End of Elestir
posted by Rancr
2004-11-18 19:18:30
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Rancr2004-11-18 19:19:25
barely edited copy/paste RAW log!
Sogard 2004-11-18 19:32:57
Bad use of shining! But more importantly, who got the wormhide?

Don't quite understand why Elestir carries around so much extra shit(like 3 circlets). I'm sure he has friends who could've used them.

Björn 2004-11-18 19:42:24
Nice =)
Rancr2004-11-18 19:48:14
I gotta brag...

[As Shield ]: a smelly piece of worm hide (flawless)

eeek go me:P
Faktor2004-11-18 19:56:17
You said he had 2 rocks :p This log says different! haha
Britney 2004-11-18 20:00:28
As i heard alot of eq+scrolls was hoarded and saved for friends etc by some orcs :P
Razoor2004-11-18 20:00:36
Noclegends prevail!
Unknown2004-11-18 20:02:04
For a moment I thought from the title that it was a hoax, but no!

YES!!! Overkiller, hoarder, defwhore Elestir dies!!!

Razoor2004-11-18 20:10:04
In my not so humble opinion, only people who cant get EQ for themselves whine on others for hoarding...if he likes it, let him do it?
Unknown2004-11-18 20:22:05
Wow u guys rock! Amazing! needed only like 15 orcs to kill 1 solo elf.
Unknown2004-11-18 20:40:02
unknown u are so CLULESSS!
Unknown2004-11-18 21:05:35
Eder died because he didnt know the exit out btw, thats what you get when you go east of rd Eder:P
Caesar 2004-11-18 21:40:50
In the log posted on ER (a year or so ago) when Elestir died in Khuzur, he had about 5 times as much stuff as he had here.
Unknown2004-11-18 21:55:20
That was excellent Orc RP the way they waylaid and ensnared the unsuspecting elf in the trap.

You orcs are master baiters the way you lured him in like that!!!

*Comf* to Elestir.
Unknown2004-11-18 22:08:55
! [*dwarf*] CW HP:Fine Mana:Burning Move:Tired>, die fag
emote FU 'die fag'


URL to the log on ER where Elestir dies? :P
Kaool2004-11-18 22:57:02
Previous death of Elestir back in the days of receipts...


If link breakes ... just search for Elestir on the notable logs ... "Overkill is the key!" is the title....
Sogard 2004-11-18 22:57:25
Hoarders get annoying when they keep you from popping an item, Razoor.

This should be the log Caesar's talking about, it was alittle over 2 years ago.


Thought there was a log on mume.net of nazgum dying with a couple hundred receipts of puke eq, but I can't find it. Was a much larger hoard of stuff(alot of it trash) than I've seen on elestir(who has quality over quantity).
Sogard 2004-11-18 22:58:00
Damn, Kaool beat me to it by 23 seconds, heh.
Andróg 2004-11-18 23:19:27
Notable material indeed. Took only 15 orcs to kill an elf...
Unknown2004-11-18 23:31:05
I just don't think Elister can have any friends to give stuff to. Even his other characters don't like him.
Erebos 2004-11-18 23:39:16
This recite-delay isn't that bad at all damnit >:P
Shadiness2004-11-19 02:36:15
lol Erebos :P
Unknown2004-11-19 10:37:56
The circlets ain't as rare as they used to be. Everybody can get one nowedays.
Unknown2004-11-19 10:55:47
Already years ago, before he ripped in Khuzur, I roughly calculated how much hoardshit (gold, shining sets, rocks-scrolls etc) he has lost with his deaths (to Decoy, in Unqa, in Moria etc etc)... those were some scary numbers. Now add recent deaths - sheesh like armory of West.
Dragon by heart (hoards a lot of shiny stuff then sleeps atop its hoard, being wimpy)! But so are 90% others, just with less success.
Unknown2004-11-19 11:30:20
This must hurt. I wonder if this death truely marks "the end of elestir" or does he have the willpower to bounce bank... Only time will tell.
Rancr2004-11-19 12:13:04
gig Faktor, i checked my own backpack then:P
Kaool2004-11-19 15:13:42
He was level 93 before he ripped and level 92 after... My gut feeling when I saw Elestir playing again was that he was going to make a push for the first puke to 100.

Obviously, Elestir knows how to get a full set and a Smaug inventory, but getting full shining will be sort of hard... I am guessing he was thinking that full shining would aid his bid to 100.
Elestir2004-11-19 15:29:49
Dying 1 vs 8+ is not a shame (i didn't bother counting them all, but 7 were blinded by powder and yet 8th stopped me from escaping). Also it is the only way, average(or worse) pkers like Rancr or Erebos can get "good" kills, and why couldn't they win now and then as well? I'm not full of envy and/or bitterness like them to prevent someone from having their fun.
Regarding your accusations of overkilling, it is funny that "overkiller" Elestir dies almost always in small group or even solo. And the circlets were few days old, already gave one away and would give more away for sure. I had many scrolls, cos in past there was a point in hoarding them (yet I got never even nearly as obsessed as Erebos who hoarded around 100 of them and now is happy for recite delay *lol*). Everyone wants eq, but I wonder how many will offer eq to me now when I am naked...
Elestir2004-11-19 15:34:56
I wonder what everyone has with that level 100 crap. If there was a point I would be level 100 2 rl years ago. Friend gave me an artifact, so I played a bit, thats all.
Naomi2004-11-19 16:21:30
I will give you my dwarf's fullshining only to be able to try trap you again...
Naomi2004-11-19 16:22:12
If it would be any comfort at all :(
Pallnit2004-11-19 17:14:50
Wellllllll! Good player died yet log wasn't anything special. If you have bad luck in that area you are fucked vs 7 :)
Erebos 2004-11-19 18:13:44
You got no friend here you fuckface, and you really missed the point about the recite delay, so pls go die again and learn how to live vs. avg pker as rancr or me HAHA pííííííčo!!!
Rancr2004-11-19 18:15:43
im below average:/
Elestir2004-11-19 18:24:09
That's what you wish, Erebos, nothing more. On the other hand I bet your best friend is Rancr. He is twisted in bit other way than you, but you still suit each other well. And I don't accept hints from some1 who doesn't even dare to come slag... :-)
Rancr2004-11-19 18:38:26
Elestir, entering slag area (not d from slag:P) really make you brave and shit:P gig ya r puss wuss wimp!
Elestir2004-11-19 19:03:02
... says some1 who sits in slag with tons of other orcs waiting for solo bypassers to wizkill...
And I didn't say it makes you brave to come slagish. I said I don't accept hints from some1 who doesn't even dare to come slag (or nocish in general).
Erebos 2004-11-19 20:09:21
In general you suck, I agree. And instead of writing HOWbraveyouare-comments you should beg here for some donations so you can buy a girl yourself or a cow...
Unknown2004-11-19 21:21:46
Erebos you're the one who had to stoop so low to kill Elestir, and now you just want to rub it in.
Unknown2004-11-19 21:23:36
Erebos - Perfect example of a bitchplayer who brings nothing to the table.
Gamli2004-11-19 21:28:59
Is it just me or is saying ""overkiller" Elestir dies almost always in small group or even solo."

really just mean you can't live _unless_ you're in a overkill group?:)
Unknown2004-11-19 22:55:03
Elestir pwns u?
Rancr2004-11-20 10:08:55
Elestir is a wimp all i can say, he proved it enuff when he let Tygr die to me and Lupus in moria...
Unknown2004-11-20 10:31:45
Next time, throw rock ironbars and run out crack or west-noc? That would be hillarious!
Ling2004-11-20 10:48:58
And how would he pass the mobs n of ironbars?

Or did I miss something?

I think he did good, bad luck on the powder (that it didn't blind the 8th orc).

And, we've been through this whining about hoarding before, he collected the eq = his choice of whom to give to = no one elses business.

Just tell me when you're out of Mandos Duke.
Luke2004-11-20 16:13:31
rock ironbars
use powders at mobs and flee w with leaving crack , done that before
Unknown2004-11-22 17:39:16
What is ebony scroll and ivory scroll???
Elestir2004-11-22 19:35:23
Actually thought about the idea about spamming through noc later as well, but to get into slag pit was not much easier than to flee to road, so I went for the road. And getting past the mobs at Foreman would require to use powder, and I had only one and decided to try it the way I did. They were just too many all around that bottleneck, thats the reason they succeeded. That's why bottlenecks are good, even hard-to-kill players can die there now and then. (but only those who dare to come there... :-))

You call me overkiller, I don't think I overkill more than other ppl, yet I don't like suicide missions, so sometimes I indeed end up overkilling. On the other hand, I have died to overkills so many times, it justifies even my eventual overkilling. (as an example: Luke needed 10 and noflee exit to kill me from what i remember and there were many other traps which outnumbered me in similar way)

Regarding Erebos, enuff was said. This theme just doesn't deserve any more words from my side.

Regarding the death of Tygr in Moria. It was a fuckup yes as sanc dropped in the worst moment. 2 hard hitting orcs vs 1 low-defence buffer with casters is probably better for the orcs. They have almost killed my dwarf, and when I barely managed to save myself (spammed out of bottleneck as they were only 2, not 8+ as this time), I realized Tygr is dying and it was too late to save him already (as I realized when I tried it). Whining on my wimpiness there is pointless, how would I help Tygr if I died there (i would die in next 2 hits most likely)?
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