The end of Doomer
posted by Doomer
2004-07-27 23:28:23
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Just a little something...
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Doomer 2004-07-27 23:50:16
To elaborate more, in my post haste and rather irrate mentallity... I just really want to say goodbye to all those friends and acquaintences I've made over the few years I played this game. I've pissed of plenty of people, cussed out many more. Many labels have been associated with the name "Doomer" including linkless killer, overkiller, trapper, portal whore, and many many more. But when a game becomes more of an obsession than an act of leisure you have to find yourself asking "Why do you play like this..." Perhaps these last few weeks of dying repeatedly in the most lame ways have proven that I just don't belong. Concepts of actual skill and ability have been replaced by overkills and traps leaving one to either adjust to the change in times or leave all together. I've seem to taken the high road... Once again Good-bye
Phantasm 2004-07-28 04:46:43
I think this was well deserved. You killed aldweth LD and got what was coming to you. Thus the end of a deceitful saga, such is doomer. Goodbye!
Unknown2004-07-28 05:31:56
Who does he think he is with a farewell speech like that, Gray? :)
Aredhel 2004-07-28 06:33:04
As Steele's example demonstrates, nobody who writes an iquit note actually quits: you have to stop caring sufficiently to not care to write one.
Unknown2004-07-28 06:54:56
would be good to see him quit, but he won't. less ICQ-using cheaters and teenage jerks is always good.
Zerat2004-07-28 07:17:50
Clueless newbies always kill well known people linkless. No other way for them to get a kill.
Orden2004-07-28 07:19:43
Now only if 90% of these kids would follow suit.
Good Ridence to bad rubbish
stefani2004-07-28 07:45:10
well, i was TMT.
We DIDN'T See that you where LD.
Though i wasn't on in the killl..
Got in a few hits around TMT. but nada more..
schweppes didn't know that you was sry man?!
and after all, do u get THAT pissed of dying????????

Mandor 2004-07-28 16:33:07
linkless message isn't shown crossrace anymore, so you never see the flag. But it's still obvious when your adversary is linkless.
Tushie2004-07-28 23:54:03
Take care Doomer, I'll miss the good fights we had.
Zain 2004-07-29 00:44:04
Why so many kids playing these days?
Phantasm 2004-07-29 03:07:07
It's a game. kids play it. get used to it.
Unknown2004-07-29 07:55:34
You will come back "a reject" like you has nowhere else to go....
Unknown2004-07-29 08:13:16
Seriously you can't believe he wasn't ld, he says he died from max everything and draughts. Someones lying.
Tankist2004-07-29 22:38:51
Mume is dead
Unknown2004-07-30 00:11:21
Well, one less LD killing, overkilling, poisoning, non-soloing, eq hoaring, greedy biatch to complain about. You've been lame for all the time I remember you playing:p
Sálïzor 2004-07-30 04:36:45
May your lost soul rest in peace....
Kril 2004-07-31 05:22:17
In case you people don't read the news, or pay attention to it, or simply can not read anything more then You hit *an Orc*... It is now ILLEGAL to leave an enemy, LD or not....

Doomer has the full right to kill someone LD, and so does Schweppes. Although it seems stupid and useless to kill someone this way, it is now the law of the Ainur.

Doomer however, is and was a skilled player. Although I won't miss dying to him and his sortie, I will miss the challenge of evading him, or backtrapping him, and the occasional solo match.

Don't mock players as they leave the world of MUME. Whether they are leaving for real or not, they were your friends, allies, enemies, and overseers. Let them be, for most of you who have played darkie, I dare say Doomer has helped in the past, or come to your rescue when you called. I hope you realize this next time you are stuck in a trap and no-one bothers to come and help you out.
Anak2004-07-31 20:41:53
Well Doomer has ticked me off plenty of times. I must say however that I agree with him. This game has become a cluster of idiots. People talk too much crap about stupid stuff and are getting very annoying. There is no skill in this game anymore and I'm thinking about quiting too.
Unknown2004-08-02 16:09:10
Well lets not forget that Doomer same-side ld killed Lhat and looted full shining. So he got what he deserved.
Uriond2004-08-05 02:10:18
Funny to see all the Unknowns commenting here talking shit. Grow some balls.
Uriond2004-08-05 03:28:34
Or just ignore me since I'm a clueless pussy.
Aries2004-08-16 21:55:59
Kril, if you'd been astute enough to read ALL of the news. It is NOT at any point illegal to leave someone in the middle of a fight, whether linkdead or not. The news specifically said you could leave a fight where someone was linkdead with the excuse that you were 'afraid of such a skilled opponent' or some other rp-ish note. I suggest you go re-read and digest some of the news information before you try to use it for a lame back-up to your shady playing style
aldweth2004-09-06 04:10:33
haha doomer whines on being killed ld ? everyone on this game is such a hypocrit. It felt like shit seeing yourself full looted and naked in halls of orcs didnt it ? I felt the same way in Mandos.
Unknown2004-09-15 00:44:20
And he is already back. Time to ld kill him again!
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