he had shitty eq...but...a good orc is a dead one... *clap*
2005-02-28 18:18:38
Years ago, charmies used to be fun and popular. Even entertaining at times, but pretty much worthless for pk. So, of course, the so-called "management" of MUME changed things. Now they are only good for abuse, I guess. It's very sad.
2005-02-28 23:14:12
Wait, you think charm is abused NOW?
I'm glad I got here after the charm-changes, I dont think I'd have had much fun dying to the people who would sit at choke points with half a dozen cave-lions...
Oh, and let's not forget mocho used charm to solo the balrog. ;)
2005-03-01 08:12:36
lets not forget how clump of roots were abused at old times:)
2005-03-01 08:49:36
Todays tarantulas sucks :/ i hope their lvl will be upgraded so you can charm only 1...
2005-03-01 17:52:24
Not like you were here for 'old times' Rancr. ;) Besides, roots aren't nearly as dangerous as muddle-lions. Suppoedly the bash/dmg muddle they use would stack, so if one landed it on you, the others would to, meaning that even if you broke free of one, you're still held, then the one you freed yourself from grabs you again.
Tarantulas don't need a level boost (but it'd be nice since the'd give more xp :P), muddle attacks liek their bites just need to be blockable. It's only a matter of time until someone charms a ton of low level mobs, like rabid wolves, and uses them in pk for the raw, unblockable damage. If you could only charm 1 spider, people would probably go back to using mountain trolls.
2005-03-01 23:19:34
Im always more worried about arachnia then muddle dmg :/
2005-03-15 19:05:08
! [*orc*] CW HP:Fine Mana:Burning *Desalniettemin the Orc*:Healthy>f *P*A*N*I*C* YOU CANT QUIT THE FIGHT!!! *P*A*N*I*C*
! [*orc*] CW HP:Fine Mana:Burning *Desalniettemin the Orc*:Healthy> *Desalniettemin the Orc* CLOSES the -[ woodendoor ]-
! [*orc*] CW HP:Fine Mana:Burning *Desalniettemin the Orc*:Healthy> (o)===--- YOU FLEE FROM BATTLE! ---===(o) *P*A*N*I*C* YOU CANT FLEE! *P*A*N*I*C*
! [*orc*] CW HP:Fine Mana:Burning *Desalniettemin the Orc*:Healthy># $door is now set to {woodendoor}.
! [*orc*] CW HP:Fine Mana:Burning *Desalniettemin the Orc*:Healthy>f
So while spamfleeing you manage to set doorvariable? you sure type fast lad
2005-03-19 11:05:47
yeah Dorfl i actually managed to set the door variable, not that i had to spam f f f ?