Up to the top.What are those stars for?
The star (picture might be changed) is proof that the poster plays the character in which the post is posted.
The poster has either registered the account in exactly that name, or registered a character in that exact name. And proved to the mume.net
admins that he/she indeed played that character (by a mailed activation code to the specific char).
Up to the top.What are those glasses for?
The glasses (picture might be changed) represent that the poster have chosen to ignore all unknowns who might post.
This user only reads star-marked comments.
Up to the top.What is that one-way sign for?
This image marks an Off Topic post, so off topic that it disturbs the discussion. If too many of these signs end up in a thread
members might start ignoring them (with an option in their settings). So if your post is marked, remember that not everyone can
see it.
Up to the top.How do bookmarks work?
All accounts can bookmark any log or discussion. When you bookmark something, you choose if you want it to be
a public or a private bookmark. Private bookmarks can only be seen by you, noone else.
Your public bookmark page can be seen by anyone, but you can choose if you want it to be listed in the bookmarks list or not.
This option can be found in the 'Edit your Settings' page.
Up to the top.Where do I add my characters?
When you have logged in, you will see a new option in the user menu, named 'Manage Characters'. There you can add new
characters, delete those you don't want and activate new when you have gotten your activation code by mail.
Up to the top.Why get an account?
With an account, you'll see which comments, logs, discussions which are yet unread by you. This makes it much easier seeing if any new stuff has come up.
You can also send private messages to other users (quite like the mume mails).
If you still are unsure, do a testrun in the test account. (Login "Test", password "test").
For security reasons, the test account can't post, comment or send messages.
Up to the top.Multi accounting, isn't that illegal?
On MUME multi accounting is very illegal. But here on Mume.net it is not. It's even encouraged. If you want to.
Personally, I will not use several accounts, but you are all free too. Think of them as characters. You can have as many as you like.
Up to the top.I created an account, why can't I post?
To make sure people aren't creating accounts in other peoples names, a mail with an activation code will be sent to
the MUME character's name. Until that code has been entered the account will not be able to post anything, but is free
to enjoy all other functions on the site. That is reading, changing settings and so on.
Up to the top.Create a cookie? What does that mean?
If you click this link, your login and password will be stored in your browser. That means you don't have to log in
when you visit the site in the future, you will be logged in automagically.
To remove the cookie, you simply log out. That ensures that you must login next time you visit the site from that computer.
Be sure only to use this feature on computers you know no other mumers can access, or be sure to log out before you leave.
Up to the top.Which HTML-codes can I use in comments?
<b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u>, <i>italics</i>, <ul>unordered list</ul>, <li>list</il>,
<pre>preformatted text</pre>, <br />.
The latter is automatically added if you press return/enter and begin a new line in the comment box. Press return/enter twice to show a blank line.
Use the preview, fiddle around til you find how you want it to look.
Up to the top.How does the search function work?
The search function searches first of all the 'posted by' name, secondly the log title and thirdly the log description.
The log description is the text within the grey box, at the beginning of a log. So when posting, you could enter the
names of the foes you meet, the location and stuff like that, if you want it easily found.
Up to the top.I see lots of times and dates, which timezone is that for?
The server is in sweden, and has always been, so the times are in swedish time. CET or GMT-1 if you wish.
Up to the top.Where is the commenter toplist?
While top 10 lists can be interesting and informative, they tend to bring forth the worst in some users.
Some people instantly feel a need to compete if they see a toplist. So currently there is no such list.
You can see your own statistics in your settings page. If you feel a need to brag about it, start a discussion.