Bourlim vs. Me (he calls 5 more)
posted by Waru
2006-10-16 05:18:39
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a fight. where only i die..lame
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Unknown2006-10-16 06:03:49
Waru2006-10-16 06:44:09
post your name u fucking coward...
Unknown2006-10-16 07:35:30
It's Slag...

Like expecting a fair fight in wrns...
Waru2006-10-16 17:48:10
there was not one fellow darkie within NOC or even near dt.. i was about to rent at the time and was just wanted a fair fight...

my problem is that i trust people to fight one on one...he was winning and still he called...i was just stupid....when i saw them i knew it was over... i cant spam wortha shit with 200ms link...and new hotkeys.
Elizalde 2006-10-17 00:00:46
Waru, you never played vs Bourlim? I knew before I spammed to the end of the log that Alarandil would arrive with more following him. Bourlim has not played without Alarandil and these kinda tactics for like 5 years I think.
Waru2006-10-17 00:54:13
well im still yet new to the game ive only been playing a year and a half or less... i trusted him to fight me 1vs1 i got what i deserved for even thinking it...from now on i will alwayz have backup if things get bad...

i never even heard of Bourlim until i was fighting him of course...i knew he was lureing tho

i was just to stupid and kill horny not to run my little ass back into NOC :(
Waru2006-10-17 00:56:37
and OMG not until now did i notice he had the hammer of belegost :((

no wonder he was pwning me..
Unknown2006-10-17 02:30:55
I used to be sorry for people like you. Unfortunately, my patience turned out not to be limitless. The trouble is, I doubt many other people have limitless patience.

Have you ever considered figuring out why you are annoying everybody so much and maybe doing something about it? Ask people, maybe they give you some hints...
Unknown2006-10-17 02:33:21
And, btw, spamming this site does not make you look cool.

There are reasons you did not post all this stuff on the competitors' site. Perhaps for these reasons you should not have posted it here as well?
Unknown2006-10-17 07:01:39
lawl wat unkonwn seid
Unknown2006-10-20 08:24:03
he was pwning you because you suck..his eq diddnt have shit to do with whitie for a while maybe and learn how to really play, you'll go back with lots more experience. actually no, we like free 100k
Unknown2006-10-20 12:09:38
"Fair fights" is a fairy tale for newbie players so "experienced" ones can get at least some kills.....

I give you a hint, dont expect fair fights ! always overkill, gac and piss on their corpses!
Eros2006-10-21 03:38:22
*comf* First of all we were 3 more not 5, and he didn't call us... we were trying to get some kills, so we cruised to noc... we were waiting outside for him to find a darky etc, and you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I am sorry though, I hate when this happens to me... just be very wary... if you would have been watching closely, you could tell that the dwarf was wimpy, and therefore not trying to kill you... when he went aggressive on that last bash he took you down a heck of a lot of hits!
Unknown2006-10-26 02:42:29
How are you complaining about calling more when the first thing you did when you saw him slag was narrate for help?
Waru2006-11-01 18:59:16
i would say....he was fucking wielding the hammer of belegost! :D
Unknown2006-11-03 16:18:35
eros I for one know that is bs and elizalde ofcourse you would know youve basically been with errr you are a know it all and waru cry me a river
Bourlim2006-11-12 01:17:24
I knew even before i view this log that elizalde would comment with some bull....but if i remember correctly u have never run solo in your entire mume have come along way since Transe but not that far
Elizalde 2006-11-13 23:38:54
I wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers Bourlim, just stating the obvious when you play certain characters. So how is that bull? I don't think anything is wrong with your playstyle either, I just know coming prepared for it usually makes a better fight. 8)
Flordor2007-01-10 10:31:49

nar bourlim slag
narr need hlep

So, you called backup aswell. :) Oh, and Gloomer narrated that Alarandil was probably around. :)
FuckWaru2007-01-12 00:01:10
Dude, you fucking gac and rekill anyway, why whine assfuck.

(go fuck your mom)
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