posted by Vick
2006-10-15 20:01:12
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heh...just a mystery info
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Point2006-10-15 21:04:43
Unknown2006-10-15 22:22:30
is vt the right answer? :O
Eros2006-10-15 23:01:48
Ummm... just a shot in the dark here... but I would wajor a guess that you might be... Vick??!:P Btw, edit a bit next time... very long!
Unknown2006-10-16 06:03:32
you are just a faggot...
Waru2006-10-16 06:46:51
actually this was just a test log to see if i could log logs...this was my fist log..so take an easy on me...and if you call me a faggot at least post your REAL name..i mean come on u not afriad of a hero 2nd age bad ass hero are you?
Erebos2006-10-16 08:09:07
Waru2006-10-16 17:50:11
and to add on to it all....i even uploaded wrong log...i was gonna put my stats and stuff to see if you all could guess it....and maybe someone would follow in my example and post there uber stats...(for mine or far from good, even tho im loving my str and con atm)
Elizalde 2006-10-17 06:05:43
hehe, I don't know why but the whole "point" thing was kinda cute, I just noticed it. 8)
Mandor 2006-10-19 17:50:07
Do you wish me to delete this log?
Ethar2006-10-21 21:04:45
What happened in this log? edit pls
Rodnam2006-11-13 09:21:20
Do you wish to die?
Unknown2006-11-18 03:28:02
You're a spammy newb.
BouncingRabbit2007-02-13 19:27:56
1, 0%, A cute, bouncing rabbit

God damn, so it was you who killed me!!!!! I'll remember that!
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