Somehow, you managed to post without a name. Name what name you'd like this posted as and I'll fix it.
2004-06-20 20:26:43
I wanted to be unknown but OK I'm Lenwë!
2004-06-20 20:42:14
Hey, I gave you a chance of replying without revealing your name, heh.
2004-06-20 21:06:38
I knows I knows! This log was posted before the second took place so I didn't want to scare away any small BNses! But it's ok now :)
2004-06-20 23:38:33
Go Björn go!
2004-06-21 01:09:51
Well this isnt the first time I've seen a pukemage with a staff outsmart the opposing races.
2004-06-24 05:26:22
Quake is over-powered.
2004-06-27 02:55:20
Yeah Unknown. Cause backstab/shoot sucks soooooo much that it maked casters sooo owerpowered. NOT. I know puke casters are overpowered, but now half as much as scouts, orc or puke doesn't matter