Defence is the key!
posted by Fredja
2004-08-17 17:15:58
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Tankist 2004-08-17 17:22:16
Comoooon why post this crap?
Unknown2004-08-17 20:57:46
Shut up, Tankist. Damn nice for such bad equip, still don't understand how they didn't kill him.
Hamlet2004-08-17 22:01:35
To be or not to be.......
Kao2004-08-18 05:15:40
Really nice, this kind of lucky fleeing in mobs at awful hps and still get out alive i never had...
Unknown2004-08-18 09:40:51
trolls rock!
Unknown2004-08-18 16:07:53
old skool
Unknown2004-08-18 18:36:32
obviously the troll was either linkless or afk
Unknown2004-08-18 18:43:01
Yeah bashing back fleeing moving around,going to cave ld.
bungol2004-08-18 20:34:35
nice escape
Snakr2004-08-19 14:30:04
LOLLLLLL! Tankist still commenting his own logs:D fu fredja i gave ya that nickname!
Andróg 2004-08-19 18:39:14
*Gotterdammerung the Black Numenorean*

Some people must be really bored if they can think of *SUCH* names...
Unknown2004-08-20 15:53:58
What is wrong with naming oneself"twilight of gods" besides the language, Androg? Is "Numenor the Downfallen" better?
Aredhel 2004-08-20 19:33:42
Brush up on your Norse mythology and Wagner, Androg.
Unknown2004-08-21 10:25:07
If you'd listen the right music,Androg, you wouldnt flame that name.
Unknown2004-08-25 13:35:40
wanted to to helf named Götterdämmerung, even it was some days , got deleted and some munchkin took name!
Seldaran2004-08-25 21:57:07
Very nice
Andróg 2004-08-28 23:02:40
And I thought you're the Tolkien purist here, Aredhel! Guess not. Besides, JRRT hated Wagner, he believed that Wagner's vision was wrong!
Unknown2004-09-01 20:22:25
I don't recollect him hating Wagner. Can you quote that? What vision could he have been talking about, given that they have completely different stories?

JRRT did say that the only similarity between his ring and Wagner's ring was that both were round. That's not entirely accurate, but I can see why he'd say that.
Andróg 2004-09-04 23:31:28
Well, the difference of the stories is questionable; yeah I recall JRRT saying that "round-thing" too. The thing is, when using the more accurate words, JRRT disliked Wagner and his version of the original story. However, he did visit the Opera to watch the Wagner's version 6 times - SIX times - and that isn't exactly a short opera...

But, I guess we'll never know what exactly JRRT thought, as I have a feeling he knowingly used some moments and interviews to create a proper (that is - proper for his perfection-needing personality) image for himself.
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