summon log #2 when gods step in
posted by Unknown
2005-09-17 09:43:56
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Unknown2005-09-18 04:53:29
What is this fucking bullshit? You *can* summon someone, but don't you dare *do so*, or you'll be deleted? WHAT IS THE FEATURE IN THE GAME FOR IF IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE USED? In this instance, I approve of what happened. Clueless "midbies" with no right to such fine equipment were relieve of it; where's the problem?
Unknown2005-09-18 11:56:12
guess PGrang, bahr, snakr etc abused it too much trying to use it to mob people and the like, I however am just trying to roleplay.
Unknown2005-09-18 14:24:30
Useless spell, 99% pracced by assholes who steal mounts and ruin game for anyone who's gear costs more than 5 gold.
Unknown2005-09-18 18:27:04
For fucks sake wear an arda ring.
aldweth2005-09-18 19:52:57
only fucking losers with no lives would prac a spell that intentionally bothers people and ruins their day..
Unknown2005-09-18 20:13:20
If players are too clueless to not wear an arda ring then there eq is up for grabs. They only cost like 17 copper. It is wrong for the gods to step. The only thing they should do is allow for the summoner to get pk'd as a result of his actions not delete the char.
Labatt2005-09-18 23:42:36
hehe i have been pkd for this which is why i say mortals can handle it on their own, why take away my ability to rp a char like I want?
Unknown2005-09-19 09:32:21
some1 know his other chars? I have 20+ thrownaway legend puke chars who can meet their fate killing him again and again, till he understand we need to help newbies and midbies for future of mume....
Bahr2005-09-19 10:02:49
Well Yants fucked me over big time - killed my linkless (no novoid, noquit) ass in bree jail (peaceful room). Then I got sauroned, but it was worth mobripping a few kids!
Bahr2005-09-19 10:04:10
Oh and my ORCS, note ORCS Fjanten and Smrtici got demoted for samesiding, now that is LAME!
Stfu2005-09-19 13:11:37
Stfu Bahr, what happened to you was deserved.
Unknown2005-09-19 16:28:54
when I was newer to the game, I tried summoning a couple of players with a friend. what happened was that Yavanna stepped in and said that she would lower our align. that seems fair enough I think, or elbereth. but delete? thats bullshit, its a feature. I think summoning is lame as hell now, but its still a feature. oh and ffs wear arda rings. its quite simple.
Unknown2005-09-19 22:08:20
Abuse featue's and suffer the consequence(and you all know this was abuse). Think Nienor was lenient here - prob fliped a coin whether to delete or not.
Unknown2005-09-19 22:14:52
yea "abuses features" maybe suntrapping trolls is abuse of features, delete those motherfuckers, or maybe running an orc moveless in sun is?
Pedrag 2005-09-20 19:46:59
Suntrappig trolls or running orcs moveless is part of the 'war', while stealing newbs equipment is just uberlame...
If you so much want to 'rp' then play bn or.

And to the guy with the "20+ thrownaway legend puke chars ", i hope you know that using throwaway chars is also illegal? :p
Unknown2005-09-21 13:54:35
Pegrag: no worries .. I killed all mine chars during last 12 years several times trying to leave mume, so I am used to spamcreate legends. Levels comes and level goes .. If I can take some ill soul with I will be happy :)
Kheldur2005-09-26 00:31:22
XXX the Elven Sentry has several bruises.
XXX the Elven Sentry seems to have:
A bound up deep wound at the right arm.
Elmwood the Elven Sentry is using:

You are such an asshole and brainless that you cant even hide the guy's ID, get a life!
Unknown2005-09-27 13:07:39
ack you unmaked my random newbie who got eq, im sure theres another explanation!!!??
Unknown2005-09-28 00:36:33
Myrddin2005-09-29 13:02:50
Nah, Deadfloweria logs are better :)
Sogard 2005-10-05 01:05:47
I see Nienor is as batshit insane as ever.

Honestly i dont see much point to the summon spell when transfer does the same thing and saves eq (yes i know lower mana/lvl). Summon still exists and there's really only one use to it, and this log showed it.

I guess Nienor's solution is what they'll do with sauron's list being gone.

Still, robbing midbies like that is pretty gay. Sometimes people do luckout and get a handout from random players (not on pukeside but it happens :P).
Unknown2005-10-09 21:47:45
This is not Robin-Hood-Shit. This is ruining some players fun.
Players, who do not know better. Not because they are dumb, but because they do not know - yet (read my last sentence again, "not dumb" is the important part here). They just (in terms of MUME) started the game.

So, summoning here and there may be fine, but do it a lot, is the deep of an utter stupid-one and demotion is the best punishment for this.
Carniminimmiel2005-10-22 04:34:50
Picking on lowbies is mean. Picking on legends who should know better and giving their equip to low levels who appreciate the value of an arda ring, now that's priceless!
Labatt2005-10-22 09:14:35
Oh legendary summoner, why are you deleted?, and why can't I make a char using your likeness?
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