You were doing great until the orc hit you back. The basterd!
2005-02-09 11:52:48
Sepha showed us his prowless and braveness :D
2005-02-10 05:04:21
thanks Impressed
Yes i was with sepha on my bear when he killed Lavic, i was grouped with him so i have him on my list also.
2005-02-10 17:14:04
SAchin is his bears name i was suprised he bashed skiminok at level 7 any way we werent xpin we were pkin and we fought skimok after we killed a scout pack so i was at wounded i had to get out but yah.
2005-02-18 22:11:05
Disclaimer: This comment is posted here simply to increase Andróg's chances in becoming nr.1 Top Commentator on
2005-02-19 18:11:24
Why so many shit logs these days? What happened to the days of the classic logs?