Dunharrow to Pelennor
posted by Merry
2006-03-15 05:49:58
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VARKAUN2006-03-15 07:17:40

Unknown2006-03-15 07:56:36
. HP:Awful>pray Denethor samesiding me, help
You are incapacitated, and can't do anything!

The voice of Denethor says 'Denethor: Set a fire in our flesh.'

. HP:Awful>nar Denethor gonna sameside and burn my corpse, someone help
You are incapacitated, and can't do anything!

Nice one
Unknown2006-03-15 18:49:46
Again, why the crappy movie version???
Unknown2006-03-16 04:18:20
because he havent read the book ? New generation. Thats why i hate that movie.
Unknown2006-03-16 05:56:23
Do you think anyone would spend time reading the book to make a log?
Unknown2006-03-16 07:12:56
Very neat. Thanks, I had a good laugh.
Unknown2006-03-16 12:06:37
yes, what a waste of time... reading book. You have crap movie instead it.
Unknown2006-03-16 22:54:00
I liked it, make all of the movies and put it on Elvenrunes!
Gaheris2006-03-17 01:14:51
Cmon guys, as if it would be interesting at all to change the BOOKS into logs. It makes more sense to use the movie versions, as they are both shorter and not already written out, and open far more possibilities for throwing in "mume-isms". This log was excellently done, no point in flaming it just because you "think the Books were better".
Unknown2006-03-17 02:18:46
Right, even though the movies contained completely unnecessary and nonsensical plot points, like Aragorn getting lost on the way to Dunharrow, or Frodo and Sam's lover's quarrel on the way to Cirith Ungol, and totally clunky and ridiculous dialogue, like Eowyn and Aragorn's supposed possibility of romance, and Arwen being mysteriously ill for some reason which is never addressed again.
Unknown2006-03-17 23:47:42
The elves that showed up at Helm's Deep just in the knick of time...yea...completely and utterly fabricated for the movies...but did you know that Arwen was supposed to be in the Helm's deep scheme and kicking some major ass with her super-battle-elf powers? Thank god that madness left them before the final cut of the movie came out.
SameUnknownAbov2006-03-17 23:49:50
But these logs are pretty neat to read. Keep em coming.
Alian 2006-03-18 01:51:50
Really nice. Keep em' comming.
MerryGimliFaramir2006-03-18 06:33:46
Actually this is my last log. Bye all.
Unknown2006-03-24 15:44:12
Nice & funny!

Dont listen to flamers ;)
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