Congratulations on your recent accomplishment. You are now an official member of the "I Killed Stormblast Club." We owe you a t-shirt. We ran out after the 431,322,838,328,222th time he died.
P.S. If you know any really big places, let me know. We're overdue for a membership meeting. We tried to book Utah, but it's not big enough and, frankly, Alaska is just too damned cold.
2004-10-04 05:53:03
*laugh at the previous comment*
Poor Stormie.
2004-10-04 06:36:09
Earlran the Master of Stabbity Death is a level twenty-one Noldorin Quickblade [Retired].
I steal everything... Bolted down and on fire? No problem. Surrounded by booby traps and darkies? No problem. I am thief. Hear me roar.
Orgilion, the 17th of Narbeleth, Year 2916 -- MY FIRST PK EVER (thanks Yorn!)
Master my ass. You newb :P
2004-10-04 06:45:29
Best log ever!
2004-10-04 11:23:24
IMHO, backstab logs just suck... I want to see rounds and rounds of fighting, not one backstab *nod self*
2004-10-04 22:55:08
I laughed pretty damn hard at that comment :P
2004-10-05 03:00:29
This log sucks.
2004-10-18 13:59:50
I found Stormblast enormously overpowered in this log. After all, he's a bn, NO WAY SHOULD HE SURVIVE LONGER THAN 10 LINES, and FFS this log is longer than 10 lines. Either that or you suck, no way it can take that long to kill a bn. bah, damn thieves.
P.S. If you know any really big places, let me know. We're overdue for a membership meeting. We tried to book Utah, but it's not big enough and, frankly, Alaska is just too damned cold.