I hate mume!
posted by Mar
2005-06-15 07:21:43
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Unknown2005-06-15 08:02:55
Goood, the gods should give it more often, then maybe it would be less assholes on mume
Unknown2005-06-15 08:28:52
I agree with the first unknown.

There are too many teens infiltrating mume.
Unknown2005-06-15 09:27:05
Now all you need to do is kill yourself and this log would be complete. Waste of oxygen.
Unknown2005-06-15 09:58:32
Well whats even worse, not only teens acts so :/
Unknown2005-06-15 15:50:19
Vaire enjoyed that.
Mithfalen 2005-06-15 17:19:24
im sorry mar i really had to go and if those 8 trolls in golden cave woulda hit me once i woulda had to link rent :( besides me lvl 21 and targit way higher and a bunch of lvl 13-6-7-8-10 could not of took on 6 legend trolls so dont be angry and what did you narrte that made vaire so angry
Unknown2005-06-15 19:50:32
Let them eat each other, and maybe I'd have less people to put on ignore every time I login. Too bad you cannot put V+ on ignore as well.
Unknown2005-06-15 21:30:36
Mithfalen, do you ride the short bus to school?
Mar2005-06-16 00:11:30
Hem, well i dont want to kill myself really.... and it aint cool to even make jokes about suicide
Morwath2005-06-16 14:38:59
Kids, it's summer!! go swim or smoke whatever you like behind the corner, get drunk. why on earth you play mume. ?
Unknown2005-06-16 17:55:15
because mume is better
Unknown2005-06-16 20:27:40
summer?! its still pissing rain!
Britney2005-06-17 00:39:54
Hah! How can that moron be friend of Mithfalen the Great!!!!

Unknown2005-06-18 08:58:51
Fieldy 2005-06-18 17:39:57
Good job Vaire.
Mar2005-06-19 01:02:08
why is it that when someone insults me they always have their name as unknown XD
Unknown2005-06-19 02:56:19
cos i dont like you!
Tankist2005-06-19 20:58:22
What happened?
Mar2005-06-20 02:29:09
Why are so many people mean? JEEEZ what did i do to you dudes, and britney :(
KingLouieXIV2005-06-20 12:24:45
Vaire is just trying to be politically correct and abhor violence. *yawn* She's just so much better than everybody else. Well, maybe not to those of us who remember some of the nasty crap she used to narrate. Who cares if some guy is narrating about blowing off heads? It's a bit messy for my taste. I think chopping is a lot more civilized, but to each his own. I guess Vaire thinks we are just supposed to ask people to take their own fool heads off when they get annoying. Maybe in a perfect world, but on earth we have to be bit more assertive.
Unknown2005-06-20 16:43:37
maybe Vaire found religion....or something
Mar2005-06-23 06:31:08
I feel bad now :(
Frankie2005-06-29 11:50:06
You should kill yourself, Mar. And I know that I'm not joking and Mr. Unknown probably wasn't either.
Bitch2005-07-06 17:56:55
Omg,frankie suck big horsecock. How about u go get a tie,visit ur closet and don't come out? Mar rocks!
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