what point in defence
warrior if he can't stay and buff his casters?) Etc... need I bring more
I tried to fight in group. Holy shit, how sucky it is! First, you don't get
wps at all. My orc warrior (grouped 95% of pk time) have 112 kills - more than
any of my chars. Guess his war status? Wrong, just involved in skrimishes. When
Gray with about 100 kills perma warleader.
You say I had stupid leader? Well,
I tried to join Norsu... but he doesn't want me in his group. Legend warrior
with warsword. Guess he needs only level 50+ chars in full shining.
Second, what fun is it? Run around in groups of 5 killing anything below hero
level in 1 round? Or sitting for hours in trap? Noone knows how SHITTY I felt
myself when luring solo Stormblast - one of fairest players in MUME IMHO - to
trap of 3... Nice that he got out. Well, IT SUCKS, I can't add anything else.
And the spirit... spirit of game becomes worse every day. No one thinks about
fair fights - everyone just wants all but himself suffer as much as possible.
Excellent example is constant destroying of staves. Darkie loots dead elf.
Darkie tries to corrupt staff, but finds out that his wil is not enough for it.
Guess what he does? Right, brings it to nearest troll to let him eat it. This
is right for everyone but few players. I always drop puke staves myself (if in
group, I spamloot and then drop it when noone sees it). Same goes for bn staves.
YES fucking members of the Management, I do it every time I kill one with staff
- feel free to check system logs and demote me. ONCE I had my staff back - when
one girl (SIC!) in enemy group looted it and dropped. Guess most of we, men,
are too hardskinned to feel other's pain. Noone still explained me the POINT of
destroying eq that you can't use and can't make profit of.
You want me not have
staff at all?
You'll fail, I just spent another 8 hours and make myself another
You want me just quit pk for as much time as possible? Okey, I quit
at all.
I'm not saying farewell :\
You know, they made a game that is as addictive as
heroin - once you tried it, you will be back sooner or later, no matter how
hard are you trying to escape. Scrambling password or destroying chars doesn't
help - it just causes relevels next time you come to play. So I just retire my
mortals (except Gray - free rent anyways). And yeah, I also will sometimes come
to bother you with flames on Valinor boards :P Look at my account if you want -
tho don't try to pingflood these IP's when I'll be back: I'll never use these
adresses anymore.
Account> li
Characters in account `sergey'
Name Rce Lvl Logon Area Rent Delete Host
Tuor Mc 2 hrs DolGldr free never
Candid elf T33 61 days Valinor free retired
Corvin elf W31 47 hrs Rivendl free retired
Gray elf M40 14 hrs Rivendl free 12 mths
Santana orc T26 6 mths DolGldr free retired
Ulairy bn M32 51 hrs DolGldr free retired
Varvar orc W30 38 hrs OrcCave 16 yrs 12 mths
Feel free to see their stats/pracs/trophy on my page (about part). Btw still
curious, why not make accounts visible for everyone? This will not hurt honest
players, but will kiss ass of some idiots like Carniminimmiel!
Well... Just only goal I reached, it seems :) Many legends hate me because I
"betrayed" them, revealing known_to_legends_only_information to newbies... But
when I come to GH waiting for white ship, and some newbie running past me
stops, gasps, and says "are you THE Gray? owner of Gray's MUMEpage?" - it makes
my heart warm :) Hope it provides ehough help as it is now... because I'm going
to stop supervising it, at least for a while.
You know, replying to all mails/
checking new info/upkeeping/uploading takes much time. Way too much for me atm
:( Page will exist for some time still - until provider decides to nuke it for
not paying for it (which means like year), but I'm not going to check old email
- - anymore. Sorry...
Okey. I failed to make you remember me as warlord and mighty Mudller. Well,
remember me as warleader and owner of Newbie Page :\ Today, 13.08.2001, I'm
trying to warlord myself last time in this year (or maybe not this year only).
I'll be back to repeat these attempts; but until then - bye:
Bye ones whom I like so much
Fingeror the Fasthunter,
Zaber the Leader of NSL,
Elestir the Nicest of .cz,
Mammoth the Master of fiddling with doors,
Nushenak the Berserk one :) ,
Stormblast the Fair one,
Magica the Lifesaver :) ,
Antar the Expert of Smobs,
Arte the... just nice leader and groupmember :)
sorry in advance if I forgot someone...
Bye ones that I don't like so much :\
Mestan and Mumma the Preteen ones,
YpsiloN and Grunger the HOTHEAD ones,
Wryak and Fredde the Flamers :P
And of course, bye (I hope - farewell, maybe you burn in hell to ashes before
I come back):
p(Grang) - does he need any titles?
Speacial bye to Ostu - my former labbie, who suddenly comes from nowhere,
raises himself from great renown to one of first warlord in two nights - but
still isn't able to explain me WHAT I do wrong, or teach me in any way...
*chuckle* :)
-- p(Gray)