posted by DetectiveJerry
2005-08-22 09:12:55
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#### For those who want to flame the all-time
#### n00b Mithfalen! His 'secret' identity revealed!

*#>t sepha hey mith

Sepha tells you 'WHAT'

*#>t sepha guess who this is

Sepha tells you 'im sepha'

*#>t sepha its mar

Sepha tells you 'i dont know'

Sepha tells you 'oh hi'

Sepha tells you 'im not mith'

*#>t sepha this u right mith?

Sepha tells you 'i dont refer to that no more'
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Pallnit 2005-08-22 14:07:40
Very low to post this.. Not even I would do it
Wotan2005-08-22 18:19:30
Mithfalen was terminated - he paid for any offence so let it go.
Unknown2005-08-22 22:13:10
wtf is the point of this? you sad sh*t
Unknown2005-08-22 23:46:10
Whatever man. Why you break his character sep? Just shows you are so lame that you will attack him because you think it's cool. Die slow
Unknown2005-08-23 01:17:49
so who the hell are you? why do you keep your identity secret? what a true loser.
Aquiles2005-08-23 03:33:00
Dont talk about incog when you post with no name whining kids :P

Mithfalen, or sepha, tell us who was that and we spamkill him for being idiotic and brainless
Unknown2005-08-23 04:03:00
*#>t sepha its mar

doesnt exactly take a sherlock holmes to work this mystery does it *yawn*
Mar2005-08-23 05:43:15
well the fuck i care could less because most of players mumeing dont really caring about other people, they spit shit on other people and it makes them feel better. So fuck you I dont care, im proud to be my age forever bitchs.

Unknown2005-08-23 05:50:16
hes still been using sepha the whole damn time? he didnt even bother to make a new bear and was so proud of himself it was "secret"? god this kid is an idioit.
Myrddin2005-08-23 07:15:00
No, last Unknown, you are an 'idioit'. And why the fuck ruin other player's charsep? Those people are even bigger 'idioits' themselves...
lol2005-08-23 08:20:39
LOL hes only lvl 10 and went naked slag return to man form and let grays new char kill him
Unknown2005-08-23 15:28:45
the only brainless dickheaded idiots are the ones that are still bitching at mithfalen. if you stand there making fun of his age, obviously you are older.. right? then grow the fuck up and be the adult for once, low life, pathetic losers.
Unknown2005-08-23 16:52:44
I remember this Mar guy defending Mithfalen on many occassions only now to screw him over like this.

With friends like these.....
Myrddin2005-08-23 21:16:02

#### For those who want to flame the all-time
#### n00b Mithfalen! His 'secret' identity revealed!

This sentence structure is a tad to complicated for Mar/Mithfalen-type people... So, to be a detective once more, it's not probably Mar.
Unknown2005-08-23 21:28:31
i would have gotten away with it too if it hadnt been for you pesky kids!!!!
Unknown2005-08-24 02:37:01
Hmm, on one hand, I agree with you, Myrddin. But on the other, who in his right mind would pretend to be Mar even in a log?
Gehed2005-08-24 03:35:39
"So, to be a detective once more, it's not probably Mar."

It's Myrddin!
Unknown2005-08-24 07:47:52
Sepha have been his bear for a long time, maybe before he did duendel.

This was no big secret, and it's quite pointless to do this log.
Unknown2005-08-24 16:02:00
the issue here is no longer mithfalen and what character he is playing, but what kind of spineless twerp rats on a friend in this fashion.
kine2005-08-24 20:55:36
r0x0rz, finally i nailed mithfalen.. I just told him i was p mar. Aint i the smartest or what?
Unknown2005-08-24 21:05:42
wow,mume has turned into one giant douche fest:)
Myrddin2005-08-24 22:25:18
*sigh* It wasn't me. It is beyond most of the MUME community's mental capabilities to come up with sentences like "this u right mith?"
aldweth2005-08-25 02:36:25
hahahaha this log is so damn funny to read. and the comments are hilarious too. im a teenager and im glad i dont speak in cottage cheese language like detective jerry.
the line of the year is "this u right mith"

mume community is almost as bad as the kids who play halo 2 and talk on headsets.
Borja2005-08-25 03:40:32
Aldweth.. If I could express the world as a food pyramid, you'd be at the bottom of it. So I don't think you have any right to insult anyone at all :)
Kol2005-08-25 20:00:01
Borja, are you suggesting that Aldweth is composed of grains and we should have 6-11 servings per day? Or was that just a bad analogy?
aldweth2005-08-25 21:43:02
borja wtf does that mean ? are u at the top of the food chain meaning your healthy and im not healthy ? and why dont i have the right to insult a stupid log ? go suck a cock
Unknown2005-08-25 23:34:49
Mar just makes fun of anyone that anyone else is. He's just happy they don't target him. LOSER
aldweth2005-08-26 03:21:19
the fact very that all of u are very stupid and cannot see the funniest slight of note here is sad. humanity will come to an end, and it was not mar who posted this it was a stinky elf that stinks under the sky
aldweth2005-08-26 06:15:08
the last post wasnt by me ! tho its good to know im special enough to be imitated :)
sepha2005-08-26 06:17:29
no i dont play this char so haha too bad i play another bear good luck finding out
kine2005-08-26 14:14:47
well this made me proud!
someone wanna be just like me by posting comments in my name,awsome!
let me know who ya are and i give ya some hints on how to write comments just like me!
Unknown2005-08-26 20:42:30
You people are like a pack of hyenas. You prey on the weak, run them down then eat them alive.
Unknown2005-08-26 22:28:52
Former unknown: there is a difference between simply weak, who nobody is really bothered by, and the weak who make a point of being obnoxious, such as Mithfalen and Mar. One gets tired of putting Mithfalens and Mars on ignore and of seeing innocent websites spammed with crap even though these people have been told they weren't welcome.

I believe that I am generally considered a nice person. When I play (which isn't sufficiently often these days, partially because MUME is overrun by idiots like the ones this thread is about), I spend hours doing enchants, I give away a lot of cash and lowbie eq, and I answer a lot of newbie questions. But I do it for newbies who are generally OK-sounding, and not in-your-face obnoxious and stupid.

I know I do not sound particularly nice here, but I believe that those newbies who will not learn anything about netiquette or even admit its existence deserve everything they get. They should go hang out in an AOL chatroom somewhere instead of annoying MUME people.
sepha2005-08-27 05:36:29
who posted this log?
fingolan2005-08-27 07:27:22
someone needs to shut this site down...its pretty awful and the whole thing that you can post unknown just totally ruins the commenting....
fingolan2005-08-27 07:30:02
also the fact that tampons arent available at the diaper store just sickens me. sorry, just pmsing on my period..
sepha2005-08-27 08:13:42
This is the real sepha, and yes i am p(mithfalen) and ido play sepha and whoever posted this log i think u need to relax and calm down because i dont see why u need to do stuff like this, its gay. but for now i will play sepha since i am already doing well and no i did not die to greay's new char i did not even know greay had a new char because i know his site and on his whois none of his chars logged in a longtime....i think the peple here should really get a life
Mithfalen 2005-08-29 10:12:47
This log is so dumb i am not mithfalen, mithfalen is DEAD he doesent exist, and that last post was a fake sepha did not indeed post that. Jease mar your a jerk i cant believe i was your friend rl good luck to you, i hope you finally manage to get past lvl 7 one day
Leo2005-08-30 04:36:24
You son of a bitch mar is my old character and i didnt post this log you fucking whore
Leo2005-08-30 04:56:36
mith i dont care ur a fucking anytway all you do is think you're the greatest in mume, and fuck u i can get past level 7 so shut the fuck up?
Kine2005-11-18 01:32:39
Come on! Let me know who ya are! I'll give ya HINTS!! HINTS on how to write comments just like my!
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